Is It A Good Idea To Put Salt On Wound To Disinfect It

Is it a good idea to put salt in a shallow skin wound to disinfect it?

These days it's mostly cuts or punctures as far as wounds go for me.If I'm out, I wash with soap and water and cover the wound until I get in. I'm diabetic so I always have alcohol swabs and band aids with me. Neosporin too.If the wound still looks and feels dirty after I'm inside, I may use a little hydrogen peroxide (it may sting) and then apply neosporin.If I wound myself at home or work and not outside, I don't find the need to disinfect.Its really the wounds on my feet that I tend to disinfect.I haven't fallen off of a bike and into the dirt in years. Abrasions caked with dirt are awful!

Beer disinfect wound?

if i have a deep cut on my arm and i pour beer on it will it help disinfect it because it has alcohol in it? what about vodka? and what if i have a cut and i swim in the ocean? will the salt disinfect the wound?

Is whiskey really safe for disinfecting wounds?

Yep. But a bottle of iodine is smaller and way cheaper. If you really want to be prepared when you go into the woods, mix up a paste of sugar and iodine to pack cuts. Won’t hurt as much and will stay put under the bandage.Once upon a time whisky was very cheap, and everybody carried some for liquid calories. These days, with branding and excise taxes pharmacy rubbing alcohol is a better choice as a cleaner, but a very poor lifestyle choice for liquid calories, as it is hard on sundry of the body’s organs.

Would putting salt water on a burn be a good idea?

I would not recommend doing so. If the burn covers a relatively large surface area of your skin or if it is deep you should see a doctor. The most important thing about treating burns is to prevent them from getting them infected so I would recommend placing a sterile gauze over the burn and use Micropore (paper tape) to hold it in place. If you have a blister, do not burst it open or you will be likely to get an infection. To relieve the pain you could use a wet gauze, but you have to be very careful to use CLEAN water. The best would be to use saline solution, but if you don’t have any you can use bottled water (it is clean enough).

Does putting salt on a wound help it heal?

no, but it would burn like hell -try it

Why do soldiers put salt on open wound?

It is not salt, and I don't believe they do it anymore.
Did you see this in old war documentaries and war movies from WWII and Korea? Back then their really weren't any antibiotics to speak of. Penicillin had been discovered, but its use was still far from standard, and it was very expensive. The white powder they would pour into an open wound was a disinfectant. It had to be poured onto the wound because it was to toxic to be given orally or IV, and they applied it in the field because as soon as the bacteria migrated away from the surface of the wound the disinfectant would be worthless.
I'm not positive but I believe this disinfectant was an early sulfa drug, before they developed forms that could be safely given orally.

Does salt help clean minor cuts and wounds?

No. It will hurt really bad. This site has all the info you need.

Can you use table salt to clean a wound?

Absolutely. Cleaning wounds with salt goes back to the Greeks, Romans and Egyptians.The cleaning solution is 2 teaspoons of table salt per 1 quart of water. You should soak the wound for 20 minutes 3 times per day.This salt water solution is called saline. Putting too much salt in the water will hurt and delay healing because it will destroy normal tissue.The saline floods the inflamed area, cleans away any bacteria and reduces the mucus that keeps the wound moist which delays healing. Even if there is no bacteria in the wound, the saline will help prevent any from growing it it later.