Is It A Possibility That Men And Women Have A Different Definition Of What A

What's the definition of a "foreign wife/woman" men refer to and find appealing?

If he's got other great qualities so far, I'd give him a chance to qualify his remark. If not, see it as the red flag it probably is. You seem like more of a "big picture" thinker than most western women, & seem to appreciate men for what they are, so he might have stupidly associated that with being an asian/russian bride-type, when it certainly isn't necessarily.
Now, more to your question. There are 2 main benefits of western women, they're more fun/intelligent & can be more of a friend than non-western women. Most other aspects of most western women are negatives. They're conflicted about their own needs & don't know it, they want to have their cake and eat it too, they're unappreciative, and generally want men to be at least somewhat ashamed for being a man (selfish, uncivilized, wishing for Pamela Anderson).

Is it possible for a woman to produce twins of different fathers?

Yes, but it’s extremely rare and unlikely. According to the Associated Press in 2016, there had only been seven recorded cases of it worldwide since 2011 and only one in the United States. It’s the result of a phenomenon known as heteropaternal superfecundation. So, ordinarily, a woman becomes pregnant with a single child when one of her eggs is fertilized by one sperm cell from a single man.A woman becomes pregnant with fraternal twins when two of her eggs are released at the same time and both are fertilized by different sperm cells from the same man at the same time. A woman becomes pregnant with identical twins when one egg is released and fertilized by a single sperm cell from a single man, but then splits into two separate but identical eggs early in the pregnancy.Heteroparternal superfecundation occurs when a woman’s ovaries release one of her eggs, she has sex with a man, and the egg becomes fertilized. Then, a few weeks later, the woman’s ovaries release a second egg, even though she is already pregnant (a phenomenon known as superfecundation). Then, she has sex with a different man and the man fertilizes the newly-released, unfertilized egg. This is an extremely rare phenomenon and it has only happened a few recorded times in the entire past decade. It’s one of those incredibly bizarre, rare events where the circumstances all have to go exactly the right way in order for it to happen.There is another way a woman could hypothetically become pregnant with twins from different men, but it’s so wildly unlikely that I don’t think it has ever actually happened in the history of humanity. This would be if the woman’s ovaries released two eggs at the same time and she was having double vaginal penetration by two different men at the same time and both came inside her and then the two eggs happened to be fertilized by sperm cells from different men. That situation is so wildly implausible, though, and relies on so many factors going exactly the right way that I’m 99.999% sure it’s never really happened.

How​ is it possible for twins to have two different fathers?

There are two kinds of human twins, as with many animals. Identical twins come about because a blastocyst (an already fertilised egg) splits in two shortly after fertilisation to create two embryos, each with the same genes. So identical twins always have the same father and mother.Fraternal twins occur when two eggs happen to arrive in the uterus together instead of the usual one. If both are fertilised, they develop into two independent embryos that are no more or less similar than any brother or sister. Half the time, they are brother and sister. They are still twins. They will have the same father too, unless……If the woman has sex with two men closely after one another or is impregnated with the sperm of two men while she has two unfertilised eggs in her uterus, there is the chance (but not a certainty) that each could be fertilised with the sperm of a different father. That would lead to fraternal twins with the same mother and different fathers. It has happened, but rarely. It happens more often in other mammals.Then we have IVF. It would be possible to implant two donor embryos together, each taken from a different parental pair, into the uterus of one woman. If implantation of both is successful, she will then have two biologically unrelated surrogate babies, each with a different father and mother. Whether you would call them twins is a matter of definition. I doubt if that has ever been allowed to happen, but theoretically it would be possible.

Is it possible for someone with a split personality, to have a male and a female personality?

As far as I know, there is no evidence today supporting true “split personalities” or “multiple personalities.” Yet, the idea that we have and use a single preferred personality for all occasions is also not evident. For many of us we experience the world or address it in a multitude of ways but still as ourselves.During our gestation in the womb, we all begin as females, one hormone “estrogen” must stop being released for female genitalia to stop being formed, then, later in the pregnancy, another hormone “testosterone” must be released for male genitalia to form. When fully formed we are made up of the same stuff, meaning men have some estrogen in them, and women have some testosterone in them. For this reason, it is likely possibility that we have emotions or feelings even drives, that are more consistent with opposing feminine or masculine personality.Because we cannot scientifically create this experience thus far, it is more anecdotal, however, I don’t discount the many people that feel they have two sides in their personality that drive them… and it helps to define them as female and male. This is a subjective experience that is defined by ourselves about ourselves.It may be best to find others who have felt the same way to discuss it with. As I know of many who live happily between these two places, as well as ones who happily shifting back and forth between them, I can say that it is alright to speak of it this way, while having no other evidence or need for proof.While some will be open to the idea, others will feel it threatens a natural balance. I believe the more we feel secure in ourselves, the less we care about how others identify from moment to moment. So, beware that with my belief that this is okay and normal, some may feel anger and treat you badly.Good luck.

Do men still like submissive women?

Not all men but in general yes. The physical and behavioral traits that men find attractive in women have changed very little over the past few hundred years. It's almost impossible to socially engineer something natural like what people find attractive.

How can it be mathematically possible that men on average have more heterosexual sex partners in their lifetime than females?

The video in this news report claims that on average, males have had 18 female partners while females have 8:

How is this mathematically possible? Every time a man has sex with a new female sex partner, a female is also having sex with a new male sex partner right?

It shouldn't matter if there are male players who sleep with an extraordinary number of girls. Each time they sleep with a new girl, that girl also sleeps with a new guy.

Can men and women be friends?

Yes.I have this friend of mine, Raj. Raj and I are college buddies. He was made to sit beside me because his English was weak. We became close friends soon after.He has been to my house numerous times, so have I to his. We both have special privileges at each others homes. My mom asked me hundred times if I want to marry him or there was something in between us that I am not telling her.His family had the same doubt. But there was nothing between us. He knows my likes and dislikes and I know his. We have a great chemistry. We understand whatever the other person is thinking.We would go for outstation trips. Create terrific memories. I was his wing woman too.But we never felt that way about each other. He was always a good friend for me. Friends around us would say we will fall in love eventually but nothing of that sort happened.I fell in love first and he was so happy. When he met my husband, then boyfriend, he wished us all the happiness in the world. I got married but Raj and my relation stayed the same. My husband has also found a friend in him and I am so glad about it.He too got married recently, and I was thrilled to the core. We are blessed to have understanding spouses who do not have any problem with the bonding that we share.It's been 11 years since we have been friends and we are about to go for a holiday. The four, actually five of us.A man and a woman can always be friends.That's us!

As humans, do women have equal value as men? I "believe" they have, but is this possible to prove objectively?

We all bring different things to the scales as individuals and its extremely dubious to say which group of individuals is more valuable than another group because a large part of the answer will depend on who you ask and what they consider valuable.However, since you asked the question, I would ‘Objectively’ say women have a higher value in the same way that the queen ant or queen bee has a high objective value to the colony than workers or soldiers. Say you have two tribes. Tribe A had 200 members, half of which are women. Tribe B also has 200 people, half of which are women. An epidemic hits both tribes. Tribe A losses 90% of its males and Tribe B losses 90% of its females. Which tribe do you think has lost more?Tribe A now has 10 men per 100 women. That’s rough as there will be a gap of about 15 years before the next generation of males are born and come of age… but you can basically continue to grow (albeit with hardship) almost as if nothing happened.Tribe B now has 100 men per 10 women. That means their numbers for the next generation will be drastically cut. The tribe would cease growing and it would be an epic disaster. They would be forced to compete brutally for the women or attack neighboring tribes etc and risk death regularly…There is a reason why we send the guys to die (in war and dangerous jobs) whilst the ladies largely stay home… They have much more value to the tribe…