Is It Bad That One A Week Eat Something High In Carbs For Lunch

Do we gain weight if we eat one meal a day?

I am glad to see so many responses here, as I thought I had “discovered” this method of losing weight. I was quite a bit overweight (5′10, 245 lbs up until the last few years). Then I started playing Pickleball 6 hours a week and walking several hours a week as well and managed to get down to around 225 lbs, but couldn’t seem to go any lower. Then I began going out more and more to lunch buffets (there are several really excellent ones in Bloomington) and just “coasting” through the afternoon and evening, avoiding all snacks. I have lost steadily using this regimen and now I hover between 176 and 180. I used to eat a light breakfast (steel-cut oats or cereal and milk or half an orange, one egg and one or two pieces of toast) but I find I can do just fine without breakfast.I find several advantages to this method in addition to losing weight. I believe I have more free time due to not having to shop, prepare, or clean up after meals. What’s more, I believe the cost of the ingredients is quite close to what I would have to pay individually and the fridge never gets stuck with unused fruits, veggies, meat, or cheese.Since I am a type II diabetic I also try to avoid all fruit juices except tomato juice and I always leave dessert until last, so as to not spike my blood sugar. I also control blood sugar with Metformin after lunch and later in the afternoon and/or early evening. Not keeping any snacks in the house used to be necessary, but now I find I don’t crave them so much and the extra vitality I feel from not having to carry around all that surplus weight is a great motivator.Finally, I must mention a downside or two: 1) it’s less easy to socialize with people who want to go out for dinner rather than lunch, and 2) I have no more cushion on my butt, so sitting for long periods is not comfortable! I have started doing squats to build up my glutes.Every single person I have told about this method is “certain” they couldn’t go the long period between lunches without eating, but that has become a non-issue for me after a while on this regime. (Of course if you are hypoglycemic or have some other medical condition you shouldn’t try this type of diet without consultation with your physician)

I do not eat lunch, is this bad?

Well, to lose weight effectively, healthfully, and in a way that you can keep it off, you should lose no more than three pounds a week. (Plus you'll also be losing water weight and getting rid of bloating, so there goes another load of weight - anywhere from four to twenty pounds.)

Cut out entirely (or as very best as you can):
-Junk food
-Carbs other than whole-grain and whole-wheat
-Anything with high fructose corn syrup
-Anything with "sugar" as one of the first two ingredients
-Oil other than olive or canola oil
-Full-fat dairy
-Potatoes, other than sweet potatoes

Eat around 1,600 calories a day. This should consist of:
-Four or five servings of lean meat/protein
-One serving of whole-grain/whole-wheat carbs
-One serving of fat-free dairy
-Three servings of fruit
-Five servings of vegetables
-As many non-starchy vegetables as you want (this means no squash, sweet potatoes, carrots, corn, or lima beans.)

Breakfast - two scrambled eggs with salt and pepper on one piece of light whole-grain bread, one apple, small container of fat-free yogurt

Snack - orange

Lunch - grilled chicken breast with spices, spinach and lettuce salad with vegetables and dressing made from vinegar, olive oil, salt, and pepper

Snack - half-cup of baby carrots, half-cup of grapes

Dinner - one roasted chicken breast with spices, half-cup of black bean salad or black beans with spices, two cups of steamed vegetables with a teaspoon of olive oil and salt and pepper

Every day, you need to get cardio exercise for at least an hour. Ride a bike, walk, run, do jumping jacks, kick boxing, anything.

If I only eat cereal for breakfast and a salad for lunch for 2 weeks how much weight will I lose?

WOW - forget this diet - eat your cereal in the morning, have fruit at 10am - have some soup and salad for lunch and fruit at 3pm and a nice - sensible supper. Something like fish/chicken/steak/1 veggie/tea/fruit/nuts/popcorn/ - there are all kinds of food you can eat and NOT feel guilty. I really hope you need to loose weight. Remember, you have to exercise, walk, swim do something. Skip a rope - and combine 8 large glasses of water consumption during the day - Don't forget to eat. You will NOT loose any weight by skipping meals, the body will be vary confused and will do the EXACT opposite and when you do eat, it will STORE the intake for fear your not going to feed yourself again. That is one of the main causes of weight gain. Inconsistent eating pattern. Be careful and Please Get Happy with You Own Body.. I know your loved, just the way you are.

Is it unhealthy to eat 2 meals a day, and how bad could it be?

No Intermittent Fasting at 16. Eating two meals a day is good for those in their 40s or 50s but not at 16. You cannot continue IF for lifelong. How do you manage without snacks and with just two meal at this age? How will you manage 10am and 5pm schedule when you go to college? How will you refuse to eat lunch at family or friends gathering? If I refuse a snack at age 50, it is considered good. At 16, it will be seen rude.You should not avoid exercise though exercising will not make you lose weight. On the contrary , you may increase your weight through exercise. But exercising is essential for good health of your body and mind. Weight is just one health indicator and not the only one.Be active. Walk or cycle to your college/school.Instead of cutting down meals, reduce refined carbs and sugar. Drink milk without sugar. Cut down aerated drinks. Eat more green vegetables. Eat more dietary fat and protein.

Is it better to eat nothing at all than eating fast food?

So we can assume this question is, whether you should skip a meal if your only other choice is fast food.So let’s break it down.Why is fast food generally considered bad for you.High levels of fat, carbs, salt and sugarLow levels of fresh fruit and vegetables (yes a Subway sandwich without the sauce is actually pretty good for you)The amount that we eat. Salt and sugar fools us into eating more. Upsizing and meal deals make us buy more.What about skipping a mealThis can lead to low levels of energy and inability to concentrate, especially when we have physical activity to perform (I have been on a long hike where we didn’t stop for lunch, and some people were feeling dizzy by the end of the day).Meal skipping can meal we eat more snack food (which is usually less healthy.)There are many people who happily skip a meal. Some skip breakfast and others lunch. Personally I don’t find this a good idea.I guess the real answer is that, if your only choice is fast food, then choose the healthier options, choose smaller portion sizes and bring your own fruit and vegetables. There is nothing that unhealthy about fast food. The problem is usually related to how much and how often you eat it.Today I skipped lunch, but had fruit to eat instead. If I didn’t have fruit I would have bought something unhealthy. But my dinner with be fairly healthy and maybe will do the same for lunch tomorrow.