Is It Bad To Cut Your Hair When Pregnant People Have Told Me It Is But I Wanna Cut My Hair Dose

Should people with big heads get short hair cuts?

No not really because short hair frames your face and depending on your cut can give yur hair more body making your head appear bigger. When cutting your hair short you also have to take into account your body and face shape. If your slightly on the larger side then you should stick to longer hair to balance out your body helps to blend the head and neck into the body instead of cutting it off. And some face shapes just don't suit short hair!

Hawaiian pregnancy legends, Its not ok if you cut your hair while pregnancy?

I really wanna trim my hair but my bf said I can't cause Hawaiian tradition/legends, you can't cut your hair during pregnancy because I'm changing myself before the baby comes?! and that's bad, So is that true?

I'm 39 weeks pregnant and went to get my haircut.?

They told me that I have lice and they can't cut my hair. My scalp, arm pits and neck have been itching me since I was 20 weeks. So I just thought the white stuff in my hair was dandraff or scalp that I scratched off. They said that it was lice eggs.

I've had other people look at my hair and they said it comes out easy. The beautician said it was stuck on my hair. So what should I do? I don't want to treat for something I don't have and I'm so close to my due date. Tommorow I go to work and don't get off until Monday at 8 am. Do you think it could be lice? Any way to positively identify it. Doctors office was already closed when I called.

Is it true that if you let a pregnant woman do your hair it will fall out?

It's because the fetus actually attaches itself to your scalp in the process of getting your hair cut. Afterwards, it waits until you sleep and eats away at the roots of your hair to suck the life force from your hair follicles.

Don't trust pregnant women who want to cut your hair; they're evil.

Is it safe to dye your hair if you’re pregnant?

Absolutely. This is an old wives tale. About 20 or so years ago, the FDA released a statement that hair color was not shown to affect fetal development in any way. They even tested pregnant hairstylists,as the palms,and the small invisible cuts on the skins,actually can absorb external chemicals. A healthy scalp can not. No correlation to any kind of fetal distress was found. Once upon a time,heavy metals were used in formulations(think Grecian Formula). Such as lead and bismuth. We don’t use them anymore. I was pregnant while a hairdresser,my soo is fine. I have pregnant friends and clients who had no issues. You would have to drink the stuff to even get it in your system!That said,if your doctor says not to color your hair while under their care,I would advise you have a frank discussion about this to understand the doctor’s concern. I personally know a woman married to a prominent GYN in my area who advised his patients not to color their hair. I saw her through 2 pregnancies and she never gave up coloring HER hair.

I want my long hair cut off soooo bad, but I just can't do it!?

Ok, long story, but it's kinda complicated...

I'm 16. I have very long, black hair that goes just past my butt. I've had it this long for years. I love it, but lately I've gotten sick of it, and I just want it chopped off! It looks good, the boys at school love it and I get many compliments from girls too, but I also get people telling me I need it cut short, and I'm starting to agree with them! I'm tired of brushing it and combing it and washing it and drying it and straightening and curling and braiding it and everything! It would just be so much easier if it was cut short! I want something really short too, like a bob, if not that, then shoulder length.

So, I asked this question already, and the best answer said to make a salon appointment and stick to it, so I did. It was this past weekend. I went it, expecting to get it all cut off, getting really excited. My stylist called my name, and I sat in the chair. This was when I started to get scared. I didn't want to lose my hair. I thought of how much I used to love it and how the guys swooned over it. I spent forever brushing it that morning, thinking about how much I was gonna miss it. There were MANY people in the salon, and I didn't want to attract attention, with all my long hair falling down to the floor. Then, she put the cape on, and that's when I REALLY started to fear my hair being cut, as if the cape was some kind of military uniform (No disrespect to them, I just couldn't think of a better analogy.), ready to make me a new, short haired person. She asked me what I wanted, and I heard the voice in my head say "Come on, tell her to just cut it off. You don't like it long anymore. You want it short. You know you'll like it better. Tell her!' But I chickened out, and I said "Just a trim like usual."

Now that that's over with, I regret not cutting my hair short. (You can't even really tell I got a haircut.) I'm really sick of it now. It's really getting on my nerves, I want it all cut off. How can I get the courage to do it? I know I want short hair, but I can't let go of my long hair? How can I get it cut?!?!? Please help!

What does it mean if I dreamt someone cut my hair?

Hair is often a libido symbol. When the hair is cut it could mean that libido, your psychic energy, is cut down. It can no longer sprawl in all directions, like the uninhibited immature thoughts of youth. Many young people have thrown away their lives by "running wild", or not maintaining focus. So it could mean self-control and responsibility, becoming more like an adult male. When nuns enter a convent, their hair is cut. They can no longer follow their own libidinous drive but must now follow the rules of the convent. This is what it means to grow up; it means to cut your hair, figuratively speaking. Most women never do that. They remain infantile all their lives. Luckily, they have in history always relied on the judgment of a man. Today, many women prefer to live alone. This is bad, because they have a hard time shouldering moral responsibility, and tend to remain in an illusory world. It may also have a bearing on spiritual life, as borne out by Gospel of Thomas, logion 114.M. Winther, Depth psychology and spiritual tradition

My boyfriend doesn't want me to cut my hair, should I cut it anyways?

It's too long and boring and I'm sick of it but he thinks I'll cut it too short and he says if I cut it then I don't care what he wants but I's my hair, so shouldn't I be able to do what I want with it?

Why do women cut their hair short when they go through depression?

That’s not exactly what goes on. Cutting hair is about change. So in fact, cutting hair is usually not a sign of depression, but of moving forward. The reason is that energetically, hair holds a lot of stuff. Your old emotions, patterns, thoughts and memories, as well as both dirty energy, and spiritual energy, if you meditate a lot, are all stored in the hair. Many times when women go through a major life change, they change their hair. Breakups and job changes are the usual triggers. Births of children as well. Cutting off all of that enables you to start fresh. Yogis grow their hair long because of the good energy stored in the hair from their meditation. It is a source of power to them, and can act as a cleanser and energizer when used properly. Mostly, cutting the hair symbolizes letting go.