Is It Bad To Drink A Small Bottle Of Water All In One Go I Don

Is drinking three 22oz water bottles in 1 hour bad?

A popular myth which came from a suggested dietary guideline by the National Council on Health decades ago suggests that fluid intake equivalent to eight full 8 floz glasses of water each day should be consumed to support proper dieting. However, that guideline was not intended to mean eight glasses of water in addition to your other beverages and the water you ingest in foods. It meant the eight glasses is the total amount of water an average person should have to ensure they do not become dehydrated while dieting because much of our daily water does come from food.

Although it is true that if you ingest only water, you will lose fat, it makes for a bad diet and eventually water intoxication or hyperhydration. --> And, if water was used to keep you bloated to help you refrain from doing what you should be doing, eating high quality food, how would you keep from gaining the fat back when you stopped bloating yourself with water?

The best way to diet is to eat good quality, wholesome, nutritious, and varied foods with no supplements every two hours while keeping your daily caloric intake about 500 calories below your daily burn and your macronutrient rations about 55/20/25. In regard to water, all you need do is mind your thirst and keep it quenched.

If you're concerned about water, look at your urine. If it's pale yellow, you're getting sufficient water. If it's dark yellow, you need to ingest more water.

For more information go to -->

Good luck and good health!!

Can opened bottle water go bad?

I don't think it can go bad but I do think it can "stale". That's what my family says when the water's been sitting for a while and when you drink it again, it tastes bad.

And the plastic bottle cannot hurt your water, no matter how long you leave it in there...

The worst that may happen is opening it and closing it may allow microscopic organisms into the water and if you close it up and leave it there for a LONG time, mold and such may develop. But I have a tendency to leave bottles in my room for long periods of time (I collect them)...and so far water has never developed any visible mold and etc.

Is drinking a whole bottle of water at once bad for you?

Assuming your talking about a normal half-litre or one litre bottle, you're fine. Water intoxication doesn't start until you've drank much larger quantities than that.

Is it bad to drink a lot of water at once?

It's not bad to drink lots of water in a short of period of time as long as you drinking it slowly. But it's bad to drink too much water at a fast rate.

There was a woman who died last year in Sacramento, CA because she dranked more than a gallon of water in an extremely short period of time. She was attending a contest to win a Nintendo Wii console for her kids and the winner was whoever drinked the most water in a blast.

Can drinking nothing but water be bad for you?

so for the past 3 months i've been drinking nothing but water because i don't really want to drink soda or sugar drinks or anything like that and i don't really like substitutes so i decided id go all natural and just drink water (occasional orange juice for breakfast). but it seems since i started doing that i get kinda sick a lot lately. like probably every 3 weeks or this my boy adjusting to it? because before this i probably never drank water except when i was in school and drank from the bubbler before that it was always soda (reason i stopped) it is city faucet water so could it be dirty to drink a lot? i reas somewhere excess ammount of faucet water can make you sick. anybody know?

Deny right to water bottle?

Yes, teachers can refuse to allow disruptive items and behavior in the classroom.

You should not be constantly drinking water, unless you have an untreated medical condition, like diabetes insipidus (water diabetes) or diabetes mellitus (sugar diabetes). Both will respond well to treatment. It's far more likely that you are simply habituated to sipping water all the time. It's a comfort activity for you, like sucking your thumb. Get a doctor to check you out, and if you don't have a medical problem, then you need to just drink water during the class breaks, like everyone else.

And yes, drinking water constantly IS a disruptive behavior.

Edit: Dr. Snark, both diabetes mellitus (sugar diabetes) and diabetes insipidus (water diabetes) will cause constant thirst, if untreated, and both diseases won't necessarily land the patient in the hospital immediately. I had untreated sugar diabetes for a couple of months before I finally admitted to myself that I needed to see the doctor. I'm sure that I damaged my body, but I was able to function more or less for those months. I just had to keep drinking and urinating and eating (all symptoms of untreated sugar diabetes). Other than that, I was able to work and go about my life.

Sugar diabetes and water diabetes have similar symptoms, but are not otherwise related. I call them by the common names because people who aren't really familiar with them sometimes mix them up. Sugar diabetes comes in at least 3 types, Type I and Type II, which used to be called juvenile onset and adult onset, and also gestational diabetes.