Is It Bad To Feel Nauseous And Uncomfortable/sick After A Workout

Why do I feel like vomiting after a simple workout?

It sounds like you’re simply deconditioned and that this was too much work for your body to handle at the moment. Try just walking for 30–45 minutes every day for the next 3 weeks, gradually add in one body weight exercise for 3 sets of 3–5 repetitions in week 2, in week three increase the sets or the repetitions per set. After those three weeks add in another exercise, and follow the same protocol. After 4–5 weeks you’ll probably be ready to jump into higher intensity training.By the way, the first exercise I would use is the pull-up and the second is the push-up. Add weight bearing exercises later.

I feel nauseous after eating mcdonalds!?

Ok so I had a large big mac meal with a coke for my tea and its like 4 hours ago and I feel nauseous and have gas,I keep getting little pains in my stomach,it doesn't feel like its settled on my stomach!!
I'm a huge emetaphobic too so ill do anything to avoid being sick!!
Did I eat too much? Or something else?
I don't eat it often either like once every few months


I feel like I'm going to puke after a high intensity workout for 20-25 minutes. Am I doing something wrong?

The most likely cause of your nausea is overexertion. It is not uncommon for people to feel nausea during or immediately after extremely heavy workouts, and it is referred to as Exercise-induced nausea. It is especially common among beginners. It is a consequence of your body not being able to supply your muscles and stomach with sufficient oxygen with the blood available. In a competition for blood between your muscles and stomach, your muscles win. If you have anything in your stomach in this situation, even acid, your body will try to get rid of it, hence feeling like you have to vomit. I have seen some weightlifters claim that they literally keep a bucket next to them to vomit into and keep pushing through. I don't think this is healthy. You might want to lighten up your workout until your body is more accustomed to this kind of stress.Dehydration and overhydration are both additional possibilities. It does not sound like that is your case.Eating too soon before a workout can cause problems as well. That also does not seem to be your case.One thing to be careful of is if you are holding your breath while you work out. Make sure your breaths are consistent and even. It's a common habit to hold one's breath while lifting, and it will cause headaches, nausea, and dizziness.Lastly, I am not a doctor. This could possibly be indicative of a more substantial problem. It could be smart to mention it to your doctor if it persists.

I feel sick when I eat anything except vegetables or fruits?

When I eat vegetables or fruits I'm fine. But when it comes to other stuff it doesn't settle in my stomach and it makes me feel sick. For example, I can't eat pizza without feeling sick and disgusting. I have an egg after I workout but today it made me feel sick? I thought it was because I hadn't had junk food in a while but it happened with something I have almost everyday...

Why do I feel sick after I started eating healthy?

Ever since I went back to eating healthy, I've been having tummy aches and would feel like throwing up or something. Why is that? I have only started on Saturday and I think I'm having enough calories (1200-1400 a day) and I would exercise every day for 30-40 minutes only.

I'm not overweight. 5'3 and around 116-118 pounds..16 years old.

Feeling sick during football practice?

the only thing you can do is drink water and stay hydrated. if you drink too much water you can get sick from that too... and you need to eat something like 1 hr before practice not 4 hours before just dont eat a lot but you need carbs right before... you might think ul throw it up cuz ur eating right before but you wont when you practice and its better than feeling woozy the whole time, and some people are pukers and some arent.

and that comment above me GATORADE IS NOT WHAT YOU DRINK.

all it is is sugar water and it makes you more thirsty... the only time you want to drink that is after practice. drink water durring and before trust me

Why do I feel sick after doing a ton of crunches/ sit-ups?

wait an hour before you do them, doing those moves your stomach alot and the food, well it goes on a little roller coaster lol. :)