Is It Best Not To React To Stuff That Irritates You Or Argue Back

Why is that stuff we hate.. stuff that irritate us like a stupid song remains stuck in our head?

So you know it is common with everybody not just with you. Why is the question? and why not is the answer. The simple reason being, we live, react, love, hate, gets angry all based on that little chattering happening without we really wanted to happen. The more you try to push it out, the stronger it pushes in, the stronger you try to get rid of it by concentrating on something else, you just end up in frustration. This is because of not able to understand the working of our mind. "The Mind" is a energy by itself. Its main duty is to keep you attached with its thoughts and make you to react. As your body is a combination of various organs and functions, your mind is a combination of various feelings, percetions, information, knowledge, names etc. To store knowledge in a PC, it uses header and footer(some binary codes), mind uses feelings. And to keep it relevant, it creates images by itself and also connects those with your self. I have more to say about it but, it will be lengthier.

Now, I will quickly tell how to stop that chattering of mind. First let me tell you, we are a by product of our habits also. So, some practice is required to replace one habit with another. The best way is "Insight Meditation". It is nothing but impersonally looking at your thoughts and seeing the thought arising, making chain of attachments and vanishing and picking up another thought before the completion of the first one. Also, notice the time gap between two thoughts. for eg: take anger. That is the easist to diagnose and look through. Then practice slowly other feelings also. Once you are a master to catch the mind before it makes you attached with it, you will slowly become a totally changed non-reactive person. To support that, you can also practice "Loving kindness meditation" which is therapeutic...All is there in internet....find out and be a self master...even irritation cannot irritate you.

Parent irritates me...advice?

I understand you completely, I used to be in your situation about a year ago! It's nice to meet someone with a similar experience :)
It comes as you get older that you learn to tolerate these annoying habits. Anytime he starts saying something that annoys you just leave. In time you'll learn just to bite your tongue before you explode. I still feel like this sometimes and it is pretty hard.
While I was going through that kind of phase I had a lot of pressure on me with exams and I had fallen out with all my friends. Perhaps there is a stressor that is causing you to take it out on your fathers habits? You might not even realize it.
Try not to become too harsh towards him, he has feelings too and he is only trying be a good Dad to you and communicate with you, this was the hardest part for me to realize, I felt like he was purposely doing it to annoy me but in reality these were simple mannerisms that everyone did but I decided to take it out on him.
Try to keep your cool when anything does happen. If you feel it's about to trigger distract yourself with something or like I said leave the room.
Hope you find it gets better in time :)

This is a classic case of office bullying. Its hard to come to terms with it because its an adult doing it. These humans you say irritate you can fall into the following categories:They envy you and hence like to take it out on you by annoying you. You would have reacted or shown signs of displeasure which indicates that it worksThey are irritating individuals generally. If you met these people outside of work, most people around them find them irritating. One example: boasting all the time about ones accomplishments and/or bringing others downThey are just bored. This is hilarious but a lot of people are bored at work and like to entertain themselves by irritating others. Example: what Jim and Pam do with Dwight in The Office sitcomMy take on it is : It will get to you for sometime, you will be angry and feel frustrated, but beyond that you should realize that it is affecting you negatively. What you can change is yourself and how you react to such individuals or situations. It may seem like a lot of work in the beginning, but once you are over the bump, you will laugh when these elements try to shower their negative energy on you. Once in that NO CARE zone, you will be happier and content.Good luck!!

This actually happened. My friend of 15 years became my partner in a venture. I brought in a $15M contract to the company. With an up-front investment of $400,000. Back in 2010. Our net margin was 10%, or about $1.5M, or $750,000 each. I had been paid out $400,000 to that point. I left the rest in the company. At the end of the three-year contract I requested the payout of the rest of my money and got a reply back ”what money?” Excuse me? There was less than $100,000 in the account. I called the FBI. They investigated and said that because I was stupid enough to make him “Managing Partner” of the LLC that no crime was committed. Mismanagement was unfortunate but not a crime. He had paid out to himself $900,000 over three years. He used the money to buy eight rental homes, paying cash for the $128,000 houses. It creates a positive cash flow for him of $1,000 per month each. Now he makes $8,000 per month doing nothing. All I can say is I better never see him again.

Does it irritate you when people leave their questions for voting,without choosing the best answer?

human beings would desire to come to a decision on a ultimate answer and qualify their determination in the comments section. i think of a few human beings ask maximum of questions they in specific circumstances forget to stay with by way of. it may be effective if the YA pc software would desire to right away generate a reminder. it may help plenty do no longer you think of? some individuals are extremely no longer inquiring for purpose solutions. they elect validation. Out of paranoia or and an unwillingness to contemplate different evaluations, those varieties are consistently going to p.c.. the respond that maximum resembles their very own perspectives.

Shervan provided the most appropriate answer.Two things of note -1 - the hotel will attempt to contact you, provided you have entered your best contact information into the hotel loyalty platform, or the details you provided when checking into the hotel.2 - read the fine print on the hotel agreement, it may clearly state varied lengths of time that the hotel is willing to “store” your items. If you are traveling with valuables, you may opt not to put your valuables in your room safe, but store your valuables in the hotel safe. This type of storage however will require that you sign and date a statement of the items, their value with detailed description. In some hotels for elite travels, this is no daily cost, for some hotels, the fee may be up to $25 daily or more.

(Please take some time to read this, please)We all know that Meghna Srivastava topped CBSE class 12th exam this year.Then I saw a Facebook post like this.And yes, it is totally a deplorable thing that this guy never outshined and I deeply wished he should've. But nevertheless, the case shouldn't be that Meghna's success should be outlisted. But still it was all fine.Until…I saw a comment like this beneath the post.This irritated me, and thus I obviously replied to that comment.That respective guys reply was…Not just me, but many had replied to his so called comment and this person was putting counter arguments for each and every one. And was considering arts courses as something underneath his foot (or even worst)And the arroganceThis discrimination irritates me. I have always respected all the streams. And yes, I know that learing science is difficult but that doesn't mean humanities isn't. One of the toughest exams in India is Civil Service and humanities is an integral part of it. It’s a difficult field and pupil struggle a lot to get into a better position. But all these doesn't mean that particular subject should be vigorously attacked like this.Please learn to respect all the subjects and the personal choises of the pupil. Education should not just be in the brains, it should make you a better human for a better society.Pic credits : Phone galleryEDIT : It was only his first reply (first screenshort) which was aimed at my reply. The other ones where for other comments, which I just took a screenshort. Hope the misunderstandings are cleared :)ThanksVeda

My boyfriend and i argue, is this normal?

Arguing is normal, but if it gets to the point where you are saying things to purposely hurt each other, it's time to chill for a bit. If you feel guilty while you are saying it, that's a good start. Literally. Just stop the argument and say 'if I keep going I'm only going to say things to purposely hurt you. I need some time to calm down'
Something as direct and mature as that can only be answered in 2 ways.
1. He'll agree and you can both go calm down and talk about it later.
2. He'll show how immature he is and keep trying to one up you, at which point I think you have your answer.

You can still love someone and know that your not right for each other. If you think that's the case, it needs to be talked about. Otherwise it's going to build up and up and eventually burst, and instead of working though things, or leaving on amicable terms, you hate this person you have spent a year with already.

Relationships shouldn't be hard, and if they are, your not doing it properly.