Is It Better To Live In A Poor Country Or In Rich A Country Filled With Whites And Their African

Do black South Africans want white South Africans to leave the country?

Yes. Many do. There is a growing and disconcerting number of Black South Africans who believe that a nationalist point of view means  their country belongs to "them". They believe in paying injustice with justice. An eye for an eye. A tooth for a tooth. Mercy for no one. However, I have noticed that there is a new age of "conservatism" that is sweeping many countries across the world. Disillusioned people are very easy to manipulate and work into frenzies. Not to make excuses for the German, but the psyche of the common German after the first world war is what made it very easy for Hitler's regime to become widespread and indoctrinated in Germany at the time. They were very disillusioned. I've seen it today with Greek friends, French friends, and now with my South African friends as well. There is a rise of conservatism in Europe that has outrightly racist, islamophobic, anti-Roma, anti-immigration views etc. It brands itself "nationalism", and it feeds off of fears, disappointments and disillusionment. In South Africa now, there is a compounding of disillusionment with the economic progress of the country, the leadership of the country, the distribution of power in the country. A lot of the hope that was There in the struggle has turned into disappointment. There is also fear spread widely about immigration into the country. The country is ripe for racist propaganda being fronted as "nationalist agenda". So unfortunately, yes. Many South Africans want whites to leave. And these ideas are propagated even further by leaders who constantly ingrained them in the people. Leaders who are preying on the psyche of disillusioned South Africans. South African history is very complicated. I don't think I will ever be able to understand the nuances of it all. I live in South Africa right now, and I understand a little better due to immersion. However, even when I make observations, I am unable to visualise what a viable solution would be. Similar to how it's incomprehensible to try and solve the Israel-Palestine conflict. I sadly don't know what the possible solution would be.

Why is it that countries with dark-skinned people have higher crime/poverty rates?

I am not at all racist. I have many black/dark skinned friends and I understand that there are HEAPS of black people who are better off than a lot of white people. However, that being said, why is it that countries with black people running it generally tend to be on the dodgy side?

I do acknowledge that there are also lots of poor 'white' countries but think about it. I mean look at Africa, the 'dark' areas of towns and cities in the US, Australia, England etc.

What do you think?

Thanks in advance :)

Why is Africa so poor?

Every time I throw something away or just waste a tiny bit of food, my parents or one of my friends is like, "That could have fed like 6 villages in Africa." Why is Africa so poor? Like seriously. What makes it so hard for Black Africans to have a good civilization and good economy like the rest of the world?

BTW, I am not Black African American. I regular American.

Why do people insult Africa and call it poor?

I hear many people insult that country to much.
History has shown that Africa were a rich country before the Europeans had taken over.
I saw in history books that Africa had kings and queens, but now it is poor because of the Europeans I am white myself but it is the truth. Africa may be poor but at least the people still survive with out eating for months and days.
I know that we are living a good life but we are also destroying our selves too, statistics has shown that the rich countries use more energy than poor countries. Which means we are the cost of global warming and we also dump toxic chemicals in the oceans, and plus with all of the buildings there would be no more land left! Poor countries have so many land!
And to tell the truth sorry to say this but if it weren't for the black slaves Europe and America would never of been where they are today, So I think people should stop insulting black people and calling them poor.

Why is South Africa more economically successful than other African countries?

There are many reasons. Of course South Africa's mineral wealth is a major contributing factor. However, there are very wealthy countries in the world that have very little in the way of natural resources, e.g. Japan and Great Britain. The ultimate reasons are: 1) The length of White minority rule in South Africa. SA was the last country to be liberated on the African continent. This meant that, unlike other African countries which were liberated decades ago, SA was able to build a solid infrastructure employing post-modern technologies. This also allowed SA to build the foundations for a solid economy. 2) The continued presence of more than 4 million Whites in South Africa with a superlative work ethic. White South Africans were, by and large, also willing to make sacrifices for the sake of the general good of the country. One example was the general lack of trade unions amongst White workers. The black population, sadly, is currently possessed with a sense of entitlement and  recompense that makes them blind to the needs of the country - which are becoming more dire each year. 4) Natural innovation and drive which created the continent's only African based multi-nationals, e.g. Vodacom, MTN, SAB etc. 3) One can't deny that cheap labour is certainly another reason for the country's prosperity. Sadly this is as true now as it was during Apartheid. These are the major factors, I believe.