Is It Correct Sentence Need Good English .

Which sentence is correct? i have good command of english or i have good command over english.?

good command of english is correct sentence

Which sentence is correct? Good at dance or Good in dance

Neither. Good at dancing.

Is the sentence "You have A good english" correct?

Firstly, you do capitalize the word 'a' unless it's the first word in the sentence. Secondly, you do not use the word 'a' with adjectives (good is an adjective here).

It is better to say "You have good English".

Even that though is not a good way to say it. The below examples are a better way of saying the same thing:

"Your English is good".
"You speak English very well".
"You have a good grasp of the English language".

Note in the last sentence that the 'a' is associated with 'grasp' and not 'good'.

I have a little knowledge in English. Is it a correct sentence?

no i dont think its correct sentence the correct wuld be i have little knowledge of english…

Is this sentence correct? "This goods is okay."?

There are two types of noun in English, count nouns and mass nouns. "Goods" is as mass noun. You can't have one "good". A count noun, on the other hand, can be numbered. You can have 3 crates of goods.

So, because you can't put a number to a mass noun, you can't change the number of it - "goods" has to be plural.

"These goods are okay."

Keep in mind, while this sentence is technically correct, nobody would ever say it. The word "goods" and the word "okay" come from very different registers (levels of language politeness), and wouldn't be used in the same sentence.

For a low-register sentence (friendly): "This stuff is okay."
For a high-register sentence (polite/business): "These goods are acceptable/satisfactory."

What do these German sentences mean in proper good English?

How long have you been studying? ('schon' and 'lange' aren't nouns, so they shouldn't be capitalized. This sentence is polite because of the 'Sie' instead of 'du,' which both means you.)

I have been studying for 5 years.

It's 10 minutes past 12 (12:10)

It's 10 minutes to 1 (12:50)

This rocket comes from Beta. ('von' also shouldn't be capitalized)


Where do you want to go? (Also polite)