Is It Correct To Call Citizen Who Supports The Democrat Party A Democrat

You dare to call Abe Lincoln a Liberal Democrat?

defined republicanism in terms of freedom, equality and democracy.
government of the people, by the people, for the people, Not a welfare state
His favorite book was The Life of George Washington. He mastered the Bible
He served as a captain in a company of the Illinois militia drawn from New Salem during the Black Hawk War
Wrote a series of Published Letters Mocking prominent Democrats
Accepted a challenge to Duel Using Swords.
Joined the Republican Party of his own free will.
he received a patent related to buoying vessels
in 1854 said : I hate it because of the monstrous injustice of slavery itself
in 1858: I believe this government cannot endure permanently half slave and half free.
Lincoln warned that the Slave Power was threatening the values of republicanism
Lincoln was the first Republican president. He won entirely on the strength of his support in the North: he was not even on the ballot in nine states in the South

Why do Democrats support and protect NAMBLA?

I along with any sane person thinks the ACLU needs to be shut down using RICO statues for reasons such as this. I have no idea why any group would ever stick up for those who hurt the most helpless of us all, our young. NAMBLA is quite possibly the greatest abomination existing in our country. I think that anyone who hurts a child should be executed, locked up for life, or at least be forced to wear an ankle bracelet for life. And those who even attempt to hurt them should be locked up as well. I, as a parent, watch my kids like a hawk after watching this show. I also think the whole entrapment argument doesn't hold water as this is one of the most perverse and depraved criminal acts.

Why do democrats rail at the fact that the Third Reich was socialist?

Because if you read the Nazi platform, it more closely resembles the positions of the democratic party.

There are 25 points to the Nazi platform. Points 1, 2, 3, 10, 19 are pretty meaningless today and do not reflect either republican or democratic positions, expressed or implied.
Points 4, 5, 6, 8 pertain to who should be citizens and how they should be treated. It is only marginally in line with the republican position. While the Nazis wanted only those of German decent to be citizens, the republicans are only demanding that you go through the same process everyone else has to and not just jump the border illegally. Also, that only citizens should be allowed to vote.
Point 7 calls for “every citizen shall have the possibility of living decently and earning a livelihood.” Which sounds more like OWS than anything else.
Point 9 is actually good; “All citizens must possess equal rights and duties.”
Points 11 through 18 are pretty socialistic economic ideas; bans investment income, confiscation of profits, nationalization of trusts, generous pensions, communalization of department stores, the end of land rent and speculation, and the execution of certain profiteers and lenders. Sounds much more democratic, don’t you think?
Point 20 calls for state provided higher education teaching only what the state decided was useful. As opposed to what republicans want which is the freedom to send your kids where you want them to go.
Nationalized healthcare, mandatory physical fitness, and the end of child labor are called for in point 21. No-brainer there.
22. “We demand the abolition of the regular army and the creation of a national (folk) army.” Sort of like what Obama wanted
State control of the media is covered in point 23. As much as it would be tempting, I only hear democrats calling for this, especially as it relates to talk radio.
24. “…COMMON GOOD BEFORE INDIVIDUAL GOOD…” Where have we heard that one before?
Finally, number 25 calls for a strong central government to manage all these intrusions into the lives of the citizens. By far a democratic position.