Is It Dumb To Be Self Conscious About This

How can I stop being so self-conscious around guys?

I'm a 20 year old female, and the possibilities of me getting into a relationship with a guy are looking increasingly slim. Ever since I was in my early teens, I've been unable to talk to guys who I liked because I've always felt ugly and stupid. I still feel self-conscious around men, and I'm a virgin who's never even been kissed. I feel like that combined with my unattractiveness will never be able to attract a guy, but I want to feel differently. How can I feel more comfortable around the opposite sex and stop feeling all of these negative feelings? Girls my age are having babies, and I still haven't even been kissed yet. You have to admit that's pretty damn pathetic lol

Self conscious about how my voice sounds?

Im a 16 year old girl blonde girly but the thing is my talking voice sounds low and like stupid!! Its not hideous but I just sound like a funny person or like dumb and its kinda low! I dont even answer my phone cause im scared and I have cried from it! Is there anything I can do to make it a little higher or like sexier? I hate it when I hear a recording of myself talking):

Do you ever feel embarrassed or self-conscious about doing something stupid, even if no one was around to see it? Why do we feel this way if no one is even there to pass judgment?

When I was young I often felt that way. As I began to learn about myself I discovered that those feelings emerged as a result of my judging myself based upon my own insecurities. We always are our worst critics, that’our ego, our inner parent. If your parents made you feel that you could not measure up to expectations or constantly berated your efforts, chances are quite good that you have internalized those message and the recording of them in your mind goes to auto play when you believe them.I became older, wiser, & tired of listening to that voice, I decided to rerecord that message. I love to laugh so the message of self love I recorded was that the “stupid things” I do are self entertainment. Acceptance of being perfectly imperfect and sublimely human is liberating. Become your favorite clown!

Why do I feel so self-conscious and stupid when I wear glasses in public?

Sorry that you feel that all it takes is glasses to make you feel stupid or for some reason unattractive. But that's all in your head. 99.99999% of the people out there, don't give two hoots about the people around them. Most of their attention is on their own family, friends, thoughts, problems and appearance.

But it's ok to feel that way, but once you realize that you're glasses are nothing but tools that allow you to see, when you are not wearing your contacts, you'll get over those feelings.

When I first got my glasses, I think I may have felt that way between picking my glasses up and the door to the street, outside the optical office I was in at the time, because I remember putting the glasses in their case, before stepping out onto the side walk, walked about half a block and thought it was pretty silly to get them and not wear them when I need them (being outside and downtown). Put them on and didn't really think about it again. But then I was 13, had more important things on my mind than my glasses at the time.

People with red hair and freckles are so self conscious and looked down on?

We're teased because we're so rare (we account for roughly 2 per cent of the global population). We look unusual, we get lots of stares, and people want to BE us! You can't get that red from a bottle, honey! So why should we cover up when we're proud of our uniqueness! Every group is made fun of to some point, some not anymore because some of it is actually defined as racism. And not every redhead misses the fact that it's a joke.
Fun fact: we're so strange that we were thought to be witches back in the Middle Ages - nowadays the jokes are a continuation from then perhaps? LOL

Do all beginning actors feel weird or self-conscious in the learning stages of their careers?

It may be that you mean hearing your own voice gives you pause. If so, that will subside, but you may mean that as you hear yourself rehearse you can’t quite get used to the fact that you are playing a character that may be saying or doing some very unlike-you types of things.The answer to that is: certainly. If any actor ever tells you that they never had any weird feelings or moments of self-consciousness, either when training or actually in production, you can rest assured they are not being entirely truthful with you.It’s entirely natural to feel that way, and usually, it’s because you’re not comfortable with the idea that you as a person might ever say or do the things that are making you feel that way.I’m not personally a creepy, evil villain, and it took me a bit to understand fully that I was temporarily inhabiting the villainous character I was playing.It can be for any number of reasons, but eventually, you will come to rely on your skills, and not worry at all that what you’re doing is weird or funny or stupid or whatever you happen to be feeling.And you’ll know you’ve gotten over all that when you automatically feel what the character is feeling in the scene.Give yourself the permission to be spectacular at acting, and embrace the moments of uncertainty - you wouldn’t get that privilege if you were working at any job other than in the performing arts.Hope this helps.DavidP.S. Repetition is an immense help in getting over this self-consciousness. That’s exactly why the scene recording rehearsal technique that’s the most used function of my app, Rehearsal® Pro, is as powerful a tool as it is. The more you lather, rinse and repeat the scene you’re doing, the more richness and depth you’ll wring out of it, and far less weirdness, if any, will remain.

Are Fire signs very self conscious.... and do aries lack intelligence?

@ elane or what ever your name is... then explain why it so Easy to hurt a leo Ego... if they're so Secure... why do they easily get offended and hurt by what other people say ... they remind me of cancers to an extent... they just react to criticism it differently than cancers... in impulsive out lashes.. So Get Real

Due to low self-esteem I've convinced myself that I'm stupid, and now I have trouble learning. How do I overcome this?

I developed the M.E.P technique for cases similar to this.This techniques works with:Mind.Emotion.Power.I always wanted to develop myself in any way possible, so i came up with M.E.P.lets go through each part and see how you can develop it.(at the end ill briefly explain the importance of it)Mind:Reading book, developing knowledge and skills.Think and analyze your behavior, improve your self awareness.Be carious. ask why this? why that? how this?Educate yourself about the mind section.Take small challenges and visit website like “how to develop my mind”Do a lot of different things, big variety eventually will earn you Wisdom.Play some Chess.Emotion:Learn to control your emotions by calmness and meditation.Positive thinking.(call the mind to help you with this)Increase the amount of things you like to do.Avoid negative people and environment.Feel and enjoy the small things- when you eat, put all your attention to the taste and enjoy every single bite you take. when you’re in the nature, put all your attention on the smell and the soft wind.Be grateful for everything you have.Value yourself, do not let anyone influence your self-esteem .Power:Train Martial Arts.(discipline)Run.Cold shower.When you think you did your maximum 100%, do another 20%.Keep your life healthy.*Important to keep it all in balance.I know people who were really smart but out of shape and not healthy or really powerful but stupid, you don’t want that.Working on all 3 of them will also improve your self-confidence for sure, because no one will be able to threat you when you’re smart, emotionally and physically strong.if you liked this answer, upvote and click the Follow button :)

Is there a relationship between self awareness and intelligence?

It’s funny when scientists treat questions like this as scientific questions, and try to answer them by using empirical methods to establish a correlation and possible link. Ironically, that’s just dumb.The answer is:Yes. Self awareness meets the definition of intelligence. So it is a form of intelligence. In fact, it is the prototypical form of human intelligence. ‘Know thyself’.If you’re interested, several things follow from this…Scientists show lack of self awareness by not realising this.That is an unintelligent thing to do.But this does not show scientists are dumb. We all do dumb stuff.Intelligence is therefore not a single entity expressible as an integer.This means IQ tests are stupid.They are also stupid because they reveal a lack of self-awareness - since scientists are measuring intelligence as ‘being good at the sort of tests scientists are good at’That does not make people who believe in them stupidIt just means people do stupid things. But these are the same people as do smart things.All eyes have a blind spot too - this does not make us all blind.Intelligence is a description of things you do, not a thing you are.I am sufficiently self aware to know I make much dumber mistakes about other things.But then, that just shows how smart I am.