Is It Dumb To Try To Track People You Met In Primary School

I just found out that im not graduating high school on time.?

Talk to your school councilor and see what your options are. Can you finish your course work over the summer, do you need to attend an additional year of school? And don;t tell me you just found out, you knew if you were passing your classes or not! You can still get your degree, the ball is in your court, just keep on going!

How to enjoy middle school more?

Middle school is BRUTAL! Pretty much everyone is mean. You just have to find that small group of friends who dont care, and dont do drama. I know it is hard to try to find new people to hang out with, almost impossiable really, but I suggest joining a sport! That is the BIGGEST advice I can EVER give you. Join a sport that you are interested in (even if you may not be so great). There is softball, volleyball, track, basketball, tennis, etc. Middle school is a great time to learn how to do a sport and get good at it, because high school it is all about sports!! You meet TONS of people in sports and you get REALLY close to them, and they DONT talk behind your back because youre team mates!! Joining a sport in middle school also allows you to meet new people AND it sets you apart from everyone else!! :)

I also know how hard it is, especially when you are not that confident in yourself. Middle school for me was the most awkwars stage in my life! I wore a giant sweater and had a cow lick hair!! Eww! (I dont know what I was thinking). I just didnt have any confidence at all!!! It is hard trying to change your look and wear more "stylish" clothing when you dont have confidence. I suggest joining a sporg and I will PROMISE you that it will slowly build your confidence if you stick to it. At first it will be emberassing because you are new and not so geag, but believe me you WILL get better.

Well I hope that helps!!! :)

I hate high school! Does anyone else?

I'm 15 and a sophomore in a high school of about 900. I guess I'd say I'm pretty smart, and I'm a goody-goody. Everyone knows me as like a goody-goody nerd, but not in a bad way. I have friends. And lots of aquaintances. I'm usually a very happy person because of Jesus. But high school just seems to wear me down every single day.

Up until middle school, I loved school and lived in the moment. But when middle school started, I guess I adopted a "get in, get out, get on with your life" kind of attitude. I'm mad about that because I want to enjoy me teenage years since they're gone so quickly. I know I'll look back on my teenage years wishing I had done more with my life.

I don't do any extra-curriculars for school. Why would I? I don't like the majority of the people there and I don't feel welcome in the school itself. I do theater, singing, youth group, and Bible studies out of school, but refuse to do anything extra for school. Now my dad is telling me I will be less likely to get into a good college because of that!!

I have never been to a sporting event at my school. It just doesn't seem fun to me. They make a big deal of all of that stuff but none about education itself!

I'm quite an awkward person, and often feel like I don't belong/fit in, even though I'm also outgoing.

I'm just rambling because I feel like teenagers these days have so much pressure put on them! Too much! We're still just kids!!! Does anyone else feel the same?