Is It Easier To Learn Word To Definition Or Definition To Word

What is the best way to learn new words and their definitions?

Here are my tricks for memorising words:You don't say whether you are learning English words or foreign language words but the principles are similar. Learning words in a holistic context (i.e. in a text in which they're used correctly) is more effective than trying to learn them in isolation.  However, if you have to learn a list of words and meanings, knowing how memory works can speed things up considerably.If you want to memorise a list of words very quickly, then this acronym to help can help you: FROLLWe tend remember things in a list best when are they:F = First in the listR = RepeatedO = OutstandingL = Linked to something else we knowL = Last in the listTo use this information for vocabulary: make short lists to learn (say three to five things), not long ones so that there are always more First and Last elements.  Go back and Repeat the list (IMPORTANT: from memory, not just from reading it) over a period of a week (long term memories form over this time period).Link the words to things you already know: Try to think of any associations between the words and other things. What do they remind you of? For example, "le ventre" in French means belly. I remember this because it reminds me of "vent" which means "wind" in French, so I think a windy belly! Originally, I remembered "vent" as wind because when we vent something, we let air through it. Try to make your links or associations as Outstanding (outlandish, funny, silly, comical, large, tiny, or extreme) as possible.  You won't forget them then!To remember the acronym FROLL, think of a huge Furry Troll who's an expert in memory!You also need to know how memory works over time and the importance of... sleep:Sleep is vital to memory. In fact, research shows the time of day that you sleep is not that important. Daytime napping is very effective.  Don’t deprive yourself of sleep for too long after you've learned or practised something.  When you sleep your brain starts to build structures to turn short-term memories into long-term memories.  It may be different for you, but I've found that after about seven nights of sleep is about the amount needed (with daily practice) for something to be effortless to recall instantly.However, using FROLL, and other memory techniques you can get things to stick in your short term memory until long term memory has formed.Good luck!

What is the best way to learn new words and their definitions fast?

Learning a new language helps you standing out in the increasingly competitive job market. Learning another language can also help you opening up tons of amazing job opportunities. However, the journey of learning a new language is quite rocky and it’s not easy. In many cases, people give up because they don’t see much progress.Tips to learn a new language:1. Conversation, Conversation, Conversation.2. Intensity of study trumps length of study.3. Classes suck and are an inefficient use of time and money.4. Start with the 100 most common words.5. Carry a pocket dictionary.6. Keep practicing in your head.7. You’re going to say a lot of stupid things. Accept it.8. Figure out pronunciation patterns.9. Use audio and online courses for the first 100 words and basic grammar.10. After the first 100 words, focus on becoming conversational.11. MotivationEven if you have the best method, materials and teachers, unless you can maintain your motivation to study languages, you are unlikely to suceed. There are various ways to do this, such as finding learning activities that you enjoy, having measurable and achievable goals, and having other people to study with.A great way to learn is by far language exchange, but if it is hard for you to find a partner to speak you can visit Bilingua: Your Language Exchange App & Learning Companion or download the app.Language exchange made easy.

Interesting words with definitions, please!?

Cachinnator - one who laughs too much or too loudly
Dyspathy - the opposite of sympathy
Gove - to stare stupidly
Hansardize - to change one's opinion
Happify - to make happy
Natiform - buttock-shaped
Pejorist - one who thinks the world is getting worse
Philodox - one who is in love with his own opinion
Secretary - one who is privy to a secret
Tripudiate - to dance, skip or leap for joy

adumbrate (AD-um-brat) — 1. to give a sketchy outline of. 2. to prefigure indistinctly; foreshadow. 3. to disclose partially or guardedly. 4. to overshadow; shadow or obscure
alexithymia (ah-lek-sah-THI-mee-ah) — inability to describe emotions in a verbal manner
lethologica (lee-tho-LO-gi-ca) — 1. the inability to remember the right word. 2. a psychological disorder that inhibits an individual's ability to articulate thoughts by temporarily forgetting key words, phrases, or names in conversation

How can I learn English word meaning and remember it for long time?

If you are opining to learn English, thats a sign that you are trying to get better of yourself.  English , in a modern world has reasonable significance to reach those heights of success.          Coming to your point, learning an English word doesn't mean you should mug up from dictionary , there are better ways:-  I would suggest to keep track on english newspapers daily and find any unfamiliar words while you read on. Search for its meaning and understand the context in which the word was used, this will increase your chances of memorizing such a word. Further try using the word the same day whenever or wherever possible, like when your talking or writing something.   If you find newspapers boring try reading some articles online on the topics that intrest you , be it movie reviews , football etc. But always remember that you tak due notice of the context in which the word was used so that it sticks to your brain.There are also certain online games that help you improve your vocabulary, try them once if you find your daily ritual boring. WWW.vocabulary. com is one such website which progressively lets you improve your English.  Do try them out. To conclude, inorder that you improve your vocab use internet to the fullest, like you did now.