Is It Ever Too Late To Bring Cheney/ Bush To Justice On War Crime Issues

How are power and justice related?

The dictionary definition of Justice is: The concept of moral rightness based on ethics, rationality, law, natural law, religion, fairness, or equity, along with the punishment of the breach of said ethics. A more accurate definition might be obtained in the philosophy section.

Power, be it political, religious, or financial, enables individuals and groups to define or redefine "justice" and its enforcement in ways beneficial to their particular goals and beliefs. Were those in power true to ethics and rationality, justice and its enforcement would remain fairly constant. Power however has a way of corrupting those that wield it, even those with the best of intentions.

Too often the concept of justice is subverted for use as a tool of oppression by those in power. Terms like Social Justice in the political spectrum and Sharia Law in the religious stand out as prime examples of this phenomena.

Social justice in education is also commonly referred to as “critical pedagogy.” Although its ambiguous titles suggest virtuous American ideals such as truth and justice, its core principles revolve around a pervasive Marxist ideology. Championed by men such as Paulo Freire, Henry Giroux, and William Ayers, critical pedagogy seeks to turn students into activists with an anti-capitalist mindset. Schools are increasingly promoting this idea among their students by encouraging them to reject their “privileged” status, recognize their own racial biases, and focus on the “oppressed” facets of society. Today’s elementary and secondary classrooms are beginning to reflect these ideologies. As a result, American schools are slowly moving away from their old purpose of instilling academic skills and factual knowledge in children and toward a lopsided political indoctrination.

Should ex-president Bush be put on trial for possible war crimes?

Hitler,  Tojo,  Pol Pot,  Milosovic,  Pinochet,  Taylor.vs.Bush.Hitler escaped trial by suicide-  committed aggressive wars, committed genocide.Tojo, tried and hanged- committed aggressive wars, committed genocide, murdered prisoners.Pol pot escaped trial, suicide suspected- committed genocideMilolsovic, died while being tried in the Hague- committed aggressive war, committed war crimes.Pinochet, arrested and escaped trial due to medical condition, committed aggressive war, murdered political opponents.Charles Taylor, tried in the Hague and sentenced to 50 years for war crimes and crimes against humanity.George W. Bush, retired in a Dallas suburb; committed aggressive war on false premises. In a report titled: "Civilian Death and Injury in the Iraq War," Boston University, Professor C. Crawford, September 2013,  the estimates range from a minimum of 134,000 civilians killed to 250,000.  So, those 134-250 thousand civilians killed: just what exactly did they do to deserve death and the destruction of their cities? Being born and living in the wrong place, at the wrong time? That's what happened to the victims of the other war criminals listed above.Only Bush has used the "Oops, my bad," defense. Apparently it works.EDITED AT THE OP'S REQUEST:The answer infers, that we, indeed, have  arrested and prosecuted other heads of states for similiar crimes, and  those that escaped punishment took their lives or were ruled incompetent  to stand trial.The contrast with Bush's current circumstances to those of other war criminals also infers that justice has not been served

Why Aren't Sex Crimes Of Church Priests Prosecuted Under The Law?

Statute of limitations. Most of the abuse happened over 20 years ago, past the statute of limitations. As a result, even if the priest turned himself in and asked to be prosecuted under the law, he could not be. Only in a civil suit does the statute of limitations not apply.

Why is Nancy Pelosi in hiding? Has she held a press conference recently?

It was a rocky week last week for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi; first she claimed that the CIA misled her on water-boarding, then she backpedaled, shifting the blame to the Bush Administration, reported Politico, after CIA director Leon Panetta issued a statement contradicting her claim:

"Let me be clear: It is not our policy or practice to mislead Congress. That is against our laws and our values."

Over the weekend, Pelosi kept a noticeably low profile, refusing interview requests, but her critics turned up the volume: House Republican leader John Boehner appeared on CNN's "State of the Union" and called on Pelosi to "come forward with evidence" that she was misled, or else apologize to the CIA. On NBC's "Meet the Press," the ever-colorful RNC Chairman Michael Steele said that Pelosi has "has stepped in it big time."

Why isn't Dick Cheney in jail?

There's a great quote from The West Wing. Leo is meeting with his former military commander discussing a potential assassination of a minister in a foreign government that is technically a US ally, but the minister himself is funding and directing terrorist activities. Leo is concerned the action would be illegal, that it would be a war crime. His former commander asks him if he remembers a particular bombing run Leo flew on what was supposed to be a military target. When Leo says he remembers, his commander tells him it was actually a civilian target. Leo goes into a momentary shock, and asks "Why did you tell me that?"The commander replies "Because Leo, all wars are crimes."Obama knew that he would be overseeing two wars when he took office, and be responsible for the NSA. If his DOJ prosecuted anyone in the Bush administration, it's virtually guaranteed that the next Republican administration would prosecute him. And they could find him guilty, because all wars are crimes.

Why are there so many people who absolutely hate Dick Cheney?

The old joke about Dick Cheney is that shooting a lawyer in the face is the only good thing he ever did.I think Cheney is despised so much because he represents unthinking corporate power, and 1%er arrogance in the minds of many people.  He probably strikes people as a man who would never admit he's wrong or show any concern for the negative consequences of policies he insisted on.  He has almost a Soviet dourness and indifference to the little people, and is completely unfazed by the failure of the Iraq war he cheerled for.Just recently, Bill Maher noted the Cheney comments about the ISIS insurgency in Iraq and how, with no irony whatsoever, Mr. Cheney insisted that the US wasn't left unprepared on his watch... when 9/11 happened.  Um... ok...