Is It Fair For My Boyfriend To Tell Me I Need To Help Myself When I Have A Personality Disorder

My mom has borderline personality disorder??? please answer?

Can you use your experience as motivation to better yourself? To work hard on becoming independent and strong enough to take care of yourself. So when the time comes, you can leave the nest and land on your feet.

I would suggest that you talk to your dad again, ask him how you should deal with this. Ask him not to put any of the decisions on you because he is the parent you need him to be the parent. Tell him that you are feeling very distressed and that you don't know how to deal and that you need him to HELP YOU. You are the child and you should be taken care of.

If all else fails than I think that you should go outside of your immediate family, maybe to a grandparent or to an aunt or uncle, then to CPS (child protective services).

When you get older and have children you will know how you don't want to behave, especially since you are afflicted with the same problem. Please take your life as a learning experience as to know how not to behave and don't let this experience give you an excuse to allow your behavior to control you. Try to stop the pattern because chances are that your mother had a similar experience.

My friend has Dissociative Identity Disorder?

Well you should put it as there are two people in side of her, and one is her and one is someone else.

Make SURE that he knows that the slut is NOT her. As hard as it is, you should tell her what he's trying to do. If he got away with it, it would be rape because it is not her he is hooking up with.

Please tell her, and tell her that you judge NOTHING she does. Make sure that she knows your love is unconditional.

Is there any advice on getting my boyfriend to seek help for his unrecognized BPD?

I read all of your questions, and to re-cap all of the problems, homeless, no meds,, broke, no car, no education, a bench warrant, schizoid borderline personality disorder, intrusive thoughts, … I suspect that an analysis of your boyfriend may better be left up to a professional. Use your energy on your own life, and let your boyfriend deal with his issues. The new hope in psychiatry is to help persons with diagnosed mental illnesses to deal with past trauma. There was at one time a talking cure, - something that helps patients deal with issues they have forgotten about, but still reside in their subconscious. If anything, concerning your boyfriend, ask him what made him angry in his youth, and look into your past and see what hurt may be there. Do not offer any advice, just let yourself or your boyfriend express how they feel. If you can recognize how something made you feel, your mind will automatically deal with it and the neurosis it created will subside, and allow a much more healthy state to exist. If necessary have someone or some thing stand proxy, and express your feelings to it or him or her. In a crunch, you can use an inanimate object.