Is It Good To Be Emotionally Stable

Emotionally stable ?

Emotionally UNstable means that problems, stress, moods get in the way of functioning normally. "Normally" means up to your regular level, like working and doing the job well.
So being emotionally stable means that you are not bothered by the above things so much that they hinder your performance or personal relations.

Pisces emotionally stable?

I'm a Pisces woman! It differs. It is definitely different for me emotionally every day. It is as if there is never a break from my emotions and fantasies. They dominate me to a point where I feel like I am endlessly living in a whirlwind, a dream... Always new feelings every moment, and the old ones instantly forgotten. It's hard to explain. Typically, Pisces are stable. As surprising as it sounds. They are strong because they know how to escape reality and how to put on a poker face when they need it. They are strong people. They believe in themselves, and others. They truly share their heart. I know this because I feel it, and I also read it online. :-)

What does emotionally stable mean?

it means once he stops acting like a damn mood swinging lunatic who freaks out at stupid **** then he'll actually be able to go somewhere in life.

Emotionally Stable = Your feelings are pretty balanced.

What does it mean to be "emotionally stable"?

When one is emotionally stable, one is not extremely affected by any emotion. You feel all the normal emotions like anger, sadness and happiness when appropriate but you are not depressed or agitated for long periods of time.

One can be considered "emotionally unstable" without being at a level where one might diagnose something such as depression, but that depends on the standards you go by.

I'm not emotionally stable enough to go to school.?

I'm a junior in high school and I can't take school anymore. It causes such high levels of anxiety to the point where I have an anxiety attack every night before I go to sleep and an even worse anxiety attack in the morning when I wake up. On the weekends all I can think about is how I will make it through school the next week. I can't take this anymore I'm drained. I can't even do homework without having a mental breakdown so bad to the point where I never actually do the homework. I can't go on like this. Please can someone give me any advice. Please help.

What do you guys define as being emotionally stable?

If you can handle the day to day stresses, have a network of friends, have a reasonably good relationship with your family, know when to laugh and when not to, know right from wrong and know the difference between fiction and reality, you are usually pretty emotionally stable.

Which would you date? Emotionally stable, intelligent or good looking?

Emotionally stable, because that comes first for a better relationship in future. Looks fade with time and non-intelligent people   are also fun to hang around with. But dating a person who is not emotionally stable, you cannot enjoy your relationship ' as all time will be consumed to make the person stable.

How do I know I'm more emotionally stable and no longer need therapy?

Some things you can look at and see how you go are:How do you handle the little things that happen? Check in with friends to see if you over reacted,was calm,handled it well.Where are your thoughts? Do you dwell on the negative or look towards the future with a positive outlook.If a good therapist is doing his job right, he may suggest less visits as you begin to become stronger. This is so you can slowly learn to be able to function without him.Try not to take on too much or jump into a relationship. Take some time for you,do things you enjoy,spoil yourself and remember to “Think before reacting”Take a slow deep breath in through the nose,hold it for a few moments,then slowly let out through the mouth. Repeat a couple of times. This gives more blood to the brain,calms the system down and can help you refocus.Good luck on your journey.Shane.