Is It Illegal To Make Noise After A Certain Time At Night

What can the police really do during a noise complaint?

This depends on the ordinances in your jurisdiction. Where I worked, the noise ordinance hours were from 2300 hours to 0700 hours - that meant that if I, as a police officer, heard disturbing noise emanating beyond the property lines of a given residence, I could unilaterally issue a citation to the offender without the need for a complaintant (attention apartment dwellers - your property lines are literally your walls, so mind your music). The logic is that, given these hours are when the vast majority of the populace is trying to sleep, I can act in the interest of the city at large in enforcing the noise ordinance.However, during all other hours, in order for me to issue a citation I have to have an individual victim - that is, someone who will sign a citation and have their name attached to an official police report, saying that their peace was disturbed by the activity of the offending party. I can then issue the citation and give the offender a court date. However, it seldom came to this, because:Your name and contact information are included in the police report, and your signature is on the ticket. Since the offender is probably a neighbor, they're going to know exactly who cost them a trip to court - so don't expect a Christmas card this year. By signing the ticket, you are in effect agreeing to testify in court as the plaintiff in the case. Judges work when you probably do - in the middle of weekdays. Are you miffed enough about the dubstep session next door to take time away from work to testify about it in court?I usually highlighted these facts when someone raised a righteous finger in the air and declared that they were PRESSING CHARGES (I think some people just loved hearing themselves say this phrase - it must be something about the hissing you have to do to get 'pressing' out). Some people thought I was just trying to shirk a report, but I'm not wasting the prosecutor's time on a one-off incident if the victim isn't going to cooperate in six months when this thing gets a court date. I mean, can you remember anything you were angry about six months ago?Thus, if it's the dead of night and the noise is obnoxious, the officer may issue a ticket themselves, especially if they've already been to that location for noise already. However, you can sign a complaint for peace disturbance at any time, given you're willing to forfeit cordial relations with your neighbors and answer a subpoena to testify in court.

Is it against the law to move at night?

no it's not. i think your father is thinking of people who move out sneakily at night to skip out on the rent. but as a legit move, it's perfectly fine to move at night if that's when you have to do it.

Is it illegal for my neighbors dog to bark and bark all night long?

Its barking now! I know its only 8.45 right now but this annoying little yappy dog next door never stops barking.
My neighbors never bring the dog in the house, he sleeps in a cagey thing and eats outside. The dog barks throughout the night for about 30mins each time. It happens approx 5 times a night while i lie awake cursing the little rat.
Anyway im not a dog hater lol i just like to sleep and to have some peace during the day.
Is it illegal for a dog to bark all night? Can i say anything to my neighbor or do i have no right?

Is it illegal to roam around in Bengaluru at night after 11 PM? Isn't it a free country? My friends and I were out at around 3:15 AM and a policeman, probably drunk, abused us verbally and hit us with a lathi.

Apparently it is. Below is a copy of an email which I sent to Bangalore police (Through complaints/suggestions link on their site). I am yet to receive a response.The MailRecently my younger brother (final year student of  Ramaiah College) was escorting few friends of his, at around 12:30am in the night to their home.The students were hauled up by a roaming policeman, and when he found out that the students did not have any cash, he took them to a Police Station, and he made them call a friend and asked them to pay him Rs.200/- per person (1200/- in total) to let them go.When asked as to why this amount is being charged, he replied that as per the "new rule", it is illegal to roam on foot after 12:00 am in Bangalore.My brother told me that they had captured some waiters (from some restaurents probably which served late) as well and the owner was there and some arguments were going on.My question is - Do we have such a rule in Bangalore? Can I be given some GO number or may be the details if such a legislation has been enacted.Thanks & Regards,

What happens if I call the police for noisy neighbors?

My African American neighbors are the worst! They are always loud and they become even worse after 12:00am! I live in an apartment. I complained to management millions of times and they do nothing. I have talked to them millions of times and they wont change. Now I am considering calling the police. I am feeling bad because I don't want to waste the police time on just loud music and worried that by the time they get here, they will turn off their music. Can you tell me what would happen if I call the police about this.


Is it illegal to set up a harmless booby trap on your own property if your car is getting broke into at night?

i dont think it would be cause its self defenence and the person would not get hurt.

Is it against the law for my neighbors to just walk into my house, trespassing?

We are in our 40s and have a band, we have practice on mondays from 6-9, the neighbor to our left called cops over and over and they kept coming saying it wasn't too loud, and told us to blow the roof of the place. so we went around talked to all the neighbors all around us, (except the one that kept calling police) and they all said we don't bother them or they don''t hear it, and we had them all sign a paper that stated so, with their names and adresses. This has been going on for 5 years by the way. well, neighbor on the lest started shooting a bb gun or pellet gun at our house and our cars and my oldest son caught him by walking to his truck to get out a pair of shorts and almost got shot in the eye, this was while we were having band practice one Monday night in april. So we called police and they went next door talked to him and he hasn't called the police on us since. we think they told him to not call anymore or they would give him a citation. Now all of a sudden, tonight, the neighbors on our right, who for 5 years never could here it, came over and claimed they banged on the door for 3 or 4 minutes shen we were into a song by about 1 minute, and walked right into our garage and into our jam room, and told us it was way too loud, they could here bass in there back yard, funny how never heard it for 5 years now all of a sudden they can hear it, and its at the same volume it ALWAYS has been. But they told us we were breaking the law because they could hear the bass, didn't they break the law by walking right into our home or garage but same thing our jam room is our sanctuary!!

Can you get into trouble for a dog barking overnight?

It is your responsibility, as a dog owner, to respect the privacy and noise-abatement of, and for, your neighbors. Teach your dog, with a bark collar (if older) or by bedtime "time to settle down" programs. Cuddling, holding, soft voice while petting...these help to calm the dog prior to ALL of you going to bed. If, as Karen Tiede mentions, you are a partier with late night hours, then perhaps dog ownership is not for you. A dog that barks all night is a dog crying for attention.

Do train engineers blow their horns at night just to be dicks and wake people up?

Train horns are not to wake people up from their sleep. It is a safety issue. It is also a federal law that trains must sound their horns as they approach a grade crossing. This is so drunks in cars, idiots with their stereos blasting, people preoccupied with texting on their iPhones, etc. do not get themselves or the train crew killed.Train horns are also used for signalling. This is becoming less prevalent since radios have become used more.If you would have ever been in a locomotive cab at track speed and had a gasoline tank truck stop dead on the tracks a quarter of a mile ahead of you with the tank straddling the tracks (happened to me), you would have blown the horn loud and long and not given a rat’s behind whether you woke up anybody within 25 miles or not.Here’s an example of why engineer’s blow their horns at crossings. Be sure your volume is turned up loud. Notice how long it takes the train to get stopped. Fortunately, nobody was seriously hurt.

How late can you legally mow your lawn?

In my neighborhood we have a HOA (Homeowners Association) they do not allow any noise disturbances after 9. But me being a mom of young kids I would be pissed if it was past 8 when they are trying to go to bed.