Is It Illegal To Smoke Anything

Is it illegal for minors to smoke tea?

first of all
if u are under the age of 18 smoking ANYTHING withh draw cops attention to you.

anything thats not meant for smoking should not be smoked, because it may release harmfull chemicals.

Is smoking tea illegal for minors?

Yes it would be illegal. In the U.S. you have to be 18 to buy and consume any product intended for smoking so if you're under 18 you can get busted. Not sure what they'd charge you with but you'd still get hassled.

By the way "legal buds" and "herbal smoking blends" are a ripoff. Some of these "herbal smoking blends" also contain catnip...Sad fact is all of these products are basically made from herbal tea. Most common ingredients are calamine and blue lotus and the effects are minimal, you're better off drinking the stuff.

Is it illegal to smoke weed in Ireland?

Cannabis is considered a Schedule I drug in Ireland MISUSE OF DRUGS ACT, 1977. Various movements have been founded to legalize the drug, including an attempt at starting a cannabis legalization political party. Under Irish Law a Schedule 1 drug, such as cannabis, is a drug which is highly abusable with no medicinal value. Unlike British law, Irish law does not organize drugs in Classes A,B,C etc.

Ireland - Five Classes.

SCHEDULE I - cannabis, LSD, mescaline, opium
SCHEDULE II - cocaine, heroin, methadone, morphine
SCHEDULE III & IV - other psychotropic substances
SCHEDULE V - specific preparations of drugs
It is common for the Gardaí (police) to 'turn a blind eye' to small amounts of cannabis for personal use.

Is it illegal to smoke while pregnant?

During a pregnancy there are many choices to be made and smoking should not be one of them. Smoking while pregnant can cause major effects before the birth of the child and also in the child's future. Here are a few effects before the actual birth of the child: 1) Cigarettes contains a large number of chemicals that harm unborn babies. 2) Smoking raises the levels of carbon monoxide in your bloodstream. This gives less oxygen for baby. 3) Nicotine tightens the blood vessels, meaning the oxygen is passed over less effectively to the baby 4) Miscarriage or stillborn.The risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome triples if the mother has smoked during pregnancy. "It is estimated that twenty-five percent of expectant mothers in the U. S. smoke throughout their pregnancies. According to a report from the Surgeon General, twenty percent of low birth weight births, either percent of preterm deliveries and five percent of all perinatal could be prevented by eliminating smoking during pregnancy." Not only can smoking cause considerable damage to the unborn baby, but it could affect the baby later in life. Smoking increases the chances of the baby having birth defects.For example, the child might develop severe brain damage. The baby also might be considerably light in weight. All these outcomes are extremely negative and can cause guilt. Another thing that should be taken into consideration is secondhand smoke. Even though the smoking is not being done firsthand, there is still a big risk. Side effects of secondhand smoke are ear infections, colds, and damage to the lungs.And even though it is not definite that complications during pregnancy might not occur, the chance of putting a child at risk for the sake of smoking a cigarette should not be taken. Women are more likely to stop smoking during pregnancy than at other times in their lives. Programs that encourage women to stop smoking before, during, and after pregnancy deserve high priority for two reasons: during pregnancy women are highly motivated to stop smoking, and they still have many remaining years of potential life.taken from Effects Of Smoking While Pregnant essay topic example

Is It Illegal to Smoke Plain Paper Nothing In It just Paper

It's not illegal now, but if it becomes a popular practice, it will be made illegal.

Im 15 is it illegal for me to smoke tea or catnip?

well every i look it says smoking the tea is legal but then i thought if i have to be 18 to buy a lighter and zig zags and the cops like caught me smoking would i get in trouble for only being 15.? i smoke tea just for fun and it be fun to smoke out in the public an piss off old ppl but im just scared ill get like thrown in jail

Is it illegal to smoke weed in Mexico?

Yes.There’s a reason the Federales are after marijuana (and hard drug) smuggling carteles.If you are worried about smoking or carrying in a tourist area, it’s usually not a huge deal but be careful. The Municipales are corrupt putas, and will look for any reason whatsoever to frisk you for anything illegal (they are usually just looking for a few hundred pesos as a bribe).Watch out for drug dealers too, everyone selling or transporting drugs is usually closely associated with the carteles, unlike in the US where dealers often have very weak connections with the cartels.You do NOT want to mess with those guys…. they have actual military tanks at their disposal.Be careful… but have fun.Source: I have many Mexican friends and visit the country frequently.

Is it illegal for a pregnant woman to smoke and drink?

In the UK it is not illegal but it is frowned on.How can you make it illegal? How, when you can legally abort a foetus, can you claim that a woman is risking the health of her baby? Either the baby matters or it doesn’t. Either it’s okay to kill it or it’s not okay to risk it. Make your choice.If the mother wants the baby she will restrict drinking and smoking while pregnant because neither are good for the baby. If the mother is a full alcoholic she has little chance of a healthy baby and less chance of being a good mother so I’d say that baby is better of being aborted. Harsh but true - the child is going to have a rotten life.However, light drinking, even light smoking, have no effect. You do not get foetal alcohol syndrome from one glass of wine a night and a chain-smoking aunt of mine produced four healthy cousins, one of whom played rugby for Wales.It’s not as clear cut as the terror-merchants want you to believe but in general terms, restricting drinking, smoking, exposure to traffic fumes and most of modern life’s horribleness during pregnancy is a good idea.But making it a legal requirement is not. Certainly not when morning after pills and abortions are legal.Draw the line. Or leave people alone. If it was you, which would you want governments to do?

Smoking cigarettes while pregnant is it illegal?

No, it isn't illegal. It's simply ill-advised.

But it is not in your best interest to interfere. Odds are she knows it is something she ought to quit. Heck, she may be trying. Even if that's not the case, I wouldn't call my boss out over something like this - not if I valued my job.

Should smoking and drinking while pregnant be made illegal and considered child abuse? Why or why not?

Personally, I think it shouldn’t.Law is the last resort of our society, which means that there should be little or none place for judicial activism. The law is here to protect the general public, therefore we can see some countries made that smoking in the public area is illegal (which is controversial as well), however, to what extent, the law should intervene with people’s freedom of choices, is another question.Put it into context, should the government play an active role in its citizens’ private life? For example, the infamous case - Brown (1993) in the UK shows us when the law (proposed by the government) went too far and have caused controversial results. The ultimate question in this case is yet to be answered by the english courts affirmatively: should private acts between consented individuals be legalised?Again, you may say, things get more complicated when it comes to pregnant woman. It is her baby, and that baby does not have the right to choose, therefore the pregnant woman’s act might violate the baby’s right. Yet again, in some jurisdictions (i.e. UK), a foetus cannot be regarded as an individual, therefore no harm can cause to it. But if you were to argue from a philosophical or even a moral point of view , then it is apparently that the mother’s act has caused damage to the unborn baby[1]. However, following the same vein, how about our future generation? Can we argue that our current acts, which causing climate change and irreversible pollution in the long term, not be violating next generation’s rights? But again, this seems to be too remote and/or even transient or trifling, which is beyond the scope of ‘law’.More info will be updated soon.[1] see A-G's Reference (No 3 of 1994) [1997]; also Re A [2001] Fam 147