Is It Legal For Parents To Make Me Babysit

Is it legal for my parents to MAKE me babysit?

Unfortunately there isn't anything illegal about it. You're still a minor and your parents can tell you what to do. I don't think this is fair to you, though. Your aunt and uncle chose to have kids, and they're not your responsibility. I could see you maybe helping them out sometimes and babysitting, but you shouldn't have to be spending your entire summer practically raising them. You are a teen and you should be allowed to have some time to yourself and time to have fun with your friends.

My parents always make me babysit?

my parents make frequent doctor trips, grocery trips, etc, and they're just such good parents they never take their kids with them :) so I'm forced to babysit.
they don't give me an alternative or even a heads up most of the time, so I could have just pulled an all nighter and they're waking me up two hours later to babysit most of the afternoon, and get mad if I take a nap even though my younger sister is old and responsible enough to wake me up when they need me.
they don't pay me, or even buy me things that I want to compensate.. and they know how much I cannot stand kids, and how easily stressed and anxious I get. I've had many breakdowns in the past from just having to listen to these kids, they never get punished so they don't listen to a word you say!! there's four of them.
I can't keep taking this reaponsibility. I usually sleep in the day, and they don't tell me beforehand they need me to babydit. I donmt get paid, and I can't get them to buy me anything (not even clothes?!?? we're not poor), they don't even look for someone else to babysit. this happens frequently. they can be gone from 20 minutes to several hours sometimes.
what do I do???
(ps sorry for any spelling errors monile YA is kinda screwy and text is hidden while typing)

Can my parents force me to babysit?

So my mom and dad always go to partys on the weekends, and they always make me babysit my younger siblings , even if i tell them that i already made plans with my friends, they still make me babysit. And my friends dont go to school with me so i only get to see them on the weekends, and i always and up babysitting and i dont want to babysit! but my mom says i have to for her! she pays me and stuff just not that much cus its my sibs. and i think that babysitting should be something i can choose to do, not something she can make me do, and im only 14 and i want a life! and when i complain about she tells me to not be so selfish! and i hate it cus shes the one being selffish! please let me know if u think my parents can force me to babysit my younger sibs even if im doing something and what should i do about it!!! pleasee helpp

How do I tell my parents I don't want to babysit? They just go out and leave me alone with the baby. I get paid so I can't complain or anything. But I have homework and with a baby, it's difficult.

Research the laws in your state. Ask a teacher at school. If they are breaking the law, use that in your favor.This is THEIR kid, not yours. Legally you owe them nothing. You are not required to look after your siblings. You can walk away, if your sibling dies you cannot be held responsible unless you promised to watch them.They owe you food and shelter, you owe them a crime free life and school attendance. Nothing more nothing less.Conversely, if they are paying for lots of clothes, entertainment and luxuries that they don’t have to pay for? That includes anything more than needed clothing and barebones food by the way. Give all that up or….Suck it up and deal.

Is it legal for my mom to force me to babysit?

My mom and my dad are divorced, she had 4 kids by him, Me (16), My little sister (10), my older sister (20) & my bro (22) my brother is at college so he doesnt live with us...
My point is her and her boyfriend ( i HATE his guts) have a baby. He is almost 2 & i love him ALOT but they always leave me with him & not pay me. Im a teen in highschool sometimes I want to go out on the weekends but instead they force me to babysit. My mom doesnt even work she just sits around all day while the baby is at daycare then when he gets home she makes me get him & she claims she is tired...

She also goes on trips like to las vegas & atlanta with her boyfriend & leaves me home with the baby. She never asks my sisters to babysit bcuz my older sister has her own baby & the younger one isnt mature yet.. So i feel like if im the only one u got then u need to atleast pay me a little something..

Then sometimes she forces me to get him, like she threatens to take up my phone/computer if i say no.. I dont think its fair... My friends stopped inviting me places bcuz i always have to babysit & i get really sad/mad when i think of how her being irresponsible has affected my life! Please let me know if this is legal bcuz if its not i am going to shove this in her face so I can get my life back!!

Parents, what is an appropriate age to let your kids babysit themselves and each other?

Children mature on different levels so their maturity level must be considered first. I raised three kids & I considered all three of them having an average maturity level for their age & grade level in school.Age 12 worked out perfect with each of my children. I started out by leaving for short periods of time then progressed to being gone for longer time frames. Make sure rules are clear and everyone knows what they are. Make a list if it helps. Make sure they know what to do incase of an emergency such as a fire. Always have a plan B & plan C so there is never a question on what the child in charge should do. They know the plan, you discussed it, no question about it at all. Leave emergency numbers just in case you are unreachable. Have the child program them into their phone.If all goes well please make sure to let your child know that they did a great job and you are proud of them, Kids need to hear this.This worked well with my family with no problems or regrets. I hope it helps yours. Good luck!FYI~ My definition of average maturity is how my child compared to their friends and classmates on everything. ( ex: Handling peer pressure, doing their chores & homework on time, being respectful & accountable for their actions, showing compassion & sharing feelings, interacting with other family members of all ages, manners, inside and outside the home, etc)Barbara

Is it ethical for a teacher to pay their students to babysit the teacher’s children?

A2AAs a practical answer, yes.My general perception would be of a member of the community hiring a young person they know to babysit and paying the same rate they would pay anyone else to babysit.On the pickiest level, there could be concern about creating a more favorable relationship with one student over others. But, the teachers I know would not show favoritism in the classroom just because somebody babysat for them.I would caution the teacher about spending any length of time at home alone with any student for any reason. If the babysitter is young enough to need a ride from home and back, that is even more time alone. The babysitter’s parents should know and be comfortable with the situation. There have just been too many improper student/teacher relationships (often crimes by virtue of age) for it not to be risky to be alone with a student. This paragraph is long because I am trying to be very careful how I say it. It saddens me to even need to mention that this issue exists.But, a normal period of time to make sure the babysitter knows what is expected and when to expect the parent(s) back home should be seen the same as it would with any other babysitter from the community. And, if the specific answer was all you really wanted, it would be ethical to pay them the same as other sitters and unethical not to do so.

Did your parents ever charge you to babysit their own grandchildren?

They haven't but I've also never taken advantage of that. While there have been times when I asked for them to take the kids, usually it's the other way around. My kids are well behaved and both my parents and my partner's parents often ask if the kids can come over. If I thought that my mother would actually have taken money at any point for watching the kids, I'd have paid her but she refuses and still thanks me every time I let her “borrow” them.On the other hand, until very recently, my mother was taking care of my nephew full time and so my brother paid her for that. He had been in daycare but after an accident, she took over watching him whenever my brother and his wife were working. He is much younger than my kids (almost ten years) and my mother has RA so it's also a lot more physically straining on her. In fact, I would often send my kids over to help her out with him during the summer. Because of both the time involved and the physical demands of keeping up with a toddler, it made more sense for her to be paid. She ended up quitting her own job to care for him after all.All that having been said, your parents do not owe you free babysitting. It's one thing if they ask to have your kids over or even if it's infrequent but if you're coming to them and asking them to babysit, you should at least be prepared to pay them for it. They might not accept it (or they might accept it only to turn around and spend the money on the kids) but if you're not willing to pay them, you're taking advantage of them.