Is It More Socially Acceptable For A Man To Be Overweight Than A Woman

Why is being overweight socially acceptable, while being underweight is not?

Wow. What planet are you from. From my experience, being fat is worse than being.... well, anything. You can be ugly, a drug addict, mean, hairy, etc. but gosh, don't be fat. The only reason YOU don't hear about it is because you're skinny. Seriously, who's going to tell you to lose weight? lol

Why does no one really TALK about being overweight? Because it's an established malady, so to speak. Being skinny isn't considered bad unless you're anorexic or something, and even then no one makes fun of anorexia. Get that 1000 lb. person on TV though and it's like "gross" or some people laugh.

When you watch TV or see a movie, who is the leading guy or gal? Probably someone thin, beautiful, whatever. The fat person is not an object of desire. When people make fun of skinny people, it's because they're jealous. When someone makes fun of a fat person, it's because they look down on them and get pleasure out of showing just how much better they think they are.

If you're really skinny and people are concerned, it's because it just isn't common. Why would they think they're hurting your feelings? At least you're not fat, no one wants to be fat. Everyone wants to be skinny. Maybe just not skinny like you might be, but your condition is preferable to a fat persons.

I hope I'm making sense.... it's just that a whole large percentage would probably love for someone to tell them they needed to gain weight. Many people are dissatisfied with their bodies, but rarely is it because they think they're too skinny (I do know they exist though).

Why is it socially unacceptable for a man to own a fleshlight ?

or other sex toy for pleasure but totally acceptable and understood that a lot of women own and use vibrators and dildos.

people dont say anything openly but ive asked many women and they think its kinda disgusting for a man to own an artificial vagina torch or a blow up doll while they are ok with women using vibrators.

why this double standard?

Why is it more socially acceptable for a woman to state that she is not looking for a short man, than a man saying he is not looking for an overweight woman, given there is significantly less ability of a person to influence their height?

Women like to wear heels. It’s a thing. Heels make their legs look slimmer and their butts look better. Oh, sure, lots of women will tell you that they just like the way heels look, and that’s fine, but let’s face it — it’s really the slim legs/nice butt thing. I mean, have you ever paid attention to heels? They’re like miniature torture devices for feet!Women voluntarily walk around in these things to make themselves look good. Why? Because they want the man they’re with to look at their long, slim legs and nice butt and go, “Dang! Those are nice legs you have there! And they’re doing a great job of holding up your lovely butt!”Now it’s true that a shorter man is in a better position to observe and appreciate the long legs and nice butt, but it makes the woman feel like a freakishly large Amazon and it puts her in a better position to see your bald spot! So while she’s risking life and limb just to be better-looking arm candy for you, what are you doing to make yourself more attractive to her?Fortunately, science has a solution.Drink lots of coffee.You need to find a brand that still uses metal cans, though. Those plastic tubs won’t help a lot for what comes next.When you’ve finished two cans of coffee, poke a couple of holes on opposite sides of the bottom of each can and run a rope through each hole.Use the ropes to tie the coffee cans to your feet.Bask in the glow of all the high-heeled honeys that flock to your side. (Just don’t let them look down…)If that fails, paint a smiley face on your bald spot. Women like to laugh, and a sense of humor is sexy!Seriously, though… Women whose criteria is only “I like tall guys” limit themselves just as much as guys who say, “I only like skinny girls”. More so, in fact, because weight is something that can change!The mindset that produces a question like this seems to be, “I don’t want to be judged for superficial reasons, but I don’t like being called out when I judge others for superficial reasons!”Be the change you want to see in the world. Don’t worry about what other people think or do. Work on your attitude first.Walking around with coffee cans strapped to your feet and a smiley face painted on your bald spot is no way to go through life, man…

Why is it more acceptable for women to be underweight than to be overweight?

Hello,Because since a few decades, media has influenced our views to accept and prefer women who are underweight as something better and superior than other body types. Dozens of websites support and encourage women to become thinner in order to gain confidence, external approval, health benefits, ect. Also, underweight women or just thinner women are supposed by the majority of people to be fit, active and healthy (which in my opinion is not always the case). Even, the extremes are that they are less unhappy, do not produce unpleasant body odours and are more easy to handle when intimate.In the fashion industry women who are thinner than average are preferred because clothes hang on them freely and not much material is needed, therefore is cheaper for the modelling industry to support smaller sizes.And last point is that some men tend to feel more “manly" if they are with a woman like that because they feel these women “need” them in order to feel protected and safe.I might have skipped something so if there is anything feel free to add it to the list.

Why is a Woman masturbating in public more socially acceptable than when a Man does it?

A man masturbating in public pre-requires that his member be errect. The action usually involves the use of fairly aggressive hand gestures. When he orgasms, he constitutes a potential bio-hazard.

A woman can auto-stimulate using both her clothing and the recessed nature of her genitalia to disguise her activity. She is also able to use one of an array of apparati to achieve the desired effect, and to disguise, where required, her climax.

Is it more socially acceptable to fat shame men than women?

One fat-shaming target I can think of is New Jersey governor and presidential candidate Chris Christie, and his weight as late-night comedic fodder. Which is...lazy.No, it's not OK to fat-shame men. But because society as a whole has begun to recognize the discrimination disadvantaged groups face, and because these days there is actual consequences doled out (e.g. firing for racist acts), we've been trained over time not to pick on the "usual" targets. At least, not as overtly as we would otherwise.Humans being humans, we merely shift our energy to those somewhat less disadvantaged, and carry on our prejudiced ways..Women are still fat-shamed. When it happens, it usually gets called out by observers swiftly. Though, it's less motivated by a sense of justice, but more by the way we've always regarded women as "fragile", "touchy" about their appearance, and needing others to come to their defense. Quite a patronizing response, and not much better than the shaming we rush to "rescue" women from in the first place, isn't it? Still, undeniably, there is now a greater number of socially-conscious people that notice and speak back to negative social pressures. Aided by the ease and ubiquity of social media, collectively we make it harder for offenses to fly under the radar.Comparatively, fat-shaming a man remains under-checked, and seemingly more socially acceptable, because of these inequitable assumptions:He should be able to take it, being a man.A man's worth does not begin and end with his physical attractiveness, and therefore to talk about his girth is not at all "mean".Guys like to josh around as a camaraderie-building exercise.All of these assumptions hurt the man being shamed, and perpetuate gender inequality. #1 forces men to toughen up even when they don't want to, and shouldn't have to; #2 dooms women to a mere ornamental station in society; #3 erects an arbitrary barrier to gender-mixing.There's a separate issue of poking fun at power and privilege, though. That's not to be confused with fat-shaming men. The white, male, English-speaking, hetero, cis, abled, and Christian still rule the world. Just look at all the other candidates running alongside Christie.

Why is it socially acceptable for women to gossip but not for men?

It is socially acceptable for men to gossip. Every single male dominated work environment I have been in, men totally gossip all the time. Who is having an affair with who? Who is totally coked up all the time? Who is a horrible person to work with? Who is about to get fired? Who is sucking up to the boss? Who has the hots for who?All of this is gossip, and I have heard men from age 20 to 60 talk from hushed tones in the corner to yelling over the din in a crowded bar when a near by bar has a deal on beer on Thirty Tuesdays.The thing is that men don't call it gossip, not unless they feel very confident in their masculinity. Most of the time men just call male gossip, talking shit, getting the juice, getting the 411, talking shop, getting info, venting, or just plain bitching and moaning.Men to and always have gossiped, some just don't realize that they do.

Why is it socially acceptable to be fat?

If I can accept the ignorance and prejudice of those who judge me by asking a question like this, then it stands to reason that I should also receive the benefit of their acceptance for something as simple as growing up without the benefit of knowing that certain habits I held would lead to my being fat. Fundamentally, fat people are treated worse than almost any class of human in the modern world. People are cautious in hurling their abuse at people who have different ethnic, sexual, and religious backgrounds, but the minute you are fat- it's open season on you and your body.We have fat people around for as long as we have had the ability to store food. While it is now commonly understood as something that is preventable with nutrition and exercise, this was not always the case.It is socially acceptable for me to be fat because I am a significant human being who contributes to his family, community, and society. The fact that I weigh 255 lbs does not in any way detract from my worth as a person.

Why is it socially acceptable to call someone short but not call someone fat?

Calling someone short or tall, fat or thin, is usually rude, because you don’t know which people might be sensitive about it.But saying someone is fat is almost always a problem, because society bombards people with messages saying that if you’re fat (or, for that matter, an optimal healthy weight and female) you’re worthless. Regardless of the truth of the matter, if you were told every day of your life “you’re lazy and greedy because you have blond hair, and you shouldn’t take away space in society from people who deserve it more”, do you think you might understand why people are upset when someone meets you and says “you have blond hair”? Whether you really hate yourself for not being able to change it, or if you think there’s nothing wrong with it.Even if someone actually is lazy, or greedy, or poor at managing their impulses, people don’t normally make a big point of announcing it loudly. But somehow commenting on someone’s body falls into a deniable middle ground: you’re *likely* to be criticising them, but it’s not *absolutely* certain, so you can pretend you had no idea that some body types are widely villified by society.

Why is it socially acceptable to make fun of bald men, but not overweight women?

I don't understand where this premise came from. From what I understand, it is not okay to make fun people. However, we can categorize things to make fun of, if that's what you mean, by two category:1. Things that is done by choice, which can be remedied if he/she wanted to. Especially related to body parts. For example, if someone choose to color his hair green and people are making fun of him, that's something that he should accept because he colored his hair by his own choice (of course, if he is not being FORCED to dye his hair green). He should be able to color his hair to another color if he wants to. 2. Things (especially related to body parts) that doesn't happen by choice, for example blind, cripple, bald (except he choose to skin his head)Bald, if it's related to health problem, or if it's a side effect to chemotheraphy, is not something that can be easily remedied or avoided. Perhaps he doesn't even want to be bald. You shouldn't mock bald guy. Fat ladies, however in my honest opinion, can be remedied. I've seen many women goes from size 6 to 4.In a perfect world, social mockery happens to help one understand how he/she can do better. In this case, if you mock a fat lady in front of her, she feels uneasy, then choose to workout and then get a better shape in one year or so, she will be thankful to you. Another thing that may happen when you make fun of a fat lady in front of her is, getting slapped. If you don't want to get slapped. Don't mock fat ladies.