Is It Normal For A Cat To Be Moody In The Morning

Is it normal to have "morning sickness" while on period?

One of the possible causes of feeling nauseous when on your period is simple the changing in hormones that is occurring in your body. For some women, the changing levels of hormones will cause their stomach to produce extra digestive acids, which can in turn produce anything from a slight case of heartburn to full blown vomiting. For some women, going on birth control pills actually can reduce the nauseous feeling when they are having their period, as the pill will tend to level off those hormones during the monthly cycle.
Another possible cause for nausea during a period is pain. For a woman who has a painful period, nothing might feel right. The prostaglandins that are released from the wall of the uterus during the menstrual period can cause painful contractions in the uterus. These contractions can then affect the stomach, as well, causing a feeling of nausea.
Relieving nausea during your period can be done in several ways. Certainly, there are a number of both prescription and over-the-counter medications that are available to treat nausea. For some women, a simple antacid tablet will do the trick. Ginger or mint teas help other women, as well. Finding out what helps to ease your nausea is a process of trial and error.
In general, nausea that is severe or long-lasting should be a concern. If you find that you are severely nauseous every month during your period, you should talk to your health care provider. She may be able to help determine whether there is some other possible cause for your nausea, or how best to treat the nausea that you have when on your period. This is particularly true if the nauseous feeling when on your period has started in the last few cycles, where it had never been an issue before.

Is it normal that my 9-10 year old cat sleeps more then the younger ones?

I have four cats. The mom/grandma of them all is 9 or 10 years old. Then I have a 4-5 year old, and two 10 month olds.

The oldest one sleeps all the time. She will sleep all day with me, when I wake up she'll go downstairs with me to eat food and drink water and use the litter box. She will then lay down on the computer chair and sleep some more. Sometime during the evening she will wake up to eat/drink again, and sometimes will play with the other cats. Goes to sleep, wakes up once again in the early morning hours to eat again and then goes right back to bed when I do.
She seems to be sleeping more since she got fixed.

She sleeps like twice as much as the other cats, is it normal for them to sleep more as they age?

Im starting to really hate my cat. is this normal?

Considering how you say it always scratches you, it's understandable that you'd grow to hate it. Just because it's a cat doesn't mean you can't still be angry at it for hurting you!

Even if your daughter likes it, I say take it to a rescue home, tell them you can't cope with it's behaviour. Do it as soon as possible; even if your daughter likes it there's no guaranteeing it won't try to scratch her, too.
But please please, whatever you do, don't hurt it or abandon it. If you just tell them you can't deal with having a cat, they will take it and that's that.

If you want to get another cat after, I'd suggest getting one from a rescue shelter. You'll be able to talk to the staff and they will tell you the cats' personalities. I think maybe an older cat would be better, as they tend to calm down as they get older which is better for families with children.

Good luck x

Cat acting funny after surgery and anesthesia normal?

Your cat may have had surgery late in the day and thats why she is so out of it.
Effects from anesthesia can last up to 24 hours.
If she is not back to herself by 6 ish tomorrow evening take her back to the vet for a recheck.

Offer her a small meal at some points because she requires calories at this time and after with holding food for so long prior to surgery it may settle her stomach.

Without a doubt she is in discomfort.
Give her the night to heal but if she still is off by the evening have her checked up to ease your concern

Is it normal for a pregnant cat to throw up?

Vomiting earlier in pregnancy would be similar to our morning sickness.
But this is in late pregnancy -- then it is not as common *except* at the very end - some cats do vomit in the first stage of labor. so if she has been pregnant 9 weeks, it might be a sign she is going into labor.

If she just puked a couple times and then nothing happens, it's hard to say, it might just be an upset stomach due to something she ate, and due to her uterus pressing on her other organs.
but if she keeps puking and it goes more than 24 hours and labor doesn't progress, or she feels like she has a fever, you should call the vet, since it could be a sign of a more serious problem, like a kitten having died and caused an infection.

Make sure you do keep her inside and away from tomcats until you can get her spayed, since a cat can get pregnant even days after giving birth and it would not be healthy for her or the kittens.

How do I handle a girlfriend with mood swings? She’s been acting crazy lately and I don't know how to act in front of her anymore. I feel like my patience is exhausted just to make her calm. It's like a cat baptism you know!

All women have those crazy days where they make no sense. We are angry. We are depressed for no reason at all. Trust me, we can't help. But it is not everyday. It usually stays for 3 days to a week in a month. Not more than that.Why does it happen?There is a sudden change in the levels of hormones. Your estrogen increases and progesterone decreases. Few symptoms are extreme mood swings, eating binge (I once had one and a half plate of boneless chicken biryani in a single go. I still get teased), sugar cravings (because of sudden drop in sugar levels), bloating. The symptoms may vary from person to person.How do you know?It usually happens in a pattern. Keep a track of her monthly cycle and check the days she acts completely unreasonable. You will find a pattern. It happens for a few girls before their periods, for a few during their periods, and for a few in the mid cycle while ovulating. Find out what her pattern is. Sometimes the crazy moody days decide to skip that month. Consider yourself lucky if that happens. :DWhat can you do?Have some patience, please! It is just for a few days, and trust me, she is going to realize that she has been completely unreasonable after she gets back to normal. Women don't do this on purpose. It just happens. So everytime she is moody, is it her hormones?No. Sometimes we are really pissed off and angry. It is not the hormones. It is the circumstances. As if the war inside us is not enough, we women have to struggle with the war outside too. Try to find out why she is upset. Sometimes, she really has a reason. What can you possibly do to help her?I heard chocolate helps. It triggers the feel good chemicals in the brain. But I don't know how helpful it is going to be. Other than that all you can do is endure the suffering. She will realize that she was unreasonable when she gets back to normal and is going to thank you for being there for her during that difficult time. Word of caution:I have a friend who is extremely moody and her boy friend had a tough time every single day!If your girlfriend is something like this, I would suggest you to get out of the relationship before it is too late. This kind of relationship is toxic. I don't believe in "I love her so much that I can go through all the suffering just for her". That is BS! That is what people say when they are delusional and call it love.