Is It Normal For Athletes To Lose Alot Of Weight Too Soon When They Get Sick

Can I lose weight by throwing up?

No.Just no.It doesn't make you skinny; it makes you ill. Firstly, the vast majority of calories from food are absorbed very early. Nutrients are absorbed later. By throwing up, you keep the calories but not the protein, vitamins, nutrients and so forth. This puts your body into starvation mode. This means the calories you eat are turned straight into fat, because your body feels like it's starving. It also increases your appetite, making you eat more; it make you tired and lethargic; it kills your willpower; it weakens your immune system; and it makes you loose muscle, which means that even after you leave 'starvation mode', you'll gain weight faster.As for safe? No. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Erica Challis explained the physical effects well, but I'll elaborate.What is throwing up?It's forcing your stomach muscles to convulse, suddenly and unnaturally. This causes muscle tears, strains and cramps. It can literally rip holes in your abdominal muscles.Vomiting forces your stomach walls to move in ways it shouldn't, bruising organs near it.Vomiting forces stomach acids - which can dissolve flesh and bone - into your intestines and gullet, where it can permanently damage membranes and cause internal bleeding. This is nearly impossible to treat.It pushes this stomach acid  into your mouth and over your teeth.Remember, stomach acic can dissolve flesh and bone. It dissolves the enamel on your teeth, leaving them blackened and with holes, and painful and open to infection.It also destroys your taste buds. So if you're throwing up so that you can eat whatever you like, that's not going to work. It means you literally cannot eat, because your teeth are raw nerves, your intestines are shredded, and your stomach  is dying.Please, god, don't. Speak to a doctor if you want to loose weight. Exercise moderately. Eat fewer carbs, more protein and more vegetables. Stop drinking fizzy drinks. Cut down on alcohol.But please, don't kill yourself by throwing up.

Is it normal for an 11 year old who's 5'2/3ish to weigh 139?

i am the exact same way, but im 14, same height and 160 pounds
given i have alot of muscle it is all covered in disgusting fat!
i have been walking at my communitly park, and with an ipod time flies!!!!
since im in highschool i even walk home on nice days
slowly start to change the way you eat. dont worry about messing up, because no matter how many times i have told myself absolutely no junk, i go and eat a cupcake. just allow yourself one serving of a sweet per day, and it will get to the point you dont need to have one!!!
i still slip a little everyday, but im not going to give up.
to tell the truth, yesterday i was crying on my floor in my room thinking about everything that has gotten me to this point, and i put on my favorite song and did crunches through the whole thing
and as much as it hurt i kept going, and the tears kept coming, because i liked the pain, because thats one step closer to my goal of a healthier, happier life.
and you dont need a man to make you! i have had my fair shair of rejections, and it hurts i know, but i have realized that its my friends that keep me happy. your friend is probably trying to help you, not upset you, she just wants you to be healthy and happy

I weigh 72 pounds (14 yrs old...) and they want me to lose more weight.... help I might get sick!?

Ok I dance ballet 6 days a week (11h a week) which is pretty much a lot and umm i take it very seriously. I'm 14 years old and weigh 72 pounds. If I'm correct I believe most people my age weigh around 120-140 pounds. My teacher said I need to have a goal to weigh 50 pounds now (my other goal was 75 pounds) but I'm just not losing weight anymore it's like I've reached my maximum of losing weight. I need a trick to lose weight FAST without being anorexic and stuff.
Quitting or explaining to my teacher that I can't do it isn't an option for those about to answer that. Dance is my life and my career goal is to be a ballerina. If i'm going to be a ballerina I need to lose this 22 pounds. And yes my weight does affect my dancing because they can reject me from companies for being too fat etc.

Should a 14 year old girl athlete become a vegan?

It doesn't matter what people "think" you should do.
Listen to your body.

If your hands are turning blue, breathing has become difficult and your muscles hurt,
THERE'S SOMETHING WRONG. Obviously. And you've only been doing it 3 days! NOT GOOD.

Be smart - all the research in the world isn't going to help YOUR growing body with its OWN, UNIQUE nutritional needs. Freelee the Banana Girl doesn't have your body, isn't built like you and doesn't have the same nutritional and health needs as you. Opinions are just that - opinions.
And this Freelee girl doesn't seem like the world's greatest authority on anything. Her name alone should tell you that. If she had any serious credentials, she'd be a doctor and a respected researcher - not spouting her opinions on Youtube for a living. (Yeah, for some stupid reason, I've seen maybe 5 minutes of one of her videos and had to just roll my eyes.)

I agree with your family - as hard as that is to hear and accept.
Your body is still growing.
The fact that you're so concerned with this at your age is a bit alarming.

Take a breather, stop with the hardcore mentality regarding food and maybe just enjoy your life.
Eat a cheeseburger and don't obsess about it.
But first, please go see a doctor and be honest about what you're trying to accomplish.
A nutritionist/dietician might also be helpful for you.
Good luck.

I'm 5'6" and 127 pounds, need to lose at the least 10?

Hi I'm 14/15 years old and 5'6" and 127lbs. I want to lose At least 10lbs but my all time goal is 15-20lbs. The thing is i want to lose this weight as soon as possible. Is starving the best thing? In in sports so I won't look sick.