Is It Normal For Ears To Pop Going Up A Mountain

Why do your ears pop when going up and down a mountain?

As you go higher and higher from ground level, (altitude increase) the pressure also increases. The pressure increase is what makes your ears pop.

Is it normal for ears to pop when going up a mountain on a bus?

Your ears pop whenever you change altitude like that

Why do your ears pop when going up and down a mountain?

As you go higher and higher from ground level, (altitude increase) the pressure also increases. The pressure increase is what makes your ears pop.

Why do your ears pop going up to the mountains?

The pressure in your ears was equalized at sea level but the pressure outside is lower when going up to the mountains. Thus, the pressure inside is greater and air will force its way out through the Eustachian tube.

When you go over a mountain pass in an automobile, your ears often “pop” both on the way up and on the way dow?

as you go up, the air pressure is less, and so your ears pop on the way up
and after your ears have adjusted to the lower pressure, going down to sea-level
again requires and adjustment.

Will an air bra pop if going on a plane from England to Cuba ?

The bra should be safe. The air pressure in the cabin of an airliner can drop during flight, but it is never less than it would be at 8000 feet of altitude—which is about the same as Telluride, Colorado (and quite a few other ski areas). If her bra could survive a stay in Telluride, and I assume it could, then it can survive an airplane flight.

If you are alone on a mountain and a mountain lion starts running at you from 75 yards (68 meters) away, what do you do?

For starters, this isn’t really a scenario that’s going to happen. If a mountain lion wants to kill and eat you, you’re probably not going to know about it until it’s already too late. He’s not going to just run across a huge open stretch of land after you - he’s going to circle around, get behind you, sneak up, and get as close as he can before attacking. You’ll feel his paws around your neck and the weight of the animal knocking you to the ground, and then you’re going to be dead in a few moments without ever knowing he was there.If you do get advance notice, you need to discourage the attack. Look big, and show that you see him - he wants an easy kill and now that’s spoiled. Yell aggressively back, and if you have anything you can use as a weapon, wield it. A knife might give you a fighting chance at driving him off, a bright flashlight if it’s at night to blind him (in which case, you probably never saw him coming), a hiking stick that you can use as a club or spear to keep him away. Do not run - a mock charge towards him may potentially give him pause, but running away will trigger an attack for sure - joggers are the most common targets of mountain lion attacks.A backpack with some neck coverage may provide some help - I remember a story where a child was saved from an attack when it went to bite their neck, it got the pack instead but that was years ago and I can’t find a link to the story. Pepper spray may be very useful if you spotted the animal soon enough to get it out - that kind of pain is likely to make him give up.Fortunately, mountain lions are rare and they don’t tend to attack people that often - I think I saw that there were 17 fatal attacks in the last 50 years, vs. 20–30 each year from dogs or even 20 from cows. Still, what a horrible way to die - they’re one of the only animals I’m scared of.

Can atheists have faith? Isn’t this the most important thing in life?

It's sad to read so much prejudiced answers from atheists, like: faith/religion is harmful, or: faith/religion means no choices, or: faith/religion is unnecessary.That's far from true.People bring themselves to religion, to faith. If they're peaceful, they'll experience peace in it. If they're fearful, they'll be influenced by texts that feed their fear. This is not to blame on religion/faith. Of course, people can force you into certain interpretations, which is something a lot of people will always be doing, regardless of the topic.There is not one single truth in religion/faith, apart from certain building blocks (like “god made heaven and earth” or “Jesus died on the cross for our sins”). These building blocks are really basic and they are hardly narrowing. On the contrary, they give people a lot of possibilities to interpret texts and build their own, personal belief. Go and actually talk with these people and you'll discover that everyone has their own perspective, their own experiences, their own interpretations. Religion/faith is like a big jacket that fits the owner, but not a whole lot of other people.These are some of the topics where a lot of atheists go haywire, because they don't quite understand how it works and because they are very judgmental from a very prejudiced perspective. They take biblical texts way too literal and they claim that their atheist literal interpretation is the only possible reading, ignoring the fact that most religious/faithfull people read more figuratively. Most can make a distinction between scientific reality (which most religious/faithfull people are completely comfortable with) and faithfull/religious reality, while most atheists can't make this distinction.A lot of atheists do the exact same things that they accuse believers of. The clichés they throw up about faith/religion are the exact same clichés they themselves live by.A lot of atheists do have faith: atheism.They think only the empirical reality should count. They narrow everything down to either ‘true' or ‘lie'. They think it’s all just a coincidence, that things always just happen at random. They think faithfull/religious things are completely untrue untill they’re scientifically proven.The harm they do to the worlds of emotions, ethics, morality, meaning and experiences is beyond imagination.

Why do some people's ears hurt due to flying and other's don't?

it has to do with the mechanisms by which our bodies equalize the pressure in our ears. (Eustachian tubes) some peoples work really well (therefore won't notice any issues in a plane) and others don't work so well and they'll notice for sure... this can also be caused by things like ear infections or anything that plugs the tubes that hampers the equalizing of pressure

For the past nearly 5 months i've been sneezing and a mixture of congestion and runny nose!?

Anyone know if this could possibly be associated with anything?.. Yes i realise a majority of these answers are going to be "go see a dr" But I would just li ke an idea of whats wrong with me.. I literally go through 2-4 boxes of tissues a week!

Basically when i wake up in the morning i sneeze between 5-10 times (no exaggeration) then it calms for the most part.. throughout the day i might have a sneezing fit or two.. and before bed the same as in the morning.. and this has happened EVERY day for the past almost 5 months.

I have tried 2 allergy medications. 1 of which put red bumps on me (was apparently alergic to it) and the other seemed to curb the sneezing a little but not really that much. I am not one to get sick nor have i ever had problems with any allergies ever!

The congestion is horrible most days, some days worse than others. Like when i blow my nose my ears have that feeling like right before they pop going up a mountain or in a plane. and its constant