Is It Normal For One Side Of My Cheek To Be Bigger Than The Other After Wisdom Teeth Removal

Wisdom teeth removal- one cheek bigger than the other?

So I'm on my 3rd day of recovery and my left cheek is almost not swollen anymore, I can smile a little with it. But my right cheek is still really swollen. It hasn't gone down ever since it got swollen. It this normal? Or should I start worrying? I've been icing and eventually putting heat on the right cheek more than the left one so I don't know >.<

Why is one side of my face still swollen after wisdom teeth removal 2 months ago?

got them removed 2 months ago. as the first week came to an end i noticed that the swelling on one side began to go down but the other did not. i went to the dentist and he gave me an antibiotic. it went down. it swelled up again horribly i mean my cheek was humongous about a month later. and now again it is happpening about a month later. why is this happening? i take care of my teeth brush 3x a day, salt water rinse 3x a day and syringe a lot.

One swollen cheek after wisdom teeth removal?

My sister had the same problem. It is totally normal its just that the other cheek was irretated more then the other. this will allways happen.

Extreme left side swelling after wisdom teeth removal.?

It sounds like you have a slight infection developing. This is probably due to food eaten that left particles lodged in the socket area a few days ago. Use warm salt water rinses (as warm as possible without burning yourself) making sure that you are "swishing vigorously" to dislodge any food particles that may have gotten lodged in the socket area. It's always advisable to rinse swishing well especially after eating. Make sure to maintain good oral hygiene during your recovery period too.

Don't use an ice pack. You should use ice to "keep" swelling down during the first 24 hours post op, the swelling is there already and needs to be reduced not chilled. Hot, moist compresses (damp towel in the microwave) placed on both jaw areas are best used to help get the blood flowing in the swollen sore areas which will work to reduce the swelling, stiffness and pain actually helping you to regain the full function of your mouth faster.

If nothing seems to help, then it may be time for your surgeon to clean out the socket and prescribe an antibiotic treatment. Call his office tomorrow, there is always an emergency number. He will probably phone in an antibiotic to your pharmacy in order to get your pain and swelling under control.

Additional information: As for loosing a suture, this is common and nothing to worry about. In some cases sutures aren't even placed after extractions, it just depends on the dentist and the extraction.

How long will swelling last after a wisdom teeth removal? What are some tips to reduce the swelling?

Swelling occurs as the body’s way to protect and splint the area of injury, in this case oral surgery. To reduce swelling, you need to first control the bleeding and then treat the body for swelling.Bite on the gauze pack for one hour with steady pressure. This controls the bleeding. Don't over treat the bleeding issue. This will cause more bleeding and more swelling. There is normally a small amount of blood in the saliva the first day. This will turn brown towards the end of the day. There is a difference between diluted blood in the saliva and abject bleeding with bright red clotting blood flowing into the mouth. Call the dentist if that occurs.When you remove the gauze, open, close and work the jaw around a few times to get the muscles working. Do this on a regular basis throughout the healing phase. If you keep your jaws together for three days, you won't be able to open your mouth. You will have a increase in swelling and muscle trismus that adds to your pain level. Don't worry about disrupting the sutures. The tissue is sutured in a passive position and should not cause a problem with movement.Do not rinse the first day but start the next day rinsing every four hours and after meals. Drink fluids and don't use a soda straw or smoke. These things cause bleeding.A soft diet is needed the first day, not a liquid diet. The second day start a normal diet. Chewing will keep the muscles in good shape, improve circulation and help to reduce swelling. The improved circulation will bring nutrients to the area to promote healing.Remain sitting or standing as much as possible the first day, keeping the head elevated. Keep the head elevated at night the first few days. Keeping the head elevated will greatly reduce the swelling.It was very easy to see who followed these instructions and who didn't at the suture removal appointment. Sometimes, those that didn't needed to be reappointed for suture removal because there was still swelling and insufficient access to reach the sutures.

One side of mouth really swollen then other. wisdom teeth pulled.Infection maybe?

Make sure you're taking antibiotics! It could be that you have more swelling on one side because the tooth on that side was larger, or took something different to get it out. Generally the swelling goes down in a few weeks, not days as the doctors say. You should go check in with the oral surgeon that performed the operation a week after you had it done.

Swelling on one side of my face after Wisdom Teeth extraction?

Hello, I just got my wisdom teeth taken out yesterday and I noticed that the swelling on one side of my face is much larger than the swelling on the other, is this problematic or normal in my case?

It doesn't hurt anymore or really feel any different, but it's definitely bigger on the left than on the right. Does it sound like an infection, or is it just happenstance that it is more swollen?

How will removing the wisdom teeth affect ones jaw line/structure and overall looks?

i just had my left upper wisdom tooth removed 4 months ago. The tooth had erupted in angle out towards my cheek 1 year ago. As it grew, it started to grazed my cheek, push other teeth slightly and my left cheek looked slightly swollen than the right.Eventually i started to have cavities in that tooth —as it grew in an angle it was very difficult to clean and food got trapped smelly breath etc… So i got it removed eventually. The procedure was very brief about 1 minute because it has grown fully out and not impacted.After 1 and 1/2 month i started to notice that the left side of my face is slightly flatter than the right side (used to be more swollen) and i started to have dimple as well on the same side! I lost the bony part quite significantly on the extraction site in terms of the height (bigger hole as a result the angling??)Aesthetically nobody really noticed it, but i must say i regretted taking it out. I lost the fullness of my face and the skin over the area looks sagggy as well. i felt there was slight lost of youthfulness and my face looks flat…. perhaps due to loss of bony area around that part make my face appeared sunken in.if i can reverse time i would not have it removed or even if i did i will insist for bone grafting. My friend who is a maxillofacial surgeon insist it wont change your face! (as you can see from the many answers here by dentists). I think the jawline wont change but if you have quite bone loss/resorption there your face may change a bit. My friend said there will be bone regeneration there to resculp your gum and this process may take as long as 1 year. so i still holding on this hope that it will make my face appear more full again…