Is It Normal For You To Feel Like You Broke Your Leg Even After 2 Years Of It Beening Healed

How long does it takes for 2 broken legs to heal and walk again?

Tell her not to worry, she will be fine. Without knowing the type of fracture (commune, compound or stress) It is harder to answer. Stress fractures are the quicker healing. Typically, it is just cracking of the bones. Very painful but usually they can be walked on within a couple of weeks. Compound fractures depend on how many actual breaks there are and in which area of the bone they are. Compound fractures penetrate the skin and also cause lacerations where the bone protrudes. Typically, the healing time is 6-8 weeks but with more severe breaks, 12 weeks is not unheard of. Commune fractures are the worst. These are injuries that actually crush the bone. They almost always need surgical intervention and the recovery time can be anywhere from a couple of months to more than a year. In any case, tell her to follow doctors orders and not to worry. In a couple of weeks, tell her to stretch out the muscles in her legs, they tend to waste away quickly. Also tell her that when the bones start to heal, she will begin to feel what seems like "popping" in the bones and that it is normal. It is just the bones "knitting" themselves back together.

Can my dog's broken leg heal on it's own?

All dogs legs do heal on their own even if you see a vet. He can't heal them, he only sets them straight. You do need to have it set straight and casted (don't let them use the stupid pins!). It will take about 4 weeks to heal and 6weeks to return to normal. The reason you see a vet to set a leg is so he can x-ray it, and make sure it is set straight. You can straighten it and splint it if you have to. But it has to be in the correct position to prevent arthritis, and you have to make it so she can't walk on it to make it worse. The vet is a better choice.
Please don't let them demand you use those stupid pins to set it! They are so dangerous. Anytime you open the skin you risk bacterial infections and they should not put any foreign material into the bone. It is just not good. It has nothing to do with animal health and a lot to do with pocket book health.
an added thought--
you can use baby aspirin for pain. If she has babies then use a very, very small amount like less than one baby aspirin.

How long does a broken ankle take to heal?

yes, it is usually 6-8 weeks as long as you did everything the Dr told you to do during healing. I had one screw put in mine and I was fine in 8 weeks but I had pushed it so I was still swollen when the 6 week check up came around and was punished with 2 more weeks!
You will have to start slow on your walks again. You may have to build up to it 10 minutes at a time. 10 minutes each day for a week, etc, etc.
You may need therapy on it depending on how well you handle being out of the boot. If all goes well and you experience no swelling or pain with your normal activities then you should not require therapy. Some Dr's like you to go through a few therapy classes to teach you to ease back into life without straining your ankle and this is not a bad thing at all! They show you how to properly stretch your muscles now that there is a screw or two in there to hamper the process and how to warm that area up. Do don't be disappointed if you go to therapy - enjoy it and pay close attention so you will know what to do, how to do it and what to look for if you re-injure it.
Best of luck in your healing!

Can a broken bone that is healing hurt while its growing back?

hi i am in my 8th week of healing after breaking the fibula in my right leg and after 2 weeks of walking without crutches under doctors orders. the area of the bone is feeling sore. is this normal during bone growth?

Broken leg twice in soccer, keep going?

I have broken my tibia twice in the exact same spot in the past 2 years playing soccer. the first time i broke my leg it took me 10 months to heal and i have problems with it because it just stopped healing for 4 months. I had to use a bone stimulator so that it would continue healing. about 7 months later it broke again in my 2nd soccer game back. i had been running everything for about 5 months. so i had regained alot of my muscle. Now im in a cast for who knows how long, because my doctor says that she doesn't know how long i will take to heal.

Should i keep playing soccer even with my past injuries? Im just really worried about ending up messing up my leg. I am 14 years old and a freshman in highschool.

could i have rushed my recovery and started playing again too soon?

When a foot fracture is healing, is swelling without pain normal after 6 weeks?

It depends on what bone was broken, how it was treated ( cast, external fixation, pins, internal fixation, etc.). It is ultimately a question for an X-ray. If the bone(s) have healed and the swelling is aling the fracture line, that is called a panus, it is a normal part of healing. If it is global swelling with dark discoloration in the mist gravity dependent parts it might not be a good thing. Painless is good unless the fracture or repair damaged a nerve or you have a condition that impairs the ability of the nerves to sense pain. I would get an X-ray and see how the site is healing. Less use is better until you get the OK for partial (toe touch with crutches) or nonweightbearing or normal use. A failed healing of a fracture is always bad but a nonunion of a foot fracture is REALLY painful. Get seen, better to know for sure.

How many weeks can a broken bone go untreated before it starts to heal in the wrong position?

When a bone breaks there is a cascade of events that is started immediately. These events will begin the bone on its healing process.  All fractures will start by creating a hematoma (local blood coming out of the bone).  This stimulates that body to create inflammation and recruitment of cells.Next, the body will start to lay down granulation tissue to further organize the surrounding tissues to create an environment of healing.  If the fracture is displaced (in a wrong position) than it can still be manipulated back in to postilion at this stage.  You may not see healing (callous) on an x-ray at this time.  See the following image that shows no x-ray signs of healing yet.Source courtesy of My Knee Guide: Page on mykneeguide.comWithin days, the body is starting the reparative phase by laying down new cartilage which will eventually be changed into new bone (callous). Callous is seen as white fluffy areas, on the x-ray, surrounding and within the fracture site.  Within 2-3 weeks this phase will begin to hold the bone in its current position. As orthopaedists, we will frequently say in a surgery that the bone is becoming "sticky" at this stage because it is becoming more difficult to simply move it back into normal/anatomic position.This is the reason that fractures should be evaluated early by an orthopaedic surgeon to determine if the bone is in acceptable position.  Over time, the body matures this callous formation and creates bone that becomes more mature.  If the bone was mal-positioned when this phase happens, then we frequently have to "re-break" the bone with special chisels (called osteotomes) before being able to re-position it.  At this stage, it becomes much more technically difficult to perfectly re-align the bone.