Is It Normal To Be Depressed About Turning 40

Is it normal to be depressed about turning 40? 40th birthday is tomorrow and I'm just not feeling it. I feel like my best years are behind me and that it's all kind of downhill from here. It seems like just yesterday, I was 25 and having the time of my life.

Is it normal to feel a little sad about turning 40 or is there something wrong with me?

Turning 30 and depressed.....?

Girl don't worry! Everybody feels that way at one time or another whether they are turning 25, 30, 45 or 100!

I was divorced at 29, started dating like crazy and just got exhausted from it. Once I STOPPED looking for someone to settle down with is when I found someone.

Now I live in Europe, have a great house, partner and a one-year-old son. I am only 32! A LOT happened in those three years.

Focus on yourself. Take a class, travel, learn to play a musical instrument, study French, volunteer with the needy....etc... Find your happiness elsewhere (and get a great vibrator...)

You'll be so busy that men will be the last thing on your mind, which is when you'll meet one who will be in awe of what a well-rounded person you are. Hang in there, and whatever you do, DON'T SETTLE!!


I am so depressed about turning 30 & feel like I'm about to have a quarterlife crisis..anyone relate?

Boy, you have it so wrong. The whole world is not youth oriented. Perhaps now that you're turning 30, you will grow up some and won't be worrying about heading off to the clubs. It's time to mature and move on.

I am a 41-year-old woman and let me tell you something, I am sexier now than I ever was in my 20's or 30's. I know my body. I know how men respond. I enjoy sex more and I am better at it! I look damn good in short skirts and high heels.

I have three children. I work full-time. I have a fantastic and mature lover who is my soul mate. I have great friends who have been with me for more than 20 years. I know myself and what makes me happy and content. I don't have to pretend to be anyone else. I am gracious, loving, intelligent, well read, fun-loving and proud of what I have accomplished.

You're going to have a really hard life if you think that turning 30 is so grim. Remember - it's better than the alternative!

Do Men freak out at turning 30? At turning 40?

Sometimes its the number, some times its an
event (like when a cutie calls him "sir"). Some
times people keep having "middle age crises"
for years.

Nobody does it the same way, and no, they
don't always involve Porches or 20 year old blondes.

By the way, more and more women complain
of similar age based depression, and not just
menopause. That is, as more and more women
base their identities around jobs, more and more
come to the conclusion half way through that
there isn't a lot to look forward to.

Those that are more based around family tend
to spread it out as events like children leaving home
happen over time.

I am 39, and am so not looking forward to turning 40. Is a good life possible after 40?

When I was turning 40, my life was a mess. I’ve lost my job and started hard and stressful freelance life. Very tight with money. I had a miscarriage. My marriage was falling apart. My husband… well, let’s just say I felt very ugly, fat, old and unwanted. And also - my father died when he was 40 so, with all my existential crisis, I felt some new fears - of death.Well… it all didn’t look nice. I honestly thought that it was all over. That it will just go downhill from there, and not for very long.Then, life took over… with a little of my help. I had a 3y old son and I figured that I can’t surrender to that depressing feeling. I pushed myself to go out with him more, to teach him things. Also tried to spend more time with friends, to go to therapy as much as I could afford. A little better. I’ve discovered there’s still a lot of optimism in me. I’ve started to learn to avoid mean comments and toxic fights from my husband, and dark thoughts about death. I simply worked more. I started to feel there is so much more I can give. New ideas came. I felt my brain is still awake. And just small random flirtation from a random man made me open my eyes completely - so, I’m also not actually old, ugly and unwanted? It’s not over yet?All new feelings came. I figured out that I’m a fighter, strong, that I’m actually - great. Finally I started thinking good about myself, in all aspects or life. Remebered all my successes. And wrote them down to not forget them, ever. When I figured that out, when I finally started to LOVE and RESPECT myself it all started to make sense. And to get a lot better.Yes, I tried for 3 more years to fix bad relationship, there were bad moments, bad thoughts, but never like before. Finally I had myself and knew my worth. And with that, you attract and create whole new environment.Now, aproaching 47, in a happy and loving new relationship with a great man, 2 sons, many friends, satisfying job and my internal peace, I really can say life begins at 40. Even 90 doesn’t seem frightening. Stay strong, love yourself.

How to cheer up someone who is turning 40?

a very good teacher of mine is turning 40 on saturday, and she is very depressed about it.

i was wondering if there is anything i can do to cheer her up.

i tried cheering her up with words but nope still depressed xd