Is It Normal To Dislike People And To Never Have Anyone In My Life

Are people with Avoidant Personality Disorder doomed to a life of loneliness?

Don't panic so much! The best thing to do is practice getting to know people- i know this is hard for someone with your disorder, people with this disorder frequently have a chronic fear of rejection...and I'm guessing here but you probably do too- even in your question you had to justify it by saying that it sounded "pathetic"..You just have to learn that in life some people will dislike you and some people will think you are GREAT (they will, seriously) and you can't let a bad experience get you down...if you are really being inhibited by your disorder then I would suggest social skills training, cognitive therapy, exposure treatment to gradually increase social contacts, group therapy for practicing social skills or the like...but all you need is practice hon, mind over matter...

Is it OK to dislike gay people?

Yes, you're entitled to dislike anyone you want, for any reason you want. You don't have to like anyone. You're allowed to go through your life disliking everyone you meet, if that's what you want.It's not OK to use your dislike of gay people, or any other group, as a legitimate reason to treat them poorly. I don't like a lot of people, for lots of different reasons, but I'm not going to try to curb their rights or spew hate speech about them. I just don't have anything to do with them. I'm not required to be everyone's friend, and neither are you.I don't like people who make religion a big part of their lives. I dislike hearing about it, and I dislike having that kind of talk and those kinds of ideas around me. So I don't hang around religious people. I don't seek them out.If, in my day to day life, I happen to interact with someone who, say, wears a Dastar, I think to myself, That's stupid. On the outside, I treat him with exactly the same courtesy and respect I'd give anyone else. I sure wouldn't try to stop him from marrying who he wants or adopting children or otherwise exercising the same rights we all deserve.Your opinion doesn't override other people's freedom. So long as you remember that, feel free to dislike anyone you want.

What makes people hate their life?

Disappointments, failures and regrets are some of the things that make people hate their life. Didn’t match up someone’s expectation, you start to think what a disappointment I am. You ask out your crush, s/he rejects you, you think life isn’t worth living anymore. These are just to name a few, but in reality there are 50 more reasons for it.The lesson that we ought to learn from this that negative feelings shouldn’t drift us to hate our life. As a matter of fact, it is these experiences that help us learn various things in life and let us become a better person.For e.g., you aspired for a job opportunity in company X and have been preparing for it for 3–4 months. Your family as well is as excited as you when you sit for the interview process and believe that you will be selected because you had put in the effort.Next day, boom. You didn’t get selected. You get disappointed because you failed yourself and your family’s expectations, even though you had spent a lot of time preparing for it. Moreover, it was the one thing you wanted with your life that didn’t get into place and now it feels like life is unfair.This is the normal thought process that comes to mind. I would urge you to take things differently. Rewind back to a few days when the interviews happened, play the whole day in your life. You will find a particular moment/question where you can say that you could’ve answered it better. If it is not that then rewind back even more and ask yourself honestly, did you actually prepare up to the mark for it.The point that I am trying to make is that hatred is self-induced. Don’t let it consume you no matter what. Hatred is fueled when you get to know your own mistakes. So, always be ready to learn from all the negative vibes you get when you fail and be honest with yourself at owning your mistakes. You won’s come to a point wherein you hate your life.P.S. Even though I wrote it in first-person view, the answer is meant for anyone who has that slight feeling of hatred with his/her life regardless of the fact who posted the question.Peace!

Do you tend to dislike people with the same name as you?

Yeah, kind of. *lol* It's not so much a problem in real life as it is when I go to movies and things and find out a character on the _screen_ has my name, because cinematic "Brads" tend to be the generic lame character usually. But yeah, in real life, with real people I do just quietly bite my tongue and keep my mouth shut really.

It's like, why DO lame people end up with my name (myself included some days)?

Is it normal for a Scorpio to have a hard time trusting people?

I've been hurt by a lot of people in the past in both friendships and romantic relationships and now I have a hard time trusting people. I also dislike people in general. What can I do to overcome this?

Some people hate peanut butter??

Someone recently posted a question asking for people to name the food they dislike most. A surprising (to me) number of people named peanut butter!

All of my life I've never met anyone who claimed to dislike peanut butter, much less hate it. So it was a real eye-opener to me to realize that it would get this kind of reaction.

I realize that many people are allergic to peanuts, so that would discourage those people from "liking" peanut butter. But, other than allergies, what are the reasons people have for hating peanut butter?