Is It Normal To Feel Like A Different Person With Different People

Why do I feel like two different people?

First of all, I would implore you to refrain from viewing yourself as "weird". Lots of people suffer from Social Anxiety; you're not alone in your struggle. Rather than weird, I would just consider you a different person, just as we are all different, with our strengths and our weaknesses. The "two people" you experience can just be separate manifestations of your personality. Its easy to be more outgoing within your comfort zone, which is entirely understandable. So really, what I would suggest is an attempt to widen your comfort zone. Its easy to be attracted to the slings and arrows of popularity, but just focus on close friend relationships. The more you can disclose a complete picture of yourself to those who care about you, the more comfortable you might feel. All the best.

Is it normal to act different with different people?

Of course! This is completely normal. You wouldn't talk to your best friends that same way you talk to your parents (I hope). This process of acting different with different people is called code-switching. This is why you talk or act differently in certain situations. Have you ever called your teacher Mom? This is an example of your brain forgetting to code-switch between two (relatively) similar people. A quote from the article below: One day my principal walked into my room and asked me, "Mr. Davis, I didn't receive your editions to the School Improvement Plan." I replied, "Nah, you flaugin' bruh, I put that on your desk yesterday." My boss froze, with his jaw dropped and one eyebrow raised. After a moment he shook his head and said, "you're spending too much time with the kids." "My bad."Code-switching is also very common in multilingual people, who want to say something in language A (let's say English), but their mother tongue is language B (let's say Spanish). Sometimes (I know I do) they mash up the two languages.One of my favorite examples of code-switching is Batman and Bruce Wayne. In his Batman personality, Wayne is a masked vigilante with a strict code of ethics to which he abides. As Bruce Wayne, he is the eccentric billionaire playboy of Gotham. Most superheroes with a double identity have to code-switch constantly (but not Iron Man!)Code-switching is a very interesting phenomenon, and there have been many studies about it. I hope this gave you some insight! "I'm Batman" vs. "Bruce Wayne, pleased to meet you."Five Reasons Why People Code-Switch

Is it normal to feel like having two different people inside you?

I am going to assume the questioner is asking about that feeling of having more than one person in your head, the feeling that you can ask a question of your own mind and debate the possible answers, arguing pro’s and con’s like two separate people (all inside your own mind).Richard Dawkins has written a theory of this and refers to it as the ‘Little Green Man’ he attaches an evolutionary need to us having this ability, the need for us to be able to propound a solution, to make a decision based on limited or indeed zero information. Something drove us to leave the trees and to wander bi-pedially across the savannah not knowing if life could be better in front of us but being prepared to give it a shot and see how it turned out.Stephen Pinker has also written on this though this area of inner Sentience is not a well defined and clearly understood area of psychology. If you read enough psychology the theory of ‘the other mind in ones mind’ is generally accepted but there is/are no factual theoretical attributions anyone can give it. So whilst we all have this inner mind, this person that will argue with the ‘better angels of our nature’ there are no texts that say ‘we do this because of this’. This secondary field of inner sentience is ‘suggestive’ rather than theorised.However in direct response to your question, yes it is normal to have two persons inside your mind.If however you are asking about having two different people inside of you ‘literally’ I have to refer you to Mike Berrings response which is in my mind Gifted!!

Is it normal to act like a completely different person sometimes?

I'm having a lot of problems with my best friend and I usually just give in to what ever he wants. I'm not assertive with him because I want to avoid conflict. He threatens to stop being friends with me to avoid fights. I was talking with one of my friends for advice and she said if I ever married him and then started standing up for myself he would wander what happened to his wife. That situation will never happen for several reasons, but it made me think.

When I'm with him I am a completely different person. I have a different personality. I don't really change my likes and interests. I've noticed that I act like I'm a different person and he really doesn't even know me because of it. I even kind of use a different voice. I act differently around people all the time. It's like I put on a mask or I'm playing a different role. I remember once when I was in 3rd grade I was at a sleepover and I guess I started acting differently than I acted at school. I remember them saying it was like I was a different person than the one they knew so it made me really self-conscious.

It's almost like I have multiple personalities but its really, really mild. I know it's not that, but it's one way I can think to explain it. I don't even notice it until someone points it out. It's like I met them and I'm really quiet and during this time I'm analyzing their personality and figuring out who they want me to be, then I become that person. I don't even realize I'm doing it. I feel like I'm so many different people that I don't even know who I really am. Also, I know I could never marry him because if I were to start acting like my real self he wouldn't like me anymore, and I don't like the person I am when I'm around him. Are other people like this?

Is acting like a completely different person normal sometimes?!?

Sometimes I am a completely different person. I have a different personality. I don't really change my likes and interests. I've noticed that I act like I'm a different person and I even kind of use a different voice. I act differently around people all the time. It's like I put on a mask or I'm playing a different role. I remember once when I was in 3rd grade I was at a sleepover and I guess I started acting differently than I acted at school. I remember them saying it was like I was a different person than the one they knew so it made me really self-conscious.

It's almost like I have multiple personalities but its really, really mild. I know it's not that, but it's one way I can think to explain it. I don't even notice it until someone points it out. It's like I met them and I'm really quiet and during this time I'm analyzing their personality and figuring out who they want me to be, then I become that person. I don't even realize I'm doing it. I feel like I'm so many different people that I don't even know who I really am. Also, I know I could never marry him because if I were to start acting like my real self he wouldn't like me anymore, and I don't like the person I am when I'm around him. Are other people like this?

Do you ever feel like you're two different people?

I'm really surprised to see so many people saying that you should just embrace it because it is normal. “Normal” is not the same as “healthy”.If you respond differently according to who is there watching it means you wear a mask that you created out of fear. Fear of rejection, abandonment, betrayal, humiliation, etc.This is why you hate this aspect of your life! Your soul wants the freedom to be authentic and express itself and you can't because you are ruled by fear! You are a prisoner to the opinions of others, so much so that you will suffocate yourself to appease them.Why do we do this???Because we don't believe ourselves to be enough just as we are. For who we are. We lack true unshakeable confidence, which is based in deep love for oneself, so we wear a mask instead.Knock that shit off. Be YOU, the you that you know you get to be.It will change the world! Because do you know how many people are suffocating in exactly the same way you are? Wanting nothing more than to feel at home in their own skin?When you give yourself permission to be yourself and grant yourself unconditional self-acceptance it is like a breath of fresh air to those around you, and they will unconsciously grant themselves more permission to be themselves.When you accept yourself as you are you are naturally much more able to accept others, and people are craving acceptance, but nobody realizes (as demonstrated by all the answers on this thread) that we can give ourselves all the acceptance we will ever need.For more on this check out THE AUTHENTICITY CODE and if you want support in breaking free of your fake masks I highly recommend following this guy.

Why do I feel like I'm a different person when I'm with different crowds?

It's possible you are a people pleaser and look at ways you can be the most accommodating. Of course you would be different with your boyfriend than with your coworkers - different situations. What was it like for you growing up? I felt I had to conform to avoid upsetting my parents, for example. It was a survival technique because of instability at home. That is hard to overcome, and can take many forms in your adult life. Maybe you are worried about being judged for who you are, so you need to be a chameleon to blend in so that everyone will like you? Well, here's the problem. Not everyone will like you no matter how much you "try." A question - do YOU like who you are? If we spend so much time trying to be what others imagine we "should" be, we lose sight of ourselves.

I feel like there's a different person inside of me?

This is strange, but sometimes I feel like there's a completely different part of me that kind of takes over after I have a mental breakdown. It's not like Dissociative Identity Disorder because it's still me - as in: I am aware of everything, but then again, I'm kind of too aware. I just get a strange perspective on the world. Like I don't really care about anything and I see life as a big game. I don't care about anyone including myself, not if I live, die etc.. But at that time I feel disconnected from everyone and I just make plans on how to behave in public, how to get what I want, how to achieve big goals. But I don't really feel anything, mostly I'm just numb if not angry at the whole world. Still I make fun of everything in my head. In a kind of sick way I guess... I don't know...

This sounds childish (at least I think it is while I'm typing it) and really really odd, but it's a strange feeling and I just want to know if it's really a thing or just me making it all too dramatic.

Note: I haven't really been diagnosed, but I know have depression, anxiety and possibly bipolar disorder. (I really don't believe those are just typical mood swings since I'm a very emotional teenager)

Note2: This is extremely rare, but still.