Is It Normal To Get Really Sad When Someone Gets Mad At You

Is it wrong when someone gets mad when you cry in front of them?

Most of us are trained – usually unwittingly – to express our hurt in a gender acceptable way.‘ If you are man, you are allowed to get angry.If you are a woman, you are allowed to cry. ’Source google images(Tears | Melting Asphalt)Why do we cry?Research suggests we don't weep because we are upset (like we might run because we are afraid); we cry tears to get over being upset.Why they get angry?Probable reasonsThey don't want the responsibility that they've hurt you. As long as you are happy, they're fine. But as soon as you starts crying, then they get lost and out of control, and they don't want to deal with it. There are guys who just can't deal with crying.We humans seem to be the only species that shed tears for emotional reasons. Crying and laughing both show strong perseveration, the tendency to maintain a behavior once it has started. This might be disturbing and hence they react to stop it.It might be because as he is a man he can not cry and seeing your tears make him mad.It may also happen if you cry for everything(as a habit) then tears loose its value.If you are a man and you cry it is against social norms and they get angry.SolutionTry to control the tears as it might ignite their anger.When they are calm talk to them and try to figure out a solution.An explanation for tears(Why do they get angry? the situation in the question)Angry Men and Crying Women(gender - tears- anger)What's the story behind crying? Why do we cry and does evolution have to do anything with it? (why do we cry)

Why do I get sad when someone tries to care about me?

boys- they don’t get sad when someone tries to care about them!!! they love to be cared by others.If the person who is caring is a girl the they become more happy and start blushing…basically boys are into caring and be cared of by other. So this situation is not applicable for boys..And this make me to think that u r a girl who is very much bored of being cared by so many boys. :) hahahahahaha………if so many people are caring and really care for you then u r a lucky person and there is no need to be sad.You should appreciate them.reasons :excess of care from many people.unknown and unnecessary appreciation :)u r attractiveur nature is as people think it should be taken care..!!

Why do I cry every time someone yells at me or gets angry with me? why am i so sensitive?

that's not normal is it? i think it would be better to just yell back at them, because a lot of people are really disrespectful to me for some reason, i guess there are a lot of bad people in my life. but i get upset easily so i would rather avoid confrontation at all costs so people don't see me really upset. how do i stop being so sensitive?

Why do Leo men get so mad?

My Leo man and I had a falling out the other night we went to a party and the next day he was mad at me , I asked him why and he wouldn't tell me , so I got mad and told him I never want to see you again, 5 days past and I felt bad , I apologized for being mean and now he won't even look at me. Also I asked my friends what could have done wrong and they said nothing , so what should I do Leo men ?

Why do people get so upset if you don't reply to a text or a message right away?

BecauseYou felt your self worth is attacked.You feel that you are not as valuable to him as you thought yourself to be.You have expectations with him. You feel that this kind of behavior hampers your chances of you two being together.You have low self worth and your confidence depends on his validation.You need him more than he needs you.What could be possible reasonsHe is not a text person. Many people don't like communicating too much on text. They treat text only as a means to set meetings.He might be playing some mind game to make you obsessive for him.He might not have felt to reply to trivial text. Your text might not have anything which needs replying.He might value you less.He might be really busy or lazy.It might have been too late when he saw your text. Some people don't reply to texts when they lose context. For example ‘what are you doing' or 'good morning' has no reply after two hours.Thousand many other argument. Never judge a person by his texting habits. Always judge people based on how they treat you in person or may be phone.

Why do I get cold when I'm sad/mad?

This reminds me of a picture based on people’s observations of their own physical heat sensations during different emotions:Borrowed from Mapping Emotions On The Body: Love Makes Us Warm All OverThis doesn't explain why, but it does show that the human experience is surprisingly consistent when it comes to physical responses to emotion.

Whats worse being mad or sad?

I think i that being mad would be worst you know because you first get mad about something than you become sad because you got mad at someone or something

My boyfriend gets mad at me for being depressed?

I've struggled with anxiety and depression ever since I was about 15, I am now 22. My boyfriend and I have been together for one year. Whenever I tell him I'm hurting or that something is making me feel more depressed he gets annoyed with me. I have stopped telling him my feelings and pretend to be happy when I'm around him and it's exhausting. I feel like I have made the wrong decision in school and want out of what I'm doing because it is making me miserable. I tried telling him this and he just said "oh lord what happened now" i feel annoying to him. I hate being negative and depressed so I keep it all to myself. But sometimes I just need to talk, but when I do, it ends in a fight. Hes the only person I can really talk to. He always ends up telling me it's annoying being with someone who isn't happy and that I need to actually take his advice and stop complaining. I don't even complain that often. I think I am generally a happy person (around others). What would you do in my position? I know he's not a jerk, he's a nice guy and treats me well. He's just NEVER there for me when I'm down. What would you do? :( please help? I would love some advice. anyone else ever been through this?