Is It Normal To Question Reality

Do you question reality?

At times I question everything that is otherwise seem obvious like “Is this world I’m seeing real, why do I see, why does it make sense, what is sense, what are words” until it goes blank and is beyond what I can even understand.

Is this normal to question all of existence as you know it?

Is it normal to question reality?

Since a little over a month ago I have been questioning if everyday situations are a dream. When we lucid dream or even regularly dream, our dreams sometimes feel very realistic to the point where we don't realize we're in them. So if we have dreams where we can't tell if we're dreaming or awake, who's to say I'm not dreaming now. Who's to say that I'm not actually 5 years old now but I'm just in a coma and this is all just a figment of my imagination. I guess it's a similar problem to Mel in Inception. I guess that's were I got the idea from. I'd like to hear your thoughts on this.

Should we question reality?

Hmmm do you think you’re actually existing, somewhere in a test tube and just think you’re a human being on planet earth? Just wondering…One day, about 200 years, or so, a French philosopher, René Descartes, and I think some of his fellow philosophers, were questioning if we really existed. As he started to accumulate doubts, it occurred to him that to doubt meant he had to think, and he said, according to history, Dubito ergo cogito (I doubt, there I think.) He then pondered that some more and extrapolated that if he could think… and the quote he’s most famous for is, “Cogito, ergo sum,” (I think, therefore I am (or exist.)Everyone was quite relieved to know they really existed and weren’t in some type of a petri dish in a lab on some remote planet with super intelligent beings.So, just remember, “Cogito Ergo Sum” and you will be relieved to know that the unanimous (I hope) belief by philosophers say that you don’t need to wonder if you’re really real. :)Relatively speaking, be well and don’t worry about your reality.Nathaniel, just philosophizing a bit.. Oh, NO!!! I just bumped into the side of a humongous Petri dish!!

Can you make me question reality?

To some degree, everyone questions reality. Everything, even species other than human, question by means of ascertaining, what is real or what is going on.To an ontologist, of which there have been perhaps a half dozen notable ones in the last few thousand years, this process questions reality only in tiny bits. That is, the questions don’t aspire to understand the fundamentals of reality but only its periphery or surface. This surface is largely limited to empirical data concerning survival, pleasure, avoidance of pain, etc. Still, sometimes it happens that a routine process of the mind seeking answers to satisfy its supposed needs does hit a bump, sending the mind in the direction of more profound confusion, and hence the search for more profound answers.This process is often triggered by an emotional or traumatic event. The individual, in order to cope, can either search for meaning or ignore the call for greater understanding; but eventually with enough prods to the self, the mind turns within on itself in order to investigate its own behavior.Again, this doesn’t speak to an actual ontological investigation, but it’s a common enough occurrence to beg the question, Why is it eventually accepted that knowledge is a universal good, just as surviving and being well-pleased were good?The answer, an ontologist might point out, is right in front of our noses: What makes everyone question more and more of reality is, ironically, reality itself.

There is more to reality than meets a normal eye?

Um. Yes. I agree.

Is a person who questions reality we live in, mad? If so what are the "disparities" which separate someone who is mad from an otherwise normal person?

Hmm, interesting.Well, I've had a friend who certainly questioned reality. I thought he was joking about it, but he was serious. He said that's why he didn't enjoy philosophy class because it would drive him mad when he thought about it so intensely.Honestly, I think the only difference is that more "rational" people don't act on their thoughts. For example, one may very well believe everything is a conspiracy, but as long as you do not become paranoid to the point of being incapable of functioning in daily activities, then it's fine. That's what defines illness, mental or otherwise: being unable to perform activities of daily living. Everything is on a spectrum; nothing is black and white in the world.Thanks for the A2A!

Have you ever questioned the nature of your reality?

This question appears multiple times in the epic show by nolan brothers Westworld.THis oviously is intended for the audience to ponder over our nature of reality.I would like to put forward some points in regards to this1.The reality actually does not exists, its what our sensory organs percept which cannot be termed as absolute real but just a relative phenomenon .Existence of mirages are one of the several examples of how we are duped into beleiving something fake as real.2.The constant monologue that goes on inside us is basically a proof that we actually do not exist but are a part of a larger system controlled by neurons and kind of integrated but sometimes this integration fails.3.A theory says however advance we may become but we could not leave behind our baser instincts which are programmed into our core code we will have to get back in that loop over and over again.4.We may due to our core code ,whatever we try couldnot get out of these loops that we r into everyday….for example after eating food or having sex you feel satisfied and no more desire to do it again ever…..but than loop retutrns back and you do it over and over again.5.The final point would be to accept there is nothing absolute and we actually do not exist its just the conscience that makes you feel like that…we are bascially an assimilation of small subsystems not at all perfect and so i leave you with OSHO;s words which took me quite a time to understand but now that is what i believe in“NEVER BORN SO I WILL NEVER DIE”

I am constantly questioning reality?

My youngest son died at the age of 21. It was a profound loss! It opened up my mind to question more why we are here, what took us here? How could something come from nothing?
I believe in God & Christ. I also believe that "religion' has messed up big time. Not all, but some.
Look at the tinnest cell and how it works. Look at each animal. Watch a woman who is pregnant and creates a whole new person from two other people. How can there not be a higher power?

I look at the night sky and ask to understant it all. I wonder if my son understands the mysteries of the univrese.

I often over focuse on things. Even with my faith I am fearful of death. I even had a wonderful near death experience. Still, the other side, spiritual a mystery to me.

I also ponder the entire it blows my mind. I feel very unsettled on the magnitude of it all.

It is awsome and scary all at the same time.

Why do I question everything about reality?

Because like everyone the fire of enlightenment has started to singe your edges.The dream is starting to fragment a little in the process and you’re starting to notice things which other “people” do not.You may not realize it but your quest for truth has begun - you don’t get an invite, it happens regardless.Acknowledging this reality is not what you thought it was or what is should be is the beginning of its end the start of a new beginning.Seek within otherwise you’ll always be without.Focus on the question “What am I?” with sincerity, repetition, meditation and pure experience.The only truth and reality you can know is what you are - or more accurately; what you are not.