Is It Odd To Randomly Message People You Haven

My WhatsApp is sending random messages to people. They're not just random, they're actual messages. I think my account is hacked. How do I stop it?

Absolutely yes. If you just need to feel better, get everything that might makes you more sad or depressed AWAY, and everyone who puts your issues on the spot as well! listening to sad music, talking to the wrong people about what makes you feel really sad, going to places that are related to bad memories, all of that can make your depression worse. Talk it out man! Write down everything. Whatever are your feelings ACCEPT them, see and understand what is their purpose and why do you feel this way! find a way out of it. Help yourself. Talk to new, fresh people. Go to new places. Try new clothes with new colours. Discover yourself again. Put your hand on heart, feel that heartbeat, and be grateful for it. Believe me if you give up to depression it will eat your soul. Whatever your age, you have a great life, you just can't see that well. And it's just a decision, remember that. You're the one who decides whether to be sad and let depression mess with you or to change something and get your life in a good, bright direction.What are you trying to clone.Cloning a lot of plants is very easy, you can take a cutting, place it in some compost an the cutting will develop roots. you now have two genetically identical plants.With some plants like most berries or vines it is even easier, just peg a part of the plant onto the ground and it will develop roots. Once it is rooted you can simply cut the vine connecting the new plant to the old.With mammals things are more difficult, you need some basic lab equipment. Basically you have to remove the nucleus (all the genetic material) from an egg cell and replace it with a cell nucleus taken from the animal you wish to clone, fuse the two together with a electric shock and then implant the clone embryo into the womb of a female animal so that it can develop to maturity.If you are trying to clone a hard disk, use a linux boot disk and a program called gparted

Why would a girl randomly message me on facebook?

We talked a little bit here and there, I tried to get to know her to start a relationship but it didn't get far. We just graduated in May. I would ask her for advice on my ex and this girl I liked a while back so she knows what kind of guy I am. she Also would ask me advice on a guy or two she was dating, and they were all *** holes. We talked maybe 3 times over the summer, and haven't talked since August. the other night right before midnight she messaged me "hey how are you" I thought she sent it to the wrong person We talked for a few minutes before I went to sleep. I thought I would give it another shot to get to know her and I told her we should hang out and she said "yes we should!" and I said we could see a movie, skate or anything, I haven't heard from her since then. It was just very random she messaged me because I haven't talked to her since August and she rarely has started the conversation with me, she maybe started a conversation 3 times.

Do you get very many random instant messages on Yahoo messenger from other answers users?

I had mine on till today i turned my feature off. I was getting to many rude people. I feel bad, because i love talking to people and making friends,

How are random people finding me on Kik?

Hey. I know what you mean. I have kik too and yes i random people start talking to me. If you look on your kik settings you will find there is something that says ( i don't know what it's called but it's something like friends contact list or something like that. but i suggest you explore kik settings.) But there should be this friends thing and you can decided if you want kik to find you some new friends. Press no and hopefully it will work!
Good Luck
Hope i helped
P.S if the stuff i said doesn't make sense then explore kik settings and maybe you will knnow hat i mean

When you dream of someone randomly, that you were NOT even thinking about for the longest time..?

A lot of people misunderstand how the brain works. Information from are brain are kept ever since we were born. The only problem is that we can only access only part of the brain. So I think that even though you haven't seen that person in a long time something triggered in your brain to think about that person again.

If you may notice sometimes you may dream of some people who you think you never saw before. The truth is that you have. Either in a store, at school, or just passing by them in the street. Your brain can remember there face and keep it held in your brain.

Is it weird or creepy to message someone you haven't spoken to in years?

When I was 12 (I'm 17 now) I was friends with this kid who moved from England to Canada (where I'm from). We were "boyfriend and girlfriend" I know, it's ridiculous to date at 12...but more than anything I'd say we were just really good friends.

Anyway, he'd only been in Canada for a year or so when his family decided to move back to England, and basically I never saw him again. We kept in touch for a little bit, a few months maybe. But after that we would just e-mail each other occasionally.

Well I haven't spoken to him probably in about three years, so I decided to message him on facebook. I'm just wondering, is that weird? I'm afraid he's going to think I'm creepy lol

Do you think it was a mistake?

Why are people using text-message-ese when asking and replying?

Because people have become uneducated and lazy. I also dislike text message-ese and I also dislike people who can't bother to spell words correctly (instead of fetus one woman spelled it feta and fates). Lastly one of my biggest pet peaves is when people misuse homophones especially There, Their, and They're.

Maybe people need clarification on the different meanings of There, Their and They're.

There-A place-"Put the book there"
Their-Posessive Pronoun-"It is their book"
They're-Contraction of They Are-"They're going to read the book"

Would it be weird to message a girl on Facebook who I haven't talked to for 5 years?

I want to say, “No, don’t be shy, there’s nothing wrong with that at all.”But then I get this image of a man that was a scary kind of stalker. He was very unattractive to me and he seemed so alone. I didn’t see any harm in talking with him but when I miss a day of Facebook, he would get angry at me and ask me what my problem was. He got really possessive, he demanded that I speak online privately with him in the morning AND the evening. I started to hate him because he was so nasty, belligerent, proud and constant.I blocked him and he got to me through a mutual friend. He told her that I was a terrible person and that I hurt him really bad. My friend wanted to know how I could do such a thing. She wanted to know, why was I playing with his heart. I lost her as a friend because of the way he manipulated the situation. He had a creepy way of turning things around to get what he wanted. He was very controlling.I gave in after a few months when he seemed to be sincerely sorry and calmer. He drew me in again. Before I knew it, I was in the same aggravating scenario all over again. POSSESSIVE. I never even met this guy. Guys like this ruin possibilities for shy guys and girls.I feel like I want to say, “I learned my lesson” but I can’t treat people like that, I know everyone is different and should be given courtesy. Good friends are tough to come by. So if she has blocked you or has specifically told you to leave her alone, leave her alone.

Does the dating site "Zoosk" send random messages from fake women?

I get e-mails from Zoosk every so often that says this or that woman sent me a message. On the last message, it said " I'm interested in getting to know you better". The person before that was obviously some sort of transvestite or drag queen. Their photos freaked me out! (O _ O)

But my point is, does Zoosk (or ANY dating site) send random fake messages just to get people to want to pay for a subscription? Or are these people real? Unfortunately, every women (and transvestite. LOL!) that sent a message to me isn't what I'm looking for. And they always seem to have a kid already. Or some other thing that turns me off.

If I end up paying for any dating site, I want to know it's for real.