Is It Ok If I Drink This Much Water

Is ok to drink this much water?

so on a daily I get really thirsty and try to drink lots of water. I usually drink about 8 cups when I'm in school and then like 1-2 bottles afters school cause I only drink water and get thirsty. I'm also the type of person to drink when eating so I sip in between bites. if I'm home I go through 3-4 water bottles 16.9 fl oz. I just get so thirsty and I know its bad to drink fast but sometimes if get so thirsy I drink two bottles in 15 minutes. my mom thinks it might be a symptom of diabetes because I also crave sugar alot

Is it ok if i drink this much water???

thats good. I personally have a 2.2 litter bottle that i fill up and finish everyday and when i am active i end up refilling it and drink up to half of it. so i drink 2.2-3.3 litters of water and im doing great. Also note that unless im going out i dont drink anything else

Can I be drinking too much water?

Size does not have anything to do with it. However, weight, activity levels and environment do. For proper hydration and health we need 1 ounce for every 2 pounds of body weight plus 8 more ounces for every 20 minutes of exercise. With hot/dry days and climates even more is needed. On a regular day with no activity you will need 100 ounces which is more than you are currently drinking.

We can get water from foods and other drinks. But caffeine and alcohol actually dehydrate us and do not count towards water intake. In fact since they dehydrate us we must consume even more water to compensate.

More water than outlined will won't neccesarily be needed but it will still make it easier to clean out your system of toxing and to curb your appitite. If that is something you are trying to do.

Is it ok to drink too much water?

Wabby has made a great point. Thumbs up for you, my dear.

Although drinking too much water is not good for our bodies, this is only in extreme cases, so you're not exempt from drinking 8 glasses a day. Water is essential to our diets. A 2% drop in the body's water supply will trigger signs of dehydration. A common cause of daytime fatigue is mild dehydration.

Water is the base for saliva and the fluid that surrounds joints and is the substance that regulates body temperature. Water suppresses the appetite and helps the body use up stored fat. Insufficient water intake can lead to kidney damage, as waste products excreted by the kidneys like urea, uric acid and lactic acid must be dissolved in water. Constipation is a symptom of dehydration, so drinking more water will alleviate this unpleasant problem. Never drink too much water, and 8 glasses of Water per day is the limit for Humans.

You just heard from Dad.

Is My Sink Water Safe To Drink? ?

Well It all depends Where i live right know the water is really bad.But idk where you live.If i were you i wouoldn't drink it but i am sure that it is safe.If it is your last resort of something to drink and you had nothing else then :D.Well i hope that some how i helped you.


Is it wise to drink this much water?

So how much water does the average, healthy adult living in a temperate climate need? In general, doctors recommend 8 or 9 cups. Here are the most common ways of calculating that amount:

■Replacement approach. The average urine output for adults is about 1.5 liters (6.3 cups) a day. You lose close to an additional liter (about 4 cups) of water a day through breathing, sweating and bowel movements. Food usually accounts for 20 percent of your total fluid intake, so if you consume 2 liters of water or other beverages a day (a little more than 8 cups) along with your normal diet, you will typically replace your lost fluids.
■Eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day. Another approach to water intake is the "8 x 8 rule" — drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day (about 1.9 liters). The rule could also be stated, "Drink eight 8-ounce glasses of fluid a day," as all fluids count toward the daily total. Although the approach really isn't supported by scientific evidence, many people use this easy-to-remember rule as a guideline for how much water and other fluids to drink.
■Dietary recommendations. The Institute of Medicine advises that men consume roughly 3 liters (about 13 cups) of total beverages a day and women consume 2.2 liters (about 9 cups) of total beverages a day.

No it is not , Your stomach produces HCL acid and when you drink water on empty stomach while you're hungry the water ionizes the HCL acid in your stomach which means the reactions are stronger , and will damage your stomach mucus linin ,in order to ease your hunger you will need to drink alot so it will eventually dilute the Acid ,instead take an antacid or eat something

Hi ,One should not drink more than 500 ml of water in one time . Whereas , how much one can drink to the maximum limit , depends on the capacity and which differs from person to person . But on average , one can take 1 liters of waterOne should not have more than 500 ml of water in one time . You can have water in intervals .Effects of excess water .Pressure on kidneyCan cause headaches , due to diluted blood stream .Less sleep during night time .. if taken in excess quantity just before sleep .

DRINKING TIMINGS AS PER AYURVEDAWater should be always sipped. Animal and birds like lion, sparrow sip the water. Do not drink water in standing position. In morning after wake up, water should be sipped before cleaning your mouth. It captures saliva, which is alkaline in nature and is very useful for our body. It reduces acidity & tries to make our stomach neutral.Water should be taken 1 to 1.5 hours of meal. After meal you can take water after 1 to 1.5 hr. In cold regions like Himalaya/England, water should be taken after 2 to 2.5 hours.If you immediately drink water after meal, it will slow down digestion. It can result in decay of food, producing harmful gases.Which can lead to lot of diseases like Acidity, Constipation, Alsar, Mulvadh, cancer etc.Between meals at junction of two different foods, you can take 2 spoon of water (20 ml). Junction means you have finished first food (made of wheat) & now going to eat second food (rice) at that moment, 2 spoons of water can be taken to clear throat.QUANTITY OF WATERIn a day maximum a person should drink water up to 10% of his weight. Person having 65 kg of weight can drink up to 6.5 liters of water.Minimum should be 10 times of his food weight. Suppose a person eat 500 gram of food in a day. He should drink minimum 5 liters of water in a day.NEVER DRINK COLD WATERCold water is very dangerous to health. Never drink ice mixed water or water of refrigerator. It can cool down your stomach, which will also cool down your heart & brain.Body will try to maintain its temperature, in order to heat your stomach; it will absorb temperature from blood. More blood will flow to stomach, it can reduce blood supply to brain and heart.If it happens always, it can lead to diseases like brain hemorrhage, paralysis, heart attack, constipation etc.Do not eat ice cream after warm meal. It should be at normal body temperature.Liquids that can be taken immediately after meal.After breakfast, fruit juice can be taken. After lunch butter milk can be taken.After sunset milk is recommended.All this knowledge is written in Ayurveda by INDIAN Maharishi Vagbhatta around 10000 years before.This blog is only for education purpose. You can take advice of your doctor/physician for drinking water.

Given most answers here are posted in metric, I will apologize for using "standard" measurements, but the conversions here are easier for determining water drinkage.Take your body weight in pounds.  Divide that number by two.  That's how many fluid ounces of liquid you should drink.  Or that's what I've always been told (I'm not a doctor so this is just second hand observational advise).Personally, I have the opposite problem as I constantly drink water like a camel dying of thirst.  I can easily down 2 liters of water in an hour and then go for another 2 in the next, so I have to watch how much I wind up drinking in case I start getting into the range of water poisoning. (I almost did once too. Thankfully, I only vomited.)The thing that helps slow me down might also help you increase your intake some.  Take a liter water bottle (plastic) and fill it most of the way to the top (leave about a cup out minimum).  Then, put the bottle in the freezer overnight so that it is frozen solid. There still should be space for a swallow of water.  Fill that space with water (it seriously won't be much).  When you're ready drink that.  Refill.  Carry the water bottle with you throughout the day and just take a sip or two when you want some water, or down as much as you need in one go.  Every time the bottle just has air and ice in it, refill with more water.  Throughout the day the ice will melt and give you more room for water.  By the end of the day the ice should have fully melted and you will have drunk much more than a liter of water when you emptied it.