Is It Ok To Buy Your Friend A Christmas Gift

Do you buy Christmas gifts for your friends?

yes infact i just did hahaha

Should I buy my ex boyfriend's son a Christmas gift?

Because you are not dating him, you have no reason or claim to buy his son a present. Please don't. Also, don't fool yourself into thinking this will make him like you again.

Christmas gift for a hindu friend?

Why don't you buy for him/her a set of spices? He would use them for sure, and if the box is pretty decorated - a great idea!
Or some smelly oils. Or simply something universal - a warm jumper or a movie or a CD - depends on how close friends you are.

Should i get my friend with benefits a Christmas gift?

Bad move, she might think that you want to take things further, just leave it as it is if you still want things they way they are. But then, if she is happy w things, and doesnt really fancy u in a romantic sense, and u are well aware she feels this way, then sure get her something.

Should I buy my friend a Christmas present?

If you feel like presenting a gift to your friend to make her happy , why not? I don't understand your hesitation. The price of the gift should be the question. If you feel close enough to her to be extravagant t or if she has favored you over time, then spend away. But if she is a new friend, spend less. If she is an acquaintance buy a token gift.

Should I get my friends christmas presents?

Forget about the acquaintances, they are probably lovely people and all but you not giving them a gift probably wont affect them and they probably would give you one so you don't have to feel bad.

Not to say want something in return, but would feel bad if they got you something and you didn't and would feel bad, try hard to think up your closest friends and who would probably give you something. You can base it on last year a bit.

Plus you know, you don't have to give them something expensive, it can be symbolic to your friendship. If your artistic or good at crafting that can be something...course may depend on their maturity level. Adults like it more, but a younger person "could" be like "what the heck you cheapo"
Don't give out your gifts in front of the others and more one by one in secret.

If they get mad, then they are slightly materialistic, need a chill pill, and should learn to be better friends, You don't ow them anything.

You sound like a really kind and generous person. I hope all goes well for you and good luck X)

Is it wrong to buy my ex girlfriend a Christmas present?

It's definitely not wrong to get her a present.Everyone loves to receive present at one time or the other, dosen’t matter if she is an ex or not. While I don't usually receive gifts and all that, giving means a lot to me. I mean what better way can you express you love for someone?As I said earlier what better way is there to show you love someone right? That means the person means something to you. Or better still you have a tiny little bit of feeling for him or her. So therefore you reasons of wanting to give gifts.Looking at the down side though, if you are giving your ex gifts then know that They can actually get the wrong ideas, except if you want to continue the use to be relationship you have had with them.So if that's an issue then it's fine, I mean like totally fine…

Would it be weird to buy my best friend a vibrator for Christmas?

That may not be a particularly appropriate gift for christmas.
That said, it would certainly be memorable if you got something like that for her. You said that you know she wants one, and you indicate that there are no boundaries; so such a gift would certainly be appreciated. Just don't get weird after purchasing the gift.
Rather than having one of those uncomfortable discussions, perhaps you could just put it somewhere that only she would find it, wrap it in plain paper and put her name on it. You might want to add, "To Jane Doe. To be opened in private". She may know it came from you, but if she thinks it's uncomfortable to discuss, you have given her the option to discuss it with you or not.

Is it ok to Buy your own Christmas presents?

For Sure why NOTBe Your Own Santa ClausHere is a article i read which beautifully describes the above phrase“In 1972, when I was studying sales and positive attitude, I watched a movie called “Challenge to America,” almost everyday.It was a story told by the great Glenn W. Turner who wrote a letter to Santa Clause every year asking for everything his wealthy cousins received. Glenn was a poor farmer's son who never got anything but apples and oranges, even though he asked Santa for the same gifts as his richer cousins. And every year, Glenn would go out behind the barn and cry when Santa failed to deliver.One year his cousin wanted a brand new bicycle and Glenn wanted a brand new bicycle. As usual, the cousin got it and Glenn didn’t. This time though, he went behind the barn and said, “O.K. Santa, if that’s the way you want to play!” Turner ended the story by saying, “And on that day, I decided to become my own Santa Claus.” He challenged the audience to be their own Santa Claus. The first few times I watched the movie I didn’t think too much about it. I thought it was just a story. I thought he made a good point, but that was it.That was November of 1972.Two weeks later, I made a shopping list for Christmas. Like everyone, there were the obligatory “Why do I include you?” people on my list. While I'm shopping reluctantly in the department store--the men’s department--for some reason Turner's lesson, “be your own Santa Claus” pops into my head. Guess what? The first gift I bought was for me.I bought myself something nice and expensive, because I deserved it.“What the heck?” I said to myself. “I’m Santa Claus.” And from that day, I have continued to be my own Santa Claus. All kinds of cool things have resulted from it:Number 1: Christmas for me is no longer just December 25. It’s any day I choose it.Number 2: I can change any mood I’m in by buying myself a present. That’s one of the privileges of being Santa Claus.Number 3: I’m celebrating!