Is It Ok To Daye Your Cousin In Law

Is it ok to date your cousin in-law?

not blood related so it is cool. just make sure the family doesn't mind. I dated my sisters husbands twin! You are not truly related so it is cool.

What is a cousin in law?

A cousin is the child of your aunt or uncle or other cousin.

When the siblings of your parents have children, those children are automatically your cousins, and any children they may have are your 2nd cousins since they're a second generation and so on through 3rd and 4th for as long as they reproduce in your lifetime.

For a cousin in law, you basically marry someone whom has a cousin. So if you husband's parents had siblings, and they had children, then after your marriage you would be related to those children as "cousin in laws".


i think people misunderstood the mean your like cousin's cousin on the other side, right? like if your her cousin on her moms side, and the one you want to date is her cousin on her dad's side, yeah? if so there's no problem cuz theres no relation

Is it OK to date your 8th cousin?

haha who knew you could have an 8th cousin dang.

Nah it's not a big deal. If you can look passed that than it shouldn't matter.

Can you date your cousin?

Question: Is it possible to date your cousin?As in, “Do I possess the physical and legal capability to do so?”Then the answer is yes.However, most families, even those from traditional societies, have taboos against it and they will resort a number of social and personal sanctions to make it clear to the couple that they view the relationship as being unacceptable. If the couple can somehow overcome those, and what would likely be ostracization by their respective families, then they could continue dating.As far as the “relationship” being legal if you decide to take things to the next level (e.g. marriage): It’s illegal in most states to marry your first cousin and even second cousin marriages are not sanctioned. Beyond that point, the law doesn’t seem to clear. It’s likely that third or more distant cousins can marry legally, but would still face the problems from their respective families, and genetic illnesses are a significant risk.Frankly, just because you can do something doesn’t mean that you should. While people in traditional did (and occasionally still do) marry relatives as close as cousins, the social and familial stigmas involved with it make doing so untenable in a developed world country. Additionally, the risks of producing offspring with genetic predisposition to illnesses and the economic and social costs of that, make such pairings even less desirable.You can date your cousin.You can’t legally marry them.You should carefully decide before you attempt to do either,

Is it okay to be with (date) my brother in law's cousin?

Um, if you've got in-laws, doesn't that mean that you're married? Or please enlighten me of any other way a person could have in-laws?

Edit...oh if a sibling is married, then the sibling's spouse's extended family are in-laws. I had to think about that for awhile. Why didn't someone just explain it to me rather than giving me a heartless thumbs down?

Is it wrong to date/marry your cousin in law?

My biological aunt married a man who became my uncle in law. His nephew happens to be my cousin in law. I had a huge crush on him, we are not related by blood. He does call my mom "Aunt" so I am not sure if he ever liked me, but he has found me pretty. I don't know if me and him would ever date but for some reason I would find this odd lol.

Is it weird if I date my cousin?

OK, here’s the Deal.. It is “weird” but only because we were “socialized” to think it is weird, when in fact is used to be quite common!Folks are WAY too uptight about cousins being in relationships, and it is in fact totally legal in all sorts of places, even 1st cousins. Places it is illegal don’t have a valid genetic basis, just did it because they thought it was “icky”, and those laws could be overturned if challenged.The risk of ANY genetic issues are very very tiny unless cousin marrying went on for generation after generation.Cousin marriage law in the United States by state - WikipediaWe think it “weird” when a woman doesn’t shave her pits for god’s sake! Can you think of anything crazier than requiring every woman to use a razor to shave hair at a place it should be? Now, I sure don’t like hairy girl pits, but I don’t like it because I was trained (like most) to think that girl pits (and legs, etc.) should be “clean”. What a crazy thing.Socialization lets all sorts of “weird” stuff become normal because that is the program!Now, we in the west have our skin crawl when parents “pick” a husband or wife and arrange a marriage.. but that is “normal” in the places it happens.. I don’t think it SHOULD be normal.. but it is what it is.