Is It Ok To Eat Because Im So Big

Why am I so big and fat?

Matei Andrei wrote a comprehensive answer, so follow those recommendations.However, I will add the following:Drink more water: since more than 60% of your body is water, it helps to keep your body clean and replace some fat. Try to drink one or two glasses of water as soon as you wake up in the morning.Sleep: Try to go to bed as early as you can and try to sleep at least 8 hours (since you are a teen you need to sleep about 8 ~ 10 hours). Note: Turn off your phone at least one hour before going to bed and don’t watch TV at night (Try for a week and you’ll notice the difference).Be happy: If you can’t to achieve something, don’t worry about it or if somebody tells you something you don’t like, just say: “you have a nice sense of humor”.Walk: Whenever you can, walk instead of taking transportation. It will make you feel better.Be Social: I don’t mean FB, Twitter… I mean, do actual social, so, talk to you parents, friends, say hello when you enter a shop/store, say thanks and/or good bye when you leave. You will feel more confident and people will perceive that confidence (you are the rock star)Avoid junk food in the same way you avoid AIDS: Don’t eat such things. That will bring you a pleasure for just a seconds but after that you’ll feel worse (like a drug), and you’ll get fatter and get sick easier.Avoid sugar: I mean eat all the sugar which is in its natural packaging, like fruits. Otherwise, try to avoid that. (Juice? Try to not add sugar to it)Enjoy your life: Enjoy whatever you do, no matter how small it is. You are a teen and your body is experiencing lot of changes, so enjoy those changes, they will never come back.Eat while there is sunlight. In other words, if you want to have dinner, do it before sunset. Also, try to eat every 4 or 5 hours (more is ok but not less)And never ever, let somebody hurt you, you are unique, share your uniqueness with the world. Be authentique, when we are teens we imitate others. Decide what you want to be and how you want to be perceived. Act accordingly. The world will get that.Check my my answer to Why is my diet not working?

What can I give to my cat to make him grow very big?

hmm u dont want a fat kitty bcuz it will raise terrible health issues and he wont live long. 2weeks is too early for this kitten to be away from his mom. if u cant get the kitty back to the mom wat u should b doin is feeding it with a baby bottle bcuz at this age it cant eat on its own yet. at 2 weeks they barely open their eyes and cant walk to the food so u have to do all the work. in another 3 weeks ur kitty should be eatin on his own. hopefully if not in a month. wen ur new kitty begins to eat on its own u should only feed it ONE can per day and leave some water for it. u should still be tryin to feed it milk with the bottle.

DO NOT LISTEN TO PPL WEN THEY SAY CATS ARE LACTOSE INTOLORENT!!!!!! its the most stupidest thing ive ever heard!! lol. wen they are young they NEED MILK! also its ok to occasionally give your cat milk. below is a link about cats and milk

Is it okay to eat a Big Mac that's one day old?

As long as you heat it up well.

So I'm sitting here eating out of a big bag of Cool Ranch Doritos?

LOL! Doritos aren't the BEST thing to eat, but if you typically eat healthy and are just giving in to a big craving, by all means eat some Doritos. Just promise me that you aren't eating the whole big bag...that will lead to some serious indigestion and probably a less than desirable trip to the potty in a few hours...

12 weeks it ok to eat a big bag of hot fries almost every day?

Well people don't suggest it because anything unhealthy obviously isn't good for the baby. BUT if you have a healthy diet ontop of that it's fine. You're pregnant, take advantage of being able to stuff your face.
Two thumbs down ? Really?

A LOT of boys in my grade think im so hot cuz i have big boobs, a big butt,and long legs. but all the girls?

they hate me! im not trying to brag but they do sence all the boys think im so hot. only like 5 girls like me thats it. what do i do? thank you guys for all of you help. with advice about me and my ex thanks have the best easter!