Is It Ok To Mix Sugar In Water To My Rabbit

Water with sugar for my dog . . . urgent!?

It won't hurt her except that it's bad for her teeth. Corn syrup digests easier than sugar.

What do rabbits eat?

Good-quality grass hay (timothy, oat, brome, orchard, meadow, Bermuda), which should comprise at least 75% and preferably 80% or more of their daily diet, supplemented by dark, leafy green vegetables and herbs (1 cup per 2 pounds adult body weight) and plain alfalfa-based (if under 6 months old, pregnant or nursing) or timothy-based (if over 6 months old) pellets, with ample fresh water to wash it all down. They can also be fed a VERY small quantity of fruits, about 1 tablespoonful per day, as treats. Carrots, which Wendy Melton mentioned, actually count as treats because they have a lot of sugarl however, carrot tops, the green leafy part, can be fed along with other green vegetables. Rabbits should never be fed grains or grain products (e.g. bread, cereals), nuts, seeds or meat.Hay is by far the most important component of a rabbit's provender. Never, under any circumstances, skimp on a rabbit's hay if at all possible; your rabbit needs at minimum a big handful of fresh grass hay equivalent to his body volume/size every day, and preferably more, available around the clock; try to refresh your rabbit's hay at least twice daily if you can. Timothy is the most widely available grass hay and highly suitable for rabbits because of its taste and texture, but many authorities recommend offering a mixture of grass hays to your bunny. Hay is crucial to your rabbit's health in two key respects; rabbits need the high amounts of fiber in hay to keep their gastrointestinal systems active at all times, and the chewing motions required to masticate hay strongly promote proper wear of teeth (rabbits' teeth grow throughout their lifetimes and need to be kept worn down at all times to avoid dental problems such as malocclusion and molar spurs).

Is it ok to mix sugar in water to my rabbit?

No, sugar is terrible for rabbits. Don't give him any sugar water.

Do rabbits drink gatorade?

No, they drink rabbitade.

My rabbit is over 10 years old and still going strong. What is the average life span of a rabbit?

10–14 years is the average. I’ve heard a caretaker had his rabbit for 18years.To add onto this, the longevity of a pet depends on many things. Most importantly, they should first have a rabbit savvy veterinarian. They are considered exotics so you have to search for one by calling and asking around. The House of Rabbit society has some recommendations.Second, it is crucial for them to eat UNLIMITED hay and water: Timothy, Orchard, Oat, Botanical, etc. Hay wears their teeth and move their gut. Their teeth are constantly growing and they are always grooming so when they ingest the hair, they cannot vomit, so the hay helps. Most vet would recommend 1–2 cups of veggies (romaine, red/green leaves, herbs, spring mix) and 1/4 cup Timothy hay based pellets (Sherwood, Small Pet Select) for approximately every 6lb bun. Treats do not have to be banana or carrots as those are high in sugar. It is like giving a child a huge king sized candy bar. Herbs and organic apple branches make great treats.Third, a large pen and exercising area. Wild rabbits have acres of land to run around on. They should not be in a cage. Nor should any pets like rats, hamsters, etc. I believe this is a huge misconception. Entertainment and stimulation of the mind can help your pet live a healthy and happy life.

Can i give my rabbit yogurt for diarrhea?

i would not recommend that, i would limit any greens you give him and make sure he has plenty of hay or alfalfa. hay is better but in this case which ever he will eat works. if it continues, i would take him to the vet.
here are some site that might help.

Run out of rabbit food, what can i give him?

don't want to give him anymore fruit or veg because it gives him the runs but can i give him meusli or alpen just for tonight and tomorrow??
please help i have no idea.

p.s this isn't actually my rabbit and i didn't let it run out of food; its my sisters and she didn't remember to get anymore.

What to do for roaches in a rabbit hutch?

First of all if you have a house for the rabbit you need to give it insect treatments just like your house. Rabbits can get diseases from bugs and might even die if a certain kind bites it.

If it is already infested dont use sugar or baking soda bc the rabbit will think its food and try to eat it..Sugary things are bad for rabbits...baking soda will make them sick too

you need to get that one out away from your rabbit and build a new one with that idea there are 2 options

*you can get pre-treated wood to use to build the little house
*you can buy regular wood and get a spray that will keep bugs away

another reason the bugs would be in there is they either found food he took in there or his diet has made his droppings tasty for the bugs so you need to change his diet to just rabbit pellets and grass hay and then some frsh water