Is It Okay If I Use Gabriella Facial Razor For Body Hair

Are there women who don't have hair on their arm at all, like don't need to shave it?

Though I've seen women with visible arm hair, I have never heard of a woman that shaved her arms. At least not in the US. Having arm hair or not having arm hair are both considered normal and I don't know that most women give it much thought either way.I have hair on my arms. I think everyone has some hair on their arms. But I've never even considered shaving it. It is very light blonde and fine. I can't feel it when I touch my arms and can only see a few hairs here and there if I hold my arm at just the the right angle under bright light. If I wanted to shave it, I am not sure I could find it.Most of the women in my family are the same way. I think many women with light skin and hair are. So there are likely a lot of women who don't have readily detectable arm hair.

How many new hairs grow per day on scalp?

About 90% of the hair is constantly growing, while the other 10% is either resting or shedding. The amount of hairs growing depends on your hair density, or hairs per square inch. This depends on your genetics. Blondes typically have the most hairs per square inch, about 140,000 total on average, whereas redheads have the least, around 80,000 on average. Black and brown hair have about 109,000 on average.So how many new hairs grow? Even though 90% is growing, that’s basically all hair that’s been there already. So take your average density (let’s say you’re brunette- 109,000) and times that by .1 (10%). Since you shed around 100 hairs a day (and therefore their cycles link up), around 10,800 are in the resting phase, where they don’t grow and are getting ready to shed. Once that 100 leaves, the root begins the cycle again in the growing phase.So about 100 a day start fresh depending on your personal growth cycles.

Can i use veet hair removal on my neck girls only please.?(:?

im a female. you and i are on the same boat. i tried it on my neck. it worked, but the skin got too irritated and itchy, i recommend you avoid doing it on the neck. as for your breasts, its ok my skin didn't react to it. just AVOID the nipples. theyre too sensitive. any hair left on or very near to your nipples can be quickly and easily plucked off. or shaved or waxed- whatever you prefer

Would you let your 16-year-old dye their hair? Why/ why not?

Yes, I would let my 16 year old dye their hair. In fact, I let my 11 year old dye her hair royal blue. She just did it ombre style and I must say, it turned out quite nice.I had a chat with my kid first, just going over her reasons for wanting to do it and what her plan was if she didn’t like it, what if kids tease her etc.. I was comfortable with her answers so ombre royal blue hair it was.Not my daughters hair but similar.First thing to know is that there are many semi-permanent dyes out there that produce some really pretty colors. They are temporary in that they stay on about 4–8 weeks depending on how much the hair gets wet or washed.Secondly, teenagers often have a strong desire to express themselves and quite often this is done by personalizing their looks. It could be by clothes, piercings, shoes, make-up, tattoos and many times, hair. Hair is easy to change by ways of cutting, shaving, dying and styling and as the teen gets tired of whatever they have done to their hair, then it will grow out. It’s just hair. IMHO, of all the things that teens may do or want to do, tweaking their hair is one of the tamer ones.Teenage years can be tricky as there really is a lot going on. Lot’s of pressures and stresses, lots of discovery and needs and lots of self exploration and independence. Teens are learning and I think it’s great when parents can give teens the space they need to figure things out. Not disappearing, just space. Big difference.My parents were never open enough to let me do things like dye my hair when I was a kid although I really wanted to. I interpreted that as them wanting control over me so my desires for wanting to be who I wanted to be were ignored, which hurt. Was it damaging in the long run? Probably not, but at the time I felt it was critical and may have resented my parents because of it. I was a pretty crazy teenager and perhaps a little more trust and compassion on my parents part would have helped. While your teen dying his or her hair may seem extreme to you, I can say through my own experience that it’s probably more important to them to do it than it is to you not to. If you’re asking the question then you’re probably flexible enough to go forward with it, you’re just unsure or slightly nervous.My vote is score the big points and let them be who they need to be even if it means you get to deal with a new and improved version of your hormonally challenged teenager now with neon orange hair.

Fordyce spots normal?

Fordyce's spots are small, painless, raised, pale, red or white spots or bumps 1 to 3 mm in diameter that may appear on the scrotum, shaft of the penis or on the labia, as well as the inner surface (retromolar mucosa) and vermilion border of the lips of the face. They are common in men and women of all ages. They are named after an American dermatologist, John Addison Fordyce.[2] On the head of the penis, they are called Tyson's glands,

The spots are a form of ectopic sebaceous gland: normally, sebaceous glands are only found in association with a hair follicle. They are not known to be associated with any disease or illness and are of cosmetic concern only. They aren't infectious and are a natural occurrence on the body. Men sometimes consult with a dermatologist because they are worried they may have a sexually transmitted disease or some form of cancer, but this is not the case.

Skin itches for many reasons. you could use a moisturizer or an OTC cortisone cream and see if that improves things. this stuff is very very common.

What made your family never speak to you again?

I was molested by two of my older brothers growing up. From ages 7 to 14. I finally told my parents. Well I must have blocked it all out. At age 36 I had repressed memories. My one brother was going thru a 12 step program. He called me one night and said he was sorry for the things he did to me growing up. I said, we were kids. Not knowing what he was talking about til that night! All the memories came flowing back. Every detail, every flash back! I was just four years into my marriage. I loved my husband. And my children. I couldn't handle the thoughts. I had multiple suicide attempts and many, many hospitizations. My mother, I know everyone looks at me when I say this. She never loved me. She made me ashamed when I was 7 years old. She wouldn't have anything to do with me. My father was bathing me! With a washcloth washing my private area. Nothing sexual. Drys me off. My mother comes to my bedroom. “You wash your own fish from now on!” “Your father doesn't need to wash your fish!” And slams my door. I was 7! My sister died at three days old six years before this. I was an only girl. With brothers. So I grew up daddy's girl until recently. My great niece one day shared with me, why me of all people. All my nieces and nephews love me. Told me someone was hurting her. I looked at her. I mentioned a name. Her eyes got big! I went in the house and I yelled at my brother. You are not gonna do to her… he tried to shush me. I called my oldest brother who was my council for the longest time. His wife can't stand me. Never has. I have a close relationship with my oldest brother. He looked out for me always. I told him. He told me what to do. I reported him. Well my brother was arrested. No one would believe her. Then they found out I was the one who turned him in. My oldest brother didn't back me up. My other brother bailed him out knowing he was a pedophile! What he had done to me and my daughter! My other brother told me that the brother that was arrested asked him to lie if police asked him if was alone with my great niece in his room. I told him, don't you dare! So any how, I never got served my court papers. My father said he was very disappointed in me. No one seemed to remember what happened when I was younger. So needless to say, they don't speak to me, or my daughter or son's. I mean, I called them. But you know, the phone rings on both ends!

I know a girl that got a tattoo of bows on the back of her leg and above her knees, is there a common meaning?

She may be indicating where bows would be on a garter belt.

Do women find men with moustaches attractive?

Tom Selleck.