Is It Okay To Use 2 Shampoos And 2 Conditioners

Do you use the same brand for shampoo and conditioner?

Hi Val,Thank you for the A2A.I personally do not use the same brand for shampoo and conditioner.In fact, none of my hair care products ranging from my shampoo, to my rinse out conditioner, to my leave in conditioner, are from the same manufacturer.For me, I select products for very specific goals I have for my hair.As a result, the shampoo I use for wet washing, is always diluted. I never use it full strength. Even though I dilute it, I always use a smoothing shampoo because my hair is naturally coarse, dry and wavy/curly.Bottom line, everyone should select the shampoo and conditioning products which match their hair’s current needs and long term goals.Whether or not the products match is not important.What is important is how the products work for your hair type, texture, length and current needs. If the products match and they work for you, that’s cool.If not, there’s no need to worry.The Gods of Hair Brands will not strike you dead in the shower if you mix and match. You have my promise.Happy washing.

Is it okay to use two different shampoos and one conditioner?

It's actually good to rotate or alternate shampoos, hair can become accustomed to one shampoo if used continuously and it will have less of an effect, also using the same shampoo with silicones will cause product build up so alternating with a non-silicone variety is sensible.

EDIT If you're using them all at once then that's completely unnecessary bordering on silly, it's of no benefit whatsoever to your hair, it just means you'll have three potentially-drying and conflicting foaming agents being thrown at your hair instead of one, not very good at all, they will cancel each other out and strip your hair of its natural oils. Just invest in a good shampoo and conditioner (designed to work together) from a salon.

Is 2 in 1 (Shampoo + Conditioner) bad for your hair?

no there's no truth in it. actually it depends on what suits you.i have been using a 2 in 1 shampoo for so many years and i have always recieved compliments for my hair.i dont have any hair loss problems i think it's safe.

Is using a 2 in 1 shampoo and conditioner bad?

Your avatar *is* cute, like spicy taco said. ;D

No, it's not bad. I have one that's really good (by TRESemmé).
Washing your hair everyday is okay, I guess. Try doing it every second day instead; it lets your hair maintain healthier condition and more moisture. (=

Is it okay to use different brands of conditioner & shampoo?

It's ok to use different brands, as in I don't think anything will happen, but ideally you should use the same brand because they are designed to work together and you'll get the best effect. Also, if you use 2 different brands, they most likely smell different so they mixture of smells might turn into something that doesn't smell good anymore. I would suggest that you buy a smaller bottle of the pantene (maybe a travel size) shampoo, and use that with the rest of the conditioner. Once you're done with both, then buy the conditioner that matches the other shampoo you bought. You should try to use the same amount of each whenever you shower so they run out at about the same time so you don't have this problem again, or just buy the same brand every time so even if it does run out, the brands will still match.

Is it okay to use two different conditioners with your hair?

I think mixing conditioners is amazing.... ok I admit I do it too. That way, you get the benefits of both. But shampooing twice is bad for your hair. Since your hair is relaxed, it's probably drier/oilier than it would be normally. Overshampooing ostrips hair of it's original moisture. I'd say skip the second rinse.
Personally, I condition once, (in for about 2-4 minutes) then rinse. Then, I use a heavy leave-in conditioner for about 30 min.-an hour (or, I leave it overnight). You would not believe how shiny,soft, and managable my hair is now.

How does 2-in-1 shampoo and conditioner work?

Shampoos are designed to remove oil from the hair and scalp, leaving a clean surface for the conditioner to come in and replace those oils lost.  So even with this advancement in technology, it’s hard to believe that these 2 steps can be done “well” in just 1. Will your hair get clean and conditioned using a 2-in-1 shampoo/conditioner? Sure it will.  But, proper balance is important especially for someone that suffers from an oily or dry scalp. So here’s what you do…If you have normal hair and scalp conditions, and you absolutely love your brand of 2-in-1 that has surprisingly helped you get to work an extra 5 minutes earlier…continue using it.  But, I would advise you to purchase a small bottle of shampoo and conditioner separately to use from time to time, to keep you hair and scalp in proper balance. However, if you suffer from dry scalp, or an overly oily scalp, stick with the independent bottles, specific to your hair and scalp needs.

Can I use conditioner everyday instead of shampoo?

I do, and it works splendidly. All these naysayers? They fell pray to marketing and what their moms told them. Both marketing and moms are wrong all the time.Shampoo strips natural oil from your hair and scalp, causing it to produce more. When you stop stripping natural oils, your scalp adjusts and stops producing so much. Your hair stops getting as greasy. You can go longer without having to wash it.Conditioners generally have cleaning agents in them as well - just not the same ones. I use one every other day, because I like the way it smells. Since I’ve given up shampoo, my hair has more shine and, unbelievably, volume - without the dried-up poofiness that shampoo causes.So, the side effects of not using shampoo are:Better looking hairMore time between washesMore money in your bank account that you are not spending on shampoo and all the products to replenish the moisture you removedFeeling like a boss for not falling for “this is what everyone must do every day forever” ployNow in all fairness, there is a disclaimer. If you put loads of heavy products in your hair, especially wax, it will get weighed down over time. If you take mud baths, get splashed with dirt playing sports, or regularly sign up for Tough Mudder Run, maybe your hygiene will need more tough love. In that case, do by all means shampoo every once in a while.