Is It Only Natural I Am Very Angry At My Friend

I have a natural poker face, how do I look angry?

It's not just a face. It's also in stance and voice.
With your stance, you need to have your feet to where there is one foot behind you and one foot in front of you. The toes of your front foot should be pointing directly at the person you are focusing your anger look on. your back foot should be at a perpendicular to your front foot, and your body should be facing somewhere in the middle. Your arms are at your sides, slightly bent and your hands balled into fists.You should be leaning 80% of your weight on your front foot.
Now for your face: your head should be directly facing the person you are mad at. Your eyes are very important. You want them to to be open. don't squint. You eyebrows should come together more. NOT DOWN. remember, don't squint. Also. if you can bring up one side of your upper lip with the muscle next do your nose do so, but keep your mouth closed. don't overdo it.
lastly your speech. Talk slowly, really low, and brief.
"Get.... away"
"shut... up"
stuff like that. Hopefully this helped.

My friend got pregnant shortly after me, why am i so angry?

So I am 11 weeks pregnant and my best friend called me on saturday to tell me she is pregnant. I feel like she is doing this to compete with me, or steal the show so to speak. I know I'm hormonal, but I am very angry that she would do this to me. When I found out I was pregnant she told me she was unhappy because it happened to me first. She was constantly mentioning stuff about miscarriage, because she has had two before. She would say "don't tell anyone because if you lose it you will regret opening your mouth" and she has also said other hurtful things to me during my pregnancy. I am so angry about all of this. I feel like she has betrayed me. She is even trying to give birth at the birthing center I chose, when earlier she said I was craZy for wanting a natural birth. How do I cope with this?


I thought he was the best boyfriend. So sweet funny and caring. I would never thought he would ever do this to me. I just wonder, when he said I love you, did he really mean it?

I had to go on a business trip. My flight got canceled and so I went home. I heard noises, I knew exactly what was going on, I went up to our room and there he was, with my best friend having sex. He jumped up and apologized about ten times. I just ignored him, packed a suitcase and drove to my friends house. My friend came over and she tried to apologize and I threw a punch at her. Now she is mad at me for being so pissed?!?

I really love him! He keeps on calling me and texting me and trying to see me. He wont leave my friends house until he sees my face. I have been ignoring him but I love him. I don't know what to do, I just cant belive he would do this to me. My other friend I'm staying with is saying I should get a restraining order or call the cops to keep him away. And my ex bestfriend keeps on texting me saying You shouldn't be mad at us its natural BUT ITS MY BF NOT URS!!!!!! UGH what do I doooooo!??!?!??!

Why do I smile when I'm angry?

I used to do the same thing. I was raised to be faultlessly polite to everyone, even to those who didn't deserve it...

Perhaps you -- like me -- have believed (deep down) that you had no RIGHT to express your true opinion or feeling, especially if you consider it to be negative.

Let go of that!! You have every right to think what you think, and feel what you feel. If you remind yourself of that, you may find that your genuine feelings will show automatically.

My friend says I'm uptight. What does she mean?

It's not the first time I've heard that. My sisters also tell me I'm uptight. I hate this word, it seems like something bad? :S

Is this why I find it very difficult to make friends and get dates or even have guys talk to me? Apparently I look angry, so much that people move out of my way when I'm walking down the road. I even heard a couple of old ladies talking about me and wondering why I look upset. If anything, I was actually feeling very happy that day.

I don't smile because it feels so fake and unnatural - I find it very difficult to keep a smile on my face. It's unnecessary unless I actually mean to smile.

That's not just it. I get accused of walking like I'm in a wh0re house. Before people kept picking on me because I had a hunched back and now that I walk with my back straight I get this BS. It's not like I stand in front of the mirror and practice how to walk. This is me walking with good posture but it attracts unnecessary attention so I'm trying to walk 'normal'. I did try to change it once and my sister said I look like I have a stick up my @ss. How nice.

Any adivce?

Are you angry or still in love with your ex?

After the breakup which was not mutual (dumped by text at an airport, lied too, cheated on and just generally disrespected is the short version) i struggled with understanding why she would treat me like that and my then natural tendency to give people too many chances.Definitely was still in love and trying to force feelings through and to be perceived as the nice and better guy rather than focusing on healing and processing why i was right to feel this way logically.After a while of continued perceived disrespect, witholding of my stuff, cowardice, more lieing, ignoring, gaslighting i got angry enough to just cut all ties. In that time i went from angry to enraged, i wanted to punch holes through anything. I'd never treat anyone that way and it seemed for every kind act i did it would be pissed on, lit on fire and ran over in the street.Then the anger subsided, i had a continued stress headache for a year which slowly subdued as i grew, stopped being a people pleaser, became stronger, firmer, cutting out unnecessary stress and the people who caused it but in a respectful way and with love.I took up mindfulness, hung out with people who enhanced my life, became fitter, and am now challenging myself in my musical career.Now? The best way of explaining how i feel. It would be reciprocal contempt, which has been well and truly earned. We've seen each other once since then. My friends and family stopped her coming near me and i blanked her. She tried to act as if she done the same but i caught her looking and her flying monkeys were trying to get info out of me which i shut down. She tried ever so hard to get a rise out of me and failedI put it this way to someone who was fishing for info recently. I’m a caring individual. If she went to jump off a cliff tomorrow i would be there … at the bottom… making sure she didn't land on anyone.

My best friend has Aspergers - how do I be the best friend to her?

So my best friend has Asperger's Syndrome - and I'm wanting to understand her better...and in need of advice. She's my best friend and I love her so much, but she is very clingy - and insecure...which I know is typical of people with Asperger's. She freaks out very easily - if I take awhile to text her back (unless I've forewarned her that I'm busy) she'll panic - and she gets jealous if I spend time with one of my other friends. She has a huge heart though - she's helped my boyfriend and I out so much, and always makes me feel special. But I really want to do what I can to help her overcome her insecurity? Or is that just part of her having Asperger's that I need to accept and deal with?? she's 29 and I'm 19 and it kills me to hear about the hurt she's gone through in her's always been just a little harder for her to make friends - this is going to sound bad, but she's said herself that she can be very annoying without realizing it, or come across as rude without intending it. In her 29 years I'm the only friend she's had so far that has stuck around, because I guess most people don't understand Asperger's. So I guess it would be only natural that she'd be clingy....but I'm looking for advice hopefully from people who have Asperger's or who understand it better? How do I convince her that I'm not going anywhere - and that I really do love her? How do I be a good friend? Thanks.