Is It Possible For A Person To Repel Demons Or Spirits Then Have Spirits Gang Up On That Person.

What are inner demons?

An inner demon is something that you personally struggle with in your own mind. It could be created by a situation that led you to believe you need to hide a part of you and you in turn act differently to seem alright, or it could be caused by circumstances that make you feel an underlying belief that limits you.The limiting and/or depressive (negative) nature of inner demons is what gives their name meaning. It is an inner belief, set of ideas or understanding about life that when talked about seems easy for others to deal with, but when trying to work around it yourself, manifest past it or just try to be alone with it, you feel you are at war with your own mind. Many have demons and finally break through them, while some never do. It is always something that one must understand and repair on their own, as it is in their mind alone that the war rages. No matter the supportive and obvious words of others, we fight the battle alone and win by our own mind’s strength and ingenuity.When we eliminate our demons, we seem to have better inner dialog and feel better at negotiating life’s innate difficulties. When in control, your demon causes you to feel ill at ease and constantly bothered no matter where you end up in society. Rich or poor inner demons are not always seen by everyone or anyone. However, if you are around someone long enough, their demons can change how that person normally acts, changing into a person you do not recognize for no apparent reason.Thanks for the A2A

How can I protect my house from bad spirits or demon?

Three steps:


1. 'Dark' spirits and 'demons' are generally accepted by a number of cultures to be repulsed by a number of 'pure' metals and herbs. rosemary is a common herb, as is silver the most common metal. There are also a number of other items depending on your religion (Pagans commonly use items of nature, christians believe in 'holy water' ect. ect.)

2. The incantation is personal to you, there is no 'set-list', you must clearly state the effects you want and the guidelines of the banishment. Most importantly is that you do NOT get bogged down with some 'exorcist' style chant, you mush state who you are commanding and what you are commanding them to do, don't leave ends open for interpretation but keep it simple.

3. Most importantly you must believe that your ritual will succeed, as it is your willpower which forces the binding of the ritual. If you believe in a religion, or that the spirits are truly with you, then you should already have sufficient belief in your 'spell'.

Of course, these are just guidelines, from the origin's of satanism (Don't jump to conclusions, read up on what it REALLY is, not what christianity simply says it is) and 'religious' rituals will work in different ways, though they will use these guidelines as a basis.

Why is killing an innocent person bad?

I've read many arguments and almost all of them always argue that is morally wrong. I believe morals are socially constructed, so to me is not a valid argument. I think all of us are just a collection of ideas inculcated by society. I'm not an expert on the subject, but I think if we were to grow up without the influence of society, then our definition of what's wrong vs right would be totally different, including taking the life of someone. I've asked other people this question and I always get weird looks, and I always get the typical answer "because it's wrong". I like to question everything, and this is something I've been thinking about lately.

Why does the demon called Azazel show up no matter what ouija board I use? Does anyone know anything about this demon?

Apparently it wants my soul. I could go into details but I've had some wild experiences (met millionaires as an agoraphobe), been offered fame, wealth, etc. It says I have a pure soul and sovereign soul. Of course, half the things it says are lies but I can see right through those. No paranormal activity ever happens in my house, and I use it alone. I'm not crazy. Apparently I am very loved and protected by all the spirits or God. I am beyond confused. It seems this demon is attached to me BECAUSE I am a good, intuitive, sensitive, compassionate person. If anything, it's magnified my belief in God. It says I'm supposed to be a mother, and before when I was pseudo-addicted to talking to the board last year, around the same time, this Satanist contacted me on Facebook and told me I was destined to give birth to someone infamous (like a serial killer). This total stranger called me "Pope Holy Mother." I could not make up half the crap in real life that's happened to me since I started talking to the board. I almost wish I could have the silly crazy hauntings. At least I'd know how to deal with those. This constant temptation is getting to me. My life definitely could use a reboot. Rags-to-riches, why not?!

Does anyone know about a hispanic tradition of placing a glass of water under your bed?

You place a fine glass of water under your bed through the entire night every night and then you dump it out to the street before the sun comes up so that as the light begins to shine it scatters or transmutes the energies into good energy. Useful energy.

Many people keep it next to their beds on the side table. You can add a little extra kick to it on those heavy days by sprinkling in a pinch of salt.

If you, like me, do not get up before the sun does then you can flush it down the toilet and it's the same thing.

Some people keep a glass of water at their work, in the kitchen on top of the refrigerator or some other place or even the front door. It should be changed regularly so that you don't hold on to it. If when you wake up there are bubbles on the rim then that is envy that was trapped in the water or removed from you. In some practices after you get an egg cleansing they stick it in a glass cup as normal and then you keep the glass with the egg under your bed for a certain amount of time before throwing them out. I don't recommend this method because it leaves room for accidents with it.

Shadow Storm