Is It Possible For Professors To Be Sleep Deprived Why Would They Be Busy

Is sleep deprivation a valid excuse to skip classes if you're a commuter?

No it is not a valid excuse at all....time for some tough news sweetie...This will never be acceptable on the job, and i can only hope that if you picked a career that deals with the safety of people that you make up your missed work. I was a pediatric RN....every class taught me something vital I needed to know. People's lives depended on it. I am back in college at age 51, and even though now it is to teach art to kids, I take every bit of my education seriously. And yes, I am a commuter; I live 1 hour away, plus I have two grown kids to think about and three, yes, three, elderly parents as well as a household, too many cats, and friends who count on me. Get her done. I am sorry I sound so mean though, getting to sleep can be a real problem. I hope you are able to get some good sleep.

What causes you to fall asleep during lectures even if you are not tired?

Most of us live our lives in a state of sleep deprivation.  It is ingrained in our culture.  I'm not a doctor but I'm a medical professional and have worked with dozens of doctors for 40 years.  The party line in sleep medicine advocates for 8 quality hours of sleep a night and I would bet that the very doctors being quoted are not getting more than 6 hours a night themselves.  In the demographic of medical professionals you would be considered a slouch if you got more than 6 hours a night.  Most doctors have gone through 8 to 12 years of serious sleep deprivation during their training and wouldn't know what to do with more than 6 hours of sleep.  They get used to it.  They keep themselves awake with work.  They get plenty of stimulation.  They don't feel tired.  But sit them down in front of a lecture and you bet you would see them nodding off.You may not think you are tired but your brain keeps score when it comes to sleep.  If you are not getting enough the body will always try to find a way to catch up.Sleep deprivation for any reason is a leading cause of cardiovascular disease, including stroke and heart attack. There is an old wives tale that says you can't die from lack of sleep.  You can.In my opinion it is the leading cause of most of the worst decisions ever made.  I'm going for 8 hours tonight but I'll probably only get seven.  I will feel fine at work tomorrow unless I sit still too long in front of my computer and then if I don't get up and walk around I will fight sleep to a point where I will feel like I could fall off my chair and hit the floor sleeping.This is one of many matters of frequent disagreement between the mind and the body, and guess what?  The body always wins in the end.

Any of you pulled consecutive all-nighters before?

I once stayed up for 66 consecutive hours without even taking a nap. It was fine for the first 12 hours, tough after 24, and horrible up until around 48 hours. After that, I was so beyond exhausted that I didn't even feel tired. It was hard to keep myself constantly busy (if I stopped working for even a few minutes, I ran the risk of accidentally dozing off), and I stayed awake by drinking Red Bull nonstop, which I don't recommend.

I did feel like a zombie afterward. By the 50th hour or so, I looked like hell. My skin was pale, I had bags under my eyes, and friends asked me if I was sick. But I was in a good mood, almost like I was drunk.

Bottom line: consecutive all-nighters are difficult, but not impossible. It does take a lot of self-discipline keeping yourself awake and you have to commit to it or else you will give up and fall asleep. Be sure to give yourself a few days afterward to sleep all you want - your body will need it.

How do IIM students manage with just 4 hours of sleep per day?

It's a myth!It is possible, in case, you are an early bird in relationship and can talk for hours on phone.Apart from that as far as assignments are concerned, very few of these submissions are of sacrosanct deadline and need to be delivered on time. Most of the assignments are group based, especially case analysis and making presentation, so, you are not burdened completely on your own. There are four to five people to share your workload. As far as readings are concerned, no one is bothered to go through unless it contains substantial weightage in deciding grade of that subject.So, you have sufficient amount of time to devote to clubs, competitions, hobbies, gym, girlfriend, roaming around beaches and so on. Most of us prefer to devote after-class time, 7–9pm, to it.After that, from 10pm–1am, it's time to complete our assignments as mentioned above. During peak load time(exams and projects), it may stretch upto 3am–4 am.So, on a normal day, you are free after 1 am, you can sleep till 8 in the morning or do something otherwise.So, it's not 4 hours of sleep, rather, around 6–7 hours on a normal day.

Do you get sleepy after smoking weed?

Because I do. Every single time! I hate that part, so if you do get sleepy, have you tried anything that stopped it?
Does anyone know how to slop this behavior?

What are some realistic solutions to homelessness?


What study technique have you used (or seen others use) that is the least effective?

I have sadly done all of the following, multiple times before I learned that these techniques were not working for me.Studying for hours at a time. After a few hours I would read a passage over and over again due to the fact that my brain was tired and I lacked the ability to focus. Much time was wasted.Cramming. I would put off reviewing my notes or reading. I would then fool myself into thinking that I could retain everything in one sitting. After a few hours I would find myself in a panic wondering, What was I thinking!?!All nighters. Trying to stay up all night and study to only find myself dozing off. I would place myself in the college library, in other student’s dorm rooms, even at a 24 hour burger joint in hopes that I would stay awake. In every situation I would eventually put my head down and fall asleep.What works for me now is chunking what I need to learn, spacing out and repeating what I have to memorize, and studying for 1 hour increments.What study technique have you used (or seen others use) that is the least effective?