Is It Possible That Black People Act Out In Society To Be Distracting To Others Enjoyment As A

Should transgender people be allowed to be teachers?

Really, you're going to quote me and completely make up random things that I never said? Ad why are you so rude about it. I think I have a right to believe something and nicely post about it. That's cool that you had a hippie teacher, move to San Francisco and continue with your diverse lifestyle with a black across the road, a wheelchair man beside you and a squatter gay man living in your house. You can go bring soup to the nice homeless man and watch shooting stars and rainbows above you while your children of many colors and disorders live in perfect harmony while being taught by a trans-man ex rapist! You can name them Pablo, Ya-ping and Bolomaloview! What perfect diversity and happiness!

Ideally that would be cool but come back to earth. I had a transgender teacher growing up and I can assure you we got nothing done and children were scared. Do I wish we could all live in harmony? Yes. Can it happen in 2013? No. It's a work in progress and its not goi to happen overn

Why do black people still think that its them against the world ?

hm. i do know what you mean... i don't think it is all blacks though. but ALL people use excuses to why there lives aren't better. it is just another excuse.

and as for being black for a year. it isnt any different, i have a lot of friends from all races. their lives reflect how they made them. screw the media, the media is ran by liberals and jews!! and doesnt reflect me either!! people will find that the sooner they stop blaming everyone else, and seriosly look around , they will see only what they want to see. you wanna think that whites hold you back then they will. im sorry but times are difficult right now for all races.

What percentage of people are intellectuals?

I find very few people who are curious about many things, like to learn how the world works, other then constantly entertaining themselves except for their work/studies required for monetary and practical success and one or two interests like politics and checking the news, etc. Is it very few people who are interested in learning things for the sake of knowledge itself? For example, I know many intelligent people who are very knowledgeable in their field, but lack intellectual curiosity about other subjects completely.

How can we completely concentrate while studying?

It's not only about getting distracted during our study-time. Mind wandering is constant. People mind wander 47% of the time. And that means we live the present moment for only half our lives.Intrusive thoughts are almost always created by anxiety and/or negative emotional experiences. They hinder your concentration, encourage you to procrastinate , distract you from the task in hand and inevitably increase your anxiety which leads to an increase in intrusive thoughts.Trying to block out unwanted thoughts is actually counterproductive. Close your eyes right now and set a timer. Your aim is to spend a minute without thinking of a white bear.How did you get on? How many seconds did you last before the white bear appeared in your thoughts. And why do we think of a white bear when we have expressly told ourselves not to?Trying to suppress thoughts lead to obsession. So, don't block out unwanted thoughts or ear worms. Instead, congratulate yourself for recognising that you are experiencing them and realising that your concentration is wandering.YOU’re a HOMO SAPIEN.As human beings, we have this unique ability to have our minds stray. This ability of having our minds focussed on something other than the present is amazing - it helps us to learn, plan and reason.While most people think of mind-wandering as a lifting escape from daily drudgery, research shows that this may not be the case. In fact, mind-wandering appears to be correlated with unhappiness. Mind-wandering might make us feel less content, but it could also have a functional purpose. A study suggests that mind-wandering might be a sign of a high capacity working memory — in other words, the ability to think about multiple things at once.Here are a few solutions to it :1)Try to postpone the thought.Write a list of the things that are bothering you and then set it aside to be dealt with at an assigned point later in the day. This means that you don't have to hold that thought in your memory and you know you will deal wiht them later.2) Wherever possible , avoid multitasking, which can reduce productivity by approximately 40% by some researchers,as well as increasing stress and anxiety.3) Exposure:Allow yourself to think about the unwanted thought, so that it is less likely to pop up unwantedly at other times. This is painful, but it might work.4)Meditation and mindfulness strengthen mental control and help to control unwanted thoughts.Everyone in this world gets distracted. It's natural. So , stay cool.

Why do neurotypical people try to understand Asperger's?

I assume that you meant "why don't neurotypical people try to understand Asperger's?"

I think that the main reason why most neurotypical people don't try to understand Asperger's is that they don't really have to.

Neurotypicals are a huge majority in society and they have each other and can understand and relate to each other and society is "designed" for them, so they have little trouble functioning according to society's expectations. It's easier for them to just ignore the few people who are different from them than to try to understand them. Not understanding aspies has very little consequences for most neurotypicals, so they take the easy way out and don't even try.

On the other hand, aspies and others who are different from the majority have to try really hard to understand and adjust as we as well as possible to the majority, because if they don't there will be consequences for them (being alone, ostracized, bullied, unemployed, with no support etc.).

A lot of people care about themselves more than anything and just can't be bothered to try to understand others if it doesn't serve some purpose for themselves. They're not willing to put any effort into something that they don't expect to benefit from themselves.

I agree with you that it's really annoying that they don't even try, especially since it doesn't seem to matter how much we try, it's never enough for them.

Are cheerleaders actually the popular ones in other schools?

im with you. at my high school, cheerleaders were the annoying dumb girls to some, and pretty much a random collection of girls that happened to be interested in it. same with the dance squad.

i think the schools where cheerleaders are popular are in towns with a lot of money, because the people ive known who went to schools with popular cheerleaders lived in secluded suburbs with all white people. i grew up at a school with a lot of black and hispanic people, where there was really no popular group of people.