Is It Possible That I Have Been Blocked On Viber

Who blocked me on Viber?

You have a few alternative to find out. 1. Send the person a massage from a different number on viber and see if it shows "seen" under your massage. 2. If seen that means he/she has not turned her "Send "seen" Statues" off. Now you know that when you send him/her a massage from your number but it does not show "seen" but shows only "delivered" that means he/she has blocked you.3. You can also know that by his/her profile picture. If he/she has blocked you, you can only see her/his profile picture of the time when he/she blocked you and it never changes. Add her/him in another viber number and see what profile picture it shows there. That will show different one if he/she changes his/her profile.4. If he/she has blocked you, you giver him/her a call from viber and it shows "Calling" not "Ringing". :) good luck

How do I know if someone blocked me on Viber?

As you mentioned if some person blocked, you can't see any of those details after a second they blocked you. And this will hold the same if you block some other.

If I block someone on viber, would they still see my profile?

LMGTFYWell, they will. But won’t be able to contact you.

Did my bf block me on whatsapp and viber?

So my bf went away on holiday none of my whatsapp messages are getting delivered to him. It just shows one check mark next to all the messages and doesn't display the time he was "last seen". He's also not responding to my texts. Last time I heard from him was from a viber message he sent that said the reception was really bad where he was, and then when I tried to text back the message wouldn't go through because it said he no longer has viber installed. If it was just a case of bad reception wouldn't I still be able to see when he was last seen? And why would his viber suddenly be uninstalled? Idk it's not like we fought or anything so I don't understand. Am I just being paranoid? It has been a week.

Why did all my Viber text say delivered if I am blocked?

On Viber, when you are blocked or if you block someone, the phone calls will still ring from the person calling but the recipient of the call will not hear it, since it is “blocked”. Thus, you can technically say you didn’t hear it since the call was blocked so you didn’t have to hear it. However, blocking doesn’t apply to text messaging. You or the blocked person will still get the texts.

How to block Viber and Instagram access on WiFi?

Yes, depending on what type of Router you have.

Its easily to stop Serving a Viber Server running on your network just remove any DMZ or portforward info relating to Viber.

And also some routers let you banned certain websites...

by banning and from your network via router... you can block nodes in your network from reaching viber & instagram's login server... which prevents them from logging into their accounts.

If your Router doesn't support Name Translation you will have to use the IP address of or

If someone has blocked me on Viber, would his status online be visible?

NO .Blocking someone means users on blocked list is not permitted to communicate with user who block them. Same way as incoming communication is not allowed outgoing communication is also expected to be denied.However sometimes Viber makes change on their policy which could allow any user to get status information of other people regardless of block or not. Logic of blocking someone is to cut any communication between them. But sometimes any holes surface on configuration could accidently allows blocked user to see status. So never treat 3rd party software full proof.