Is It Possible That Someone Can Read My Message In Whatsapp

How Can I Hack Someones Whatsapp Messages? < HERE YOU GO, THANK ME LATER

I would like to know how i can hack and track someones whatsapp messages easily. Is there a way for me to track someones whatsapp messages on their cell phone without knowing their password? I know that this might be illegal but for educational purposes is there a way to get into someone elses whatsapp account and know their password? Thanks


To Know How to Hack Into Someones Whatsapp Messages you would have to know how to get into their whatsapp account which is not easy if you do not have their whatsapp password. BUT if you have access to their cell phone where the whatsapp is installed you are in luck my friend.

Simply go to: and enjoy. Your welcome.


How can we read WhatsApp messages without coming online or having the last seen hidden?

Here's a simple trick. First you need to be offline, in the sense minimise the application/close.When you receive a new message, when you get a messsage notification, don't open it. Just let it float in the notification bar. Now just turn off all the data connection and wifi so that whatsapp has no available connection to connect to it's server.Once you're sure that no connection exists, you can now open whatsapp and see the message by opening the whatsapp application. There you go, When you read the message when you're offline, the server will not be recording the current time as your last seen because of no internet connection. When the sender opens your chat window he will still be seeing the same "last seen at" which he saw while sending the message you recieved. This is because the server will be still storing your last seen only when you were connected to its's server. It will update your last seen the next time you turn on your data connection and open whatsapp application.

If i add someone to a group chat on whatsapp can they read previous messages made by other users?

no, because your friend is new in the group,
you can try also other chatbox
chatwing live chat
you can make also a chatwing group chat