Is It Possible The People Who Feel Used And Abused Have Gotten What Was Coming To Them From Karma

Is it possible ..??????? PLEASE ANWSER!!!!?

because i don't want to get ur hopes up im going to say this yes it is possible but please try and hope for the bes but prepare for the worst. recent studies show couples who laugh more and stress less conceive faster. try your best to have fun with it. spice up the nights where you know you need to have sex to conceive. that way it doest stress your honey out and you have a better sperm count. but it is possible to know right a way my cousin always nows two days after she has sex. so good luck and i hope i helped.
p.s i completley understand you though i feel the same way as if this is it. here we go no turning back now i know it took and this time next month i will have a possitive sign on the hpt and im so excited.
lots of baby dust. i hope all is well.

How many people have gotten their wisdom teeth removed without being sedated?

A little info I think should be considered about this drug Versed ( Midazolam ) that is used for Sedation for many medical procedures..Sedation and General Anesthesia are not the same and quite a few people being given Sedation
think they are being given General Anesthesia!

There is simply no good or valid reason to ever purposely induce amnesia during a medical procedure. It is only a recent development in medical thinking that amnesia is somehow a "benefit" to the patient. On occasion some
some patients will remember a bad experience. Forgetting does not mean it did not happen!!
I feel that if people were aware of the effects of this drug they would Opt For Another Drug!
Erasing someones memory of what was done to them is wrong!!
In fact, many people who use Versed for " IV Sedation,Conscious Sedation" Twilight Sedation, during a procedure are Awake For The Entire Procedure but remember nothing, often Believing They Were "Out" the whole time.

Versed (Midazolam) is an amnestic. It is also commonly used for minor procedures like setting broken bones,colonoscopies,endoscopies, dental procedures like extractions,conscious sedation,twilight sleep, so that patients won't remember pain and discomfort.HOWEVER THAT DOES NOT MEAN THAT THOSE SENSATIONS WILL NOT BE EXPERIENCED!!!!

Here is a note from a Dentist Who uses Versed
I've used Versed 1000+ times during oral surgery procedures and I've never had a complaint. It's a miracle drug because it is safe and it causes you to not remember an unpleasant experience. My answer to him is isn't it better to have not experienced the pain than to have forgot it. No wonder you have had no complaints they have no memory of the procedure.....

I feel that giving a drug for amnesia is cruel I would not want it done to me!

A strange development in medical thinking that it's okay for a patient to have
pain as long as they don't remember it and think they slept thru the procedure..

Here is a link for some info

Is it possible to truly recover from child sexual abuse?

I'm not sure one "recovers" from any trauma in life, but instead has learned to survive it. The amount of affect it has on the individual depends on the age of the victim, the level of the abuse, i.e.. watching her undress to raping her, how long the abuse went on, was it a one time event or did it last throughout his/her childhood, who did the abuse, was it a family member that was a parent, grandfather, uncle, or a sibling. Did the sexual abuse occur outside the home for example by a neighbor or a stranger, a kidnapper, a teacher, or a priest. Was the victim able to tell someone? Was the abuse reported? Did the victim have to testify?  Was the victim believed by the family members and protected or was told he/she was a liar?  So you see, there are so many variables that are involved in the "recovering" from sexual abuse and each situation is unique.  Obviously, the sooner a child receives therapy after the event has occurred has a better chance of resolving some or most of the effects of the trauma, though once again this depends on the environment in which it occurred and the level of the sexual abuse.The same goes with an adult with the exception of time that may have caused many defenses that intrude with his/her personal self-identity and emotional health.  Some of these defenses are compartmentalizing, denial, and dissociation. Some of the actions can be self-medicating with alcohol or drugs, self-cutting, promiscuous behavior, suicidal ideation or actual attempts. The adult can have deep depression with little self-esteem, P.T.S.D. , eating disorders, anxiety, relationship difficulties to name a few.The treatment process can take some time during which the relationship of trust between the therapist and client is imperative for any work to begin.Again the prognosis depends on the above characteristics. All victims of sexual abuse have the potential to live a life of freedom from the effects of their past traumas. It is the understanding of the abuse, that the abuse wasn't their fault, that they have power over their bodies, that they are worthy of relationships and that they have learned to trust themselves to know who is trustworthy and who is not. All these things enable them to once again live a life without re-victimazing themselves  or doubting their reality of what had happened to them. They have become survivors.

Is it possible to feel so much hate for one person?

Yes, it is. I’ve asked myself that a lot because I was in a very similar position. I don’t like the saying that time heals all wounds but in some cases it’s almost true. I’d say:Never forget it, never trust that man again, learn your lesson.But learn to forgive. Not for his sake, but yours. It will take quite a while but eventually you will know that forgiveness is the key to a happy life. The anger will slowly fade away and some day you will only feel sorry for that man because of his miserable decisions.Until then, work. Do everything you can to make your life and that of your family better. It will build your character and discipline. Also, blaming other people (even if it’s really their fault) has never made people feel better themselves or gotten them anywhere.

Is it possible to have herpes and not have blisters?

Well let me tell you I was screwing around with a friend and I noticed a blister two days after having sex with him. He denied the fact that he had Herpes. I went to the doctors on the third day and was tested, day six my test results came back posotive after my doctor said it was definetely Herpes. When he tested my blood/sample he checked to see how long I had had it. Confirmed new case. The problem: My friend had never had a blister. NEVER had an outbreak on his penis or anywhere else for that matter. I hadn't been sexually active for three months prior so it had to be him. I argued with him until he finally went to the doctors. Confirmed!!!! His results showed positive and has had it for a period of time. He was what they call an asymptomatic viral shedder. He can pass it but may never have an outbreak. These are the worst because they may never know they have it.

Don't feel so bad: I was 27 when I got it. It took me 27 years to get my first STD. Not to bad but, as you get older the more suseptability you have towards Herpes, than any other STD. Think about this. One in Six have a form of Herpes.

Of those people imagine how many hold their penis' when they go to the bathroom and then don't wash their hands?

As for women? Women most often cannot feel the herpes blisters that can be inside their vagina. These sores can be all the way up on the cervix. The only ones that tend to be affected by pain are the ones that are rubbed by underwear or when urine passes on the open sores.

If you are urinating and that is burning because it is passing on a sore that is normal for Herpes sufferers.

However if you are urinating and the pee is burning as it is coming out of your urethra then that is a different STD that you need to get checked for.

And go to another doctor. Doctors often get the GOD complex and under or misdiagnose many illnesses. By all means if you still think you have it asymptomatic or classical Herpes get tested by blood. Demand a copy of the results. If your doctor didn't do the blood test then they shouldn't be licensed.

What happens when an INFJ snaps because of feeling used and/or not taken seriously by a lover and people closest to them and has so much anger that they literally feel cold toward everyone and everything?

Snap is not a fitting term.An INFJ will clearly express the problem multiple times. Not once, not twice, but well over a reasonable number of times to communicate that something is not okay for them in the relationship. They will leave the problem at the feet of the other person in the relationship to respond to. If their issue is repeatedly dismissed and no attempt to remedy is observed, then the INFJ will accept the other person's response as not wanting to resolve the issue and understand the relationship to be over.There is no "snap". It is a looooong drawn out process. It can go on for years….even decades.But at the point where an INFJ walks away from a relationship, it is done and over and the separation is swift and absolute. It's not vengeful. It's respectful of the other person's decision. There's zero manipulation, because a relationship with coercion is no relationship at all. They just move on.And it's not that they are pure cold logic ~ the embodiment of an emotionless Vulcan. They hurt deeply and to the very core of their being, but if the other person has resolved to stop being appropriately engaged in the relationship, then shy of resorting to manipulation, (which is out of the question) all that is available to do is to continue loving that person by respecting their decision and moving on with one's life.

Is it possible to have a good marriage when one person is a narcissist?

Yes, it can be, if you don’t set your expectations too high. It also depends on the degree of narcissism affecting the individual in question. Some people with NPD are very high-functioning intellectually and very low on the NPD spectrum. Sometimes these persons can be good mates, although there will likely still be occasional problems.You need to know upfront, if you are contemplating marriage to a diagnosed narcissist, that they don’t understand love the way you do. People with NPD don’t actually feel love for another person. They are able to go through the motions, but you will eventually know it isn’t real. More likely they will care about you from the standpoint of what you do for THEM and how you make THEM feel. But don’t expect it to be a two-way street.There are a number of other bizarre personality traits that are criteria for diagnosing NPD. You can look them up online. Use the DSM criteria, NOT the various half-baked articles you’re likely to find.People get married for all kinds of reasons, and sometimes love is the least of their concerns. You need to know what you want and expect from marriage, and you need to discuss those needs with the person you intend to marry to make sure he (or she) feels the same way regarding most issues. This should be standard procedure for anyone planning to get married, although often it isn’t.In general, I would say marriage to a diagnosed narcissist isn’t a very good idea if you want reciprocated love, a solid commitment, and a good environment for raising children.

How do I avoid being used and abused?

I’ll take a wild guess that you’ve already been used and abused, would that be right?If it’s been going on since childhood and you haven’t dealt with your feelings about it then you need to start to address them and do some healing work, possibly get some help to do so. Until you do there will still be a vulnerability in you that some people will find easy to spot and take advantage of.If on the other hand it only started to happen when you were an adult, it will have something to do with the way you think and feel or present yourself. You might want to try to become more aware when meeting someone and be more cautious about who you chose to get involved with. Be sure to set your boundaries and make them clear to anyone who steps over them or you think might. Don’t allow yourself to get talked or enticed into doing anything you don’t want to. In other words don’t automatically trust everyone.You can also learn from your past experiences by asking yourself some questions.Firstly it would be a good idea to look back and try to remember what you were thinking and feeling when you first got involved with them. Did a little voice in you know something wasn’t quite right and tried to tell you and do you regret not listening to it? And what was it about you that they saw that made them think they could take advantage of you?I hope this helps.

Is it possible that a narcissist has the ability to love to a certain extent?

Any thing is possible or that's what I like to think.I don't think they really understand love like most do. If there was child abuse in their lives then they really can't recognize real love as sad as that is. They can love as much as their concept of love will let them but their concept of it is messed up. You don't know what you don't know. The same can be said about what you feel. You can't feel something that you have never really felt before. That's a sad reality. I think when it comes to raising children we need to realize if your parents are narcissist then that's what we know and live. I imagine breaking that pattern is very hard. I think if we want to see less narcissist in the world ( because l see it getting much worse) we need to acknowledge it and work to understand it more. To try and reach young parents and work with them. Good parenting is learned for the most part. Children of narcissist were never taught how to be a good parent their lessons come from self serving parents. These were not parents willing to do without so their children could have.Education is the thing that changes what needs to be changed. So l will continue to educate whoever feels the need to listen. If l had been educated l would not have spent three years in hell trying to figure out what happened and who did it to me but mostly why. I know all that now. It does not take away the pain but l know l was not to blame now and that does help me. These sites teach and we need to teach what we have been taught now.