Is It Possible Theirs Life In A Different Universe

Is it likely that in a different universe, Newton's Laws would still be valid?

Much has been said about how remarkably fine-tuned the many laws of physics and constants to have provided for such an universe we're familiar with today. But astrophysicists also think and speak of "multi-verses", where other universes can and have existed with a different set of laws of physics and constants. Nonetheless, how likely is it that Newton's Laws would prevail in most or many of them, even as other things such as particle (both fermions and bosons) masses and properties should be different? Could it be that Newton's Laws, like weeds, just crop up nearly everywhere? A much harder question: What would be some of the necessary conditions for Newton's Laws to "thrive"?

This is just a free-for-all question, I'd like some opinions on this speculative subject. There are no right or wrong answers.

How would the universe be different if massive stars did not explode at the ends of their lives?

The extreme energy released in supernovae actually destroys the nuclei of atoms, causing heavier elements to reform and dispersing them throughout the universe. Before supernovae, the only three elements in the universe were hydrogen, helium, and lithium. More stable elements like carbon and oxygen that are necessary for life were created by them, and without them, we could not exist.

If time travel is possible, would our universe be in the first and original timeline and no one from the other timelines would be able to interfere?

If time traveling: WAS, IS or WILL BE, possible.Was: there's a possibility we're the original, but more probable to say not likely.IS: probable to say that we're the original, yet a slight chance we're not.Will be: the answer is obviously, yes we're the original.If we're the original, then our timeline is unchanged, except the disappearance of matter into an alternate universe/ timeline. Now to say someone couldn't track the original journey of the matter & replace it in the continued original timeline, I don't have that answer?Is time travel possible?I believe the power of the mind, our memories are the only time machine. Sure we can go back & observe. However if we rewrite our own history, that'll cause irreparable damage to how our present, perceives experiences of our lives. Which can change & influence our own future. People hear a song, or smell something familiar & it takes them back to a memory like a time machine. PTSD, schizophrenic, bipolar, & the like, have broken time machines. If a person convinces themselves & believes they are reliving a similar past experience but rewrite it, they'll consciously run out the scenario, which the outcome could be harm or death to familiar people. If they have broken the link to reality they could feel; depressed, guilty, vengeful, angry & more, then truly believe that it's reality & act on it. Or say in the past someone read a book & it caught their attention. They would day dream about being a character in the story, living out a fantasy. If later in life their time machine dropped them off during the day dream, & broke, consciously they believe they are that character. Stuck in an alternate 'timeline', parallel to reality. Their Original (lives) universe is destroyed.

When you die, is it possible to reincarnate as a different race?

For instance, is it possible for a Black person to reincarnate as a White person in their next life after they died? And vise versa?

Or could you only reincarnate as the same race as you are today? Because when I watch T.V shows about reincarnation, the people who remembered their past lives almost always seem to be the same race as they were before.

But one time there WAS a half-white and half-Asian guy who was a full White in his past life, so I'm assuming it's possible to reincarnate as a totally different race in your next life...

So yeah, what do you think about this?

**Don't answer if you don't believe in reincarnation, thanks!**

Is it possible to be reincarnated on a different planet?

In general people who start out on this planet stay until they have finished the process.However, in my work, I come across people who have come here from other planets. These planets seem to always be from within this galaxy with a planet in the Sirius star system being a common origin.There are many “extraterrestrials” incarnating on Earth right now to help the planet move to a higher plane. The planet is growing out of the strife ridden existence we have been dealing with for so long into a more peaceful, cooperative way of existence. Anyone who refuses to make this jump will not be allowed to reincarnate until the planet is ready to deal with them and can help them grow out of their negativity and willfulness.Any number of these “extraterrestrials” are aware of who they are and why they are here. I find these rare conversations with these people fascinating. Others need to be told what’s going on. All are very psychic. All are energetic and enthusiastic.Most of my clients are “normal” people who are simply working out their karma and progressing in their development. Most people who come to me are having problems so that is what I deal with. Aliens are generally pretty much at peace with their situation although they are sometimes a little baffled about life on Earth. I am aware of three races that are incarnating on Earth right now. One is here to observe, two to help us, all are benevolent. There is some risk in this work because they can become karmically ensnared on Earth and unable to return home.Some of the aliens are working to advance our technology. Elon Musk is an example. He is from a race with an aggressive, combative past. The other predominant race is a peaceful, cooperative race. Both are here to help so when they discuss their work they frame it in the context of helping mankind and will often freely share the technology at no charge. They are generally strong family people.Many are working to heal our social institutions. They are in Congress although have trouble having an impact. Congress is a special problem but there are plans in place to deal with it and eventually it will heal. Many are working in our large corporations, in the military, in the environmental movement, the Religious Right. The Religious Right is another problem venue. Most are in the US, especially Washington, but there are a few in the mideast, Russia, Africa.

It is possible that other alien civilizations living in another universe would develop completely different geometries (on different axioms) used to describe their world?

Hi Josh, possibly but we’re only just grappling with dark matter so your question is perhaps a bit premature. The more we discover and prove, the more we realise how little we know. And then theres the information which is being purposely hidden from the world especially regarding extra terrestrials. Would we but understand that dark matter is the key to understanding life and people on all the other planets, or moons in the case of the gas giants, of our Solar System. Suffice to say that we are the least evolved planet, apart from Pluto, and that our elder Solar brothers and sisters have much to show and teach us, to the detriment of those who currently hold power. Who would want fossil fuel when the energy that enables instantaneous travel is available?The Law however means that we must invite/welcome our Solar brothers to our planet. They will not interfere or participate publicly without consent.They may use contactees who consent to forward info and advice for humanity. Our Elder Brothers Return is a link to contactee books over the decades.Thanks, Mike

Is it possible that atoms are tiny universes, whose quarks are billions of galaxies? And our universe is an atom to infinitely larger universes?

Interesting Question.  It ~is~ possible but then again we know from astrophysics (thank you Hawking) that "Black holes have no hair" (lol in french).  This amounts to essentially them being elementary particles. This sentiment was echoed by Brian Green in his famous book the Elegant Universe* and it's more interesting equal The Fabric of Spacetime*  Thinking about the rubber sheet analogy, we discover that falling into a black hole puts one "outside" the universe. This is because the spacetime curvature becomes infinite--perpendicular to the undisturbed "grid" of deep, empty space, meaning that this hole (2D) extends to the very end of the universe itself (there's some reasons* why we will make the assumption it is in fact finite, even though the question presumes that). If we add in the appropriate dimension giving us three we find that it's just a giant void, and you invert from being inside the universe to going outside, smashed on a small patch of the boundary of the universe.  The Holographic Principle states that all the information about this black hole is encoded on it's surface, and they have used this same thinking to apply to the entire universe. It's a big theoretical questions to understand the boundary conditions of the universe, one that may never be solved.But the important takeaway is that there is an unusual relationship to the universe as a whole and black holes, which we have already established are just bizarre gargantuan elementary particles. So... what if the universe is just a giant electron or neutrino?++ Important Disclaimer: Not a Physicist++*inks to come soon

Is it possible to meet your alternate self in a parallel universe?

Interestingly there are people like Burt Goldman who has spent his entire life exploring and teaching others about this possibility through a program called ‘Quantum Jumping‘. He believes that there are certain methods we can use to ‘get in touch’ with alternate versions of ourselves and get inspired to change and to acquire those traits which our parallel self possesses. Imagine for example meeting the explorer version of yourself or the best-selling book author. What would you learn? What aspects of his or her personality would you like to brush off on you?Fantastical as it may sound, I do have an inner conviction that there is so much potential to discover about shifting our consciousness and realities we still know little or nothing about. Just look at the way we sometimes get stuck in a flat reality with little possibilities on the horizon. We then make a shift in consciousness – our reality and the way we experience changes completely. Our horizons expand and we start seeing opportunities we weren’t seeing before. We get energized and start doing things we never thought possible. This seems like literally quantum jumping to another version of our self. What makes this shift? What makes us jump? How did we bend our reality? These questions are definitely important and ones we should keep on asking. Let’s keep on talking about this possibilities and as the saying goes – Give yourself a chance to be yourself….or perhaps other versions of yourself.