Is It Possible To Become An Animator Afterwards Even With A Film And Video Production Degree

How to create a 2d animation ?

Depending on the complexity of the animation and where it will be used, it depends. Assuming you're talking about an animation for the web, the easiest way to produce simple animations is by creating several frames of a GIF file. Adobe Photoshop / ImageReady / Illustrator is the standard software used, and is great for a million other things as well. But anything capable of creating GIFs should allow you to create animations.

For more complex web animations, esp. interactive ones, you may need to use Flash. Pick up Macromedia Flash Studio for that (though Adobe has bought Macromedia too, so it's all bundled now anyway). It isn't cheap but it's a good investment for any image related work.

Can I become an animator even if I can't draw?

This depends on the type of animation. Most animation done commercially is computer generated, ie.. all PIXAR films, DISNEY films most Cartoons and short films. Not all but most. To be a good animator (CG) you need a sense of timing and staging. You can learn the principles of good animation, such as lines of motion, correct timing to convey weight and speed - all without being a good natural drawer.Don’t let the notion of drawing stop you. Animation is motion and timing as much as art and drawing, for example stop frame animation is very much performed by animators, be that computer assisted stop frame or just old school stop frame. (BTW there are programs for your iphone for stop frame so there is no limits on making your own films). At the high end animators use programs such as Maya for animation, and while maths helps enormously, just like drawing - it is not a requirement, and the skills needed to be successful can be learnt.I would focus on developing your ‘eye’. Which means noticing what can convey emotion, what timing is funny, what pause is sad… these are the gift of a true animator (IMHO)mike

After civil engineering how can I join in animation like vfx or ilm?

If you are doing Civil Engineering, you could parlay that experience in VFX for making digital assets such as buildings and cityscapes, etc. You already have an 'in,' doing what you do, if you can learn to do simple matte paintings/projections, using light geometry and photography (and/or with photogrammetry), you will do just fine! I know a friend who did just that for a few years in L.A. Since he knew how to actually design/draft buildings, he was very valuable not just in modeling, but research, and later in Dynamics (for destruction scenes, etc. -- even digital ones need to be rigged to break apart in stylistic ways).Since there are usually such scenes of destruction in most major blockbusters, or the need for matte paintings (for myriad reasons) to change/cover up a section of the frame, you'll almost always be in demand for something. You just have to learn how to maintain detail with the lowest poly count, and use shaders to their maximum efficacy, for the VFX pipeline.Also, not unlike video-games, learning how to do LOD (level of detail) asset switching, with a simple script about what is closest to the camera, will also be an immense benefit.After some features and references, you can always branch out into another department if you feel like that niche is getting too stale for you.Other than that, I would just suggest making some friends and networking at mixers (or online) for VFX/TV/CINEMA. Offer to do a free shot here or there for an indie, music video, commercial, etc. Anything that won't take too much from your time at your main job for now.You can then cobble those shots into a mini-reel. Honestly, 60s is enough time to showcase whether or not you can do photorealistic architectural renderings. Attach a resume/link, and keep knocking on doors until someone says 'yes.'Good luck! - Alejandro

Any Good free video editing software!?

I have a show on YouTube called Our Mermaid Secret, and I REALLY need a video editing software that I could use to edit an episode to make it look like I have water powers! the software HAS TO BE FREE!!! anyone know of any good ones!? THANKS!!

When is the release date for Super Mario World the cartoon series on DVD? I can't find it on line anywhere.

Super Mario 3 recently came out on DVD. I'm not looking for that one. There is a cartoon series after that called Super Mario World. I believe it had a total of 13 episodes. Anyone heard anything about it, like when will it be on DVD? Your knowledge is very much appreciated.

Best Jobs for A Computer Science Major & Film Enthusiast?

Hi Matthew! This site lists the highest paying jobs in the film industry, and some of those include computers/technology, such as film and video editors and multimedia artists and animators. You can read more about those fields on these sites. Good luck! :)

Film Production:

Computer Animation:

Multimedia Design:

Good luck with your choice! :)