Is It Possible To Control Elements Such As Fire Water

Is it possible to control elements?

i want to know. is it possible to control the elements (fire, water, earth, air, and spirit) in small quantities using magick? for example: lighting a candle, levitatings a drop of water...etc.

no negative comments and no swearing or cussing

Is it possible to control the 4 elements?

Avatar fan - eh.

Yes : We can - in a way -
Earth - Some Scientific Achievements involving Earth
- the Peabody Mine -
- Or here -

Fire - Here's some fire-action for you
- Plasma Furnace -
- If you're looking for actual personal fire benders I guess the closest you're going to get is here -

Air - Wind and the things in it
Turbines -
Planes -

Water -
- Lake Mead -
- Bellagio Fountains -

I'm more impressed when we combine the elements to do our bidding
- Shuttle -
- Or a trip around the neighborhood -

Is it possible to control elements such as fire, water?

is it possible to control things such as water, fire, electricity, wind, with your hands or mind I heard of telekenesis and pyrokenesis and electrokenesis but I don't think I believe it's possible I dunno can anyone here tell me please thank you!

What is the most useful element to control: earth, water, fire, or air?

I have watched Avatar: The Last Air Bender and Avatar: The Legend of Korra at least 3 times completely and I have an idea of what you are talking about. I want to make a point here and that is...Unlike Water (Liquid State), Earth (Solid State) and Air (Gaseous state) FIRE is not an element. It's pure form of energy.Now coming to the point.Fire cannot exist without Oxygen/Air (Basic Science), so Fire is eliminated compared to Air.  Earth can turn into Molten form (like the one shown in Legend of Korra) but it can never turn into gaseous form. So, pretty much Earth has a weakness.Water can be turned in to a solid (Ice), Liquid (Water) and also gas (Vapour). Pretty much water has a great advantage. Also Water can put off fire. Air can't be converted either into Liquid or Solid. (Although you can, pretty much hard process.)For General Science - I would say Water wins the Competition.For Real Science - Fire can never lose. Energy can never be destroyed.My Conscience - We cannot live without Air. So it wins.where on the Earth would you fight with all these powers of controlling elements. On the moon? Or the Mars? Or is that considered as Space Earth? (Like how Sokka describes it to Toph). Or in the Real Space where you don't have any elements. It's pretty much meaningless.According to General Iroh (my guru),It's the four elements together that make up the life.70% of the Human body is Water. The remaining part is solid and hence its finer atoms from Earth. Without Air you wouldn't survive. And it's the Fire in you that is your life. Without any of these you wouldn't survive. So, Stop comparing them for a better one because there ain't one and become the Avatar and support all the four of them and maintain balance in Life.Peace out.

I need a list of possible elements for magic?

I'm writing a story in which every character has power with a different element. So, I'd like a list of as many such elements as possible - from anything as broad as air/earth/water/fire to as restricted as... I dunno, slugs. Point is, please, give me anything and everything you can think of!

What are you called if you can control this element?

My friend and I are writing a novel called Guardians, and an important part in the story is that there are eight guardians that are given an element to use and manipulate in order to protect the world. The only problem is, I want to use a technical term for each of them. Such as if one could control ice, they are called, I believe, a Cyrokinetic. So, if there is a name for someone that controls these elements, please tell me! The eight elements are:


If you know any of these, or any else for that matter, like controlling woods, or clouds, or fog, or absolutely anything that has to do with elements of any kind, please tell me! Thanks, and good luck! ;D

Can I control elements with your hands?

Is it possible to control water/fire/air and earth with your hands? :/ Please dont rage at me i just wanted to know :P I heard you can control clouds with your hands....

Which would you rather be able to control/create (fire, earth, water, air)?

Water.Oh, come on!You people don’t remember that scene? Baby Moana and her awesome ocean friend scene?Because honestly, this is the coolest thing. She got to explore a section of the ocean like it was a freaking aquarium, didn’t even have to leave land to do it, and she didn’t potentially drown from it.That’s awesome.Who hasn’t wanted to turn the ocean into their own personal, adjustable aquarium since that? See what’s beyond the initial depths ourselves without running the risk of being crushed?That’s every ocean-based profession’s dream.There’s also the bonus of it making a pretty decent method of travel, if you can figure out how to bend it in just the right way so some supports and carries while the rest clears from the direct path.And you could even make a pretty neat super-villain hideaway while you’re doing the travel thing. Just clear away a patch, build, and then flood over it. Since it’s tucked away in the middle of the ocean, you’ve certainly got a reliable defense mechanism already in place against unwanted intruders, and it’d only be a mild hindrance to yourself in the long run.Not to mention all those irritating water-based disasters, such as floods or the occasional rogue wave. Even if it’s just to keep dry after getting caught in the rain without an umbrella, or some form of waterproof gear. Those would be no match while you’re keeping your fantastic water manipulation abilities around.You could do so much.

If you could master one of the four elements (air, earth, fire, or water) what would you pick, and why?

Let’s go with peak abilities for each element, to make it more interesting.Fire—While it would be amazing to be able to fly on my own rocket power, I’m 100% certain I would be a huge safety hazard and spend most of whatever money I could earn on infrastructure repair. As for pure power, us humans are already really good at blowing stuff up. Side benefit—you’ll almost never be cold.Pictured: A citation waiting to happen.Air—While it would be very cool to fly, this element also has a few additional perks. Cooling off food; never having to worry about heights; able to hold your breath for extremely long periods of time; removing odors form a room. Additionally, it’s far less likely I’d be destroying everything in sight.Pictured: A time before FAA regulations.Water—Now this one is pretty useful. Don’t have to worry about drowning great fun at parties; can make money with ice sculpting. More possible damage than an airbender, but you more than make up with it in pure modern usefulness.Pictured: A hastily made construction backdropped by amazing feats of technical skill.Earth—This one doesn’t let you fly, and it doesn’t control the element of life, but it wins my pick by far. This is because of all the bending abilities, earthbending is by far the most ridiculous when looked at on a modern scale. The construction aspects alone are mind-boggling.Pictured: Trained earthbenders dismantling a massive wall in sections.This wall is 100m tall. With a lowball estimate on both density and size of each section, we have 45000 metric tons per “slice”.Assuming a master is roughly the level of 5–10 trained earthbenders, you could make quite the penny by excavating precious metals, shoring up foundations, or building structures either above or below ground.Pictured: The finesse of a master bender.Bonus: benders—especially fire and earth benders—are ridiculously durable, able to take blows that cripple, maim, or kill other people.You’re pretty much set whatever you choose, but earth is the choice for me.