Is It Possible To Intentionally Cause A Terminal Disease And How

Can you cause a terminal illness?

I can't really think of anything definitive off the top of my head.

One possibility is hemolytic anemia caused by horse chestnuts. I have no idea if this is possible, but I think horse chestnuts are poisonous because they contain a sort of detergent molecule that causes red blood cells to rupture, to lyse. The idea would be that the person was secretly dosing themselves with low levels of horse chestnuts, causing red blood cell lysis, which would be diagnosed as a hemolytic anemia of unknown origin.

The person would be weak, tired, easily made breathless, etc. Stopping taking the drug/nuts would allow recovery, and they could titrate the dose to give more or less symptoms as they wanted. Upping the dose would make the disease worse, and bring her to death's door in an "anemic crisis," but there would be a danger of overdose and actual death - which could add tension to your story. There would probably also be a risk of long term liver or kidney damage, leading to cancer or to organ failure, since they would be detoxifying the drug/nut as well as coping with the ruptured RBCs, which might work as the long term retribution due to one who spent her life lying . . .

You'll have to do a bit of reading and research, but there might be something to work with there.

BTW: Have you heard of Münchausen syndrome? It is a strange mental condition where people fake illnesses very effectively. This leads to lots of unnecessary medical interventions, including surgeries. It sounds like your character is acting in a bit of the same way - effectively faking a disease - but for more conniving reasons than a Münchausen syndrome patient might. The reason I bring it up is because if you can find a good book or article about Münchausen syndrome, it would probably list some of the diseases that they fake. That would give you some candidate diseases to think about for your story, if the horse chestnut idea doesn't seem workable.


List, Symptoms & Causes of Terminal Illnesses?

Scroll through some of these sites which give symptoms of diseases

Do you think if everyone was intentionally misdiagnosed with a terminal disease at some early point in their lives and then got revealed the true result of diagnosis without knowing this is done to everyone, we would have a better society?

No.Lying to everybody and traumatizing everybody is not a good idea for improving the society. Lying for the greater good is a strategy used by dictators and cult leaders. And usually dictators and cult leaders don’t improve the world.You will create a general spirit of defiance toward medicine, leading to many medical problems.You will also cause many suicides (suicides linked to terminal illness are common).Suicides create pain for families, friends and coworkers. They create depression, they harm economy and they can broke families.

What is a terminal disease or illness that causes a slow and painful death in around 2 years?

Untreated AIDS, cancer, drug resistant TB. Mad cow disease takes a few months. There's FOB, but it can take up to 40 years, but is particularly gruesome. Amyloidoisis takes a few years untreated.

Is it possible to voluntarily induce a heart attack in yourself? How?

A2AA heart attack is a loss of blood flow to the heart resulting in the death of the heart muscle. In order to induce a heart attack, it would be necessary to somehow block blood flow to the heart. You know how commercials for erectile dysfunction medications say "Don't take this medication if you take nitrates for chest pain?" Here's why: Nitrates (Nitroglyecerin) work by causing systemic vasodilation. Chest pain, or angina, is caused by restricted blood flow to the heart causing oxygen deprivation in the tissues, but not enough to result in tissue death. Taking nitroglycerin will help to dilate your coronary arteries, which supply the heart muscle with blood, and hopefully it will create a larger opening through the partial blockage of the artery so your heart gets the blood it needs. ED meds work the same way, because they were also initially designed to treat angina. Viagra was developed as a heart medication, and it was discovered to have the side effect of inducing an erection due to the altered blood flow. Taking an ED medication and Nitroglycerin together results in massive systemic vasodilation, effectively reducing your blood pressure to practically nothing. Having such a low blood pressure could reduce blood flow to your heart so much that you have a heart attack. Realistically, though, you'd be likely to have a stroke as well because the blood vessels in the brain do not have valves to keep blood in place, and having a good blood pressure is necessary to perfuse the brain.

What terminal illnesses can be faked?

Let's start off: I'm writing a story where one character fakes a terminal illness. She is able to fool all of her doctors. Perhaps she takes something that gives her the symptoms of the disease.

It's very important that the disease does not affect her mind, and that she can pull off faking it for 5-10 years.

Cancer is out because it would be easy to disprove. AIDS/HIV are also out, as it doesn't work with my story. Preferably, the disease she is faking is not contagious.

Ideally, it's something that would require her to spend a lot of time in hospitals/health care facilities.


Is depression an incurable illness?

Yes, Until now is.Depression is a chronic illness that do not have a cure.But can be treated and controlled.Depression is a weakness in some glands of your brain and the limbic system.They are linked with your emotions and affect you ability to feel good and energy.I wold like to say that people who born without the predisposition will never get Depression, but is possible to weaken you body with an strong inflammation that affect your limbic system or cancer.Depression comes with a light delusional state that usually comes with fear of being socially reject, send to a mental institution, abandoned by the loved ones and that depression will disappear reaching a goal, like a dream job and launch a book. If a people with depression feel to be crazy can have sure, because believe in those kind of thing is madness.Everybody who fight for a goal in the hope to magically vanish the depression jut end guilt for trowing so much time and effort in a meaningless pursuit.Exercises and eating properly can weak a lot the symptoms, also with the right medication can totally disappear.Also stay away from anything who trigger the depression.Many people overcome depression living in a controlled environment without nothing to trigger.Also you can train your mind to not care and have happy thoughts.Exercises, heath food, environment without triggers, train your mind and medicines.That weak the symptoms and whit a lot of people end for good.Some people dont end, but those are the ones who need the most.But take care, because can come back.

Is it illegal to deliberately give someone your illness?

You could get sued for a ton of money.

Paintballing and blood thinners...??

I'm 36 years old, white male. My nephew is having a bday party at a paintball place and I REALLY REALLY want to play b/c I love playing and I'm the "cool" uncle to all my nieces/nephews BUT last year (August) I was put on blood thinners b/c I now have a stint put in my heart (hereditary). Would it be OK to get shot a couple times (or 20) without damaging any tissue in my body or damaging anything else?? Yes, I know those bruises won't heal for a couple weeks, at least, but I think it's worth it, the wife doesn't but she's a girly girl, I'm not! :-)