Is It Possible To Loose 20 Pounds In 1 Week

Is it possible to lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks?

ok so you are definitely overweight. but dont worry.
first thing to focus on: diet.
drink a glass of water with every meal. one when you wake up, one with breakfast, one with lunch, one with dinner, and two glasses of ice water before you go to sleep. i know it sounds like a lot, and it is, but it really helps. keep up counting carbs. the body uses carbs as energy, so if there are less carbs, then the body will eventually have to resort to burning fat for energy. meat and veggies are VERY low in carbs. also, it doesnt matter when you are eating if your eating crap either way. so its better to eat a salad at 9pm rather than a big mac at 6pm. also, its better to eat smaller meals more often than 3 big meals. if you eat a small nutritious snack every 2 or 3 hours, it will keep your metabolism going. but that doesnt mean having potato chips and pretzels and cookies for snacks is better than having a salad for lunch and no snacks. also, before meals, try eating a handful of almonds. almonds make you feel full quicker and are also healthy. but dont go crazy eating almonds.

next is exercise:
cardio, cardio, cardio. learn to love running. running sheds weight all over the body. but that means more than 1 hour of cardio per week. you should be doing cardio for at least 45 minutes 4-5 times a week. you can start with 3-4, but if you want to lose 20 its gonna be REALLY hard. i know it sucks to hear it, but its true. that also means that the first time you run a few miles you will feel good about yourself and you will also feel that its ok to eat badly the rest of the day. NO. NEVER. NOT HAPPENING.

right now what you wrote looks like you are trying to sound like a weight loss guru and nothings working for you. no. if you did what you described above, you wouldnt see any progress.

so remember a few things:
2. moderation is key. everything is good in moderation. so dont eat a family sized bag of chips, eat a 100 calorie pack of organic popcorn (none of that movie theatre ****)
3. make a schedule, it will be easier to follow
4. find motivation. find a workout partner.


Is it possible to lose 20 pounds in 2 months?


In fact, I lost 40 pounds in 40 days! (Though, your results may vary because each person, commitment level, and environment is different).

Cardio does help and "not dieting" also helps. To be honest, your best response to losing weight fast is to reduce fat's purpose in your body.

You see, fat isn't bad - it's actually saving your life! Fat is used by your body to protect your organs and tissues from excess acid build up in your body - reduce your acid, increase your alkalinity and watch the fat melt away!

There are some great fat burning foods that will help you lose weight! Additionally, properly performed cardio and some well designed mid section exercises can really tone up your waist.

Good luck!

Is it possible to lose 20 pounds in 6 months?

Oh yes, definitely. You can actually lose 20 lbs. in 2 months, if you'll focus and work hard on it, just like the boxers do. Just get on a low carb, high protein diet and exercise regularly, at least 4 times a week for 1 hour. Start with cardio exercises e.g. running or brisk walking, threadmill, stationary bike or stairclimber then slowly incorporate progressive resistance training, i.e. weights to build some muscle as you lose your fats.

Is it possible to lose 20 pounds per month ?

It might be possible with a demanding workout and diet.

I lost 15lbs within a month, but that is somewhat normal for everyone.
How I lost it was by hitting the gym for an hour and a half at least 3 times a week and eating a proper diet. I NEVER starved myself, in fact, I ate 3-4 square meals a day and a snack.

So, just go workout and work your body. Muscles usually burn energy from fat in order to repair themselves, which is why the saying muscle burns the most fat. Also, do cardio AND weight training when you work out.

As for nutrition, the best advice I can give you is eat a high fiber breakfast and high fiber everything. It keeps you fuller longer. For breakfast, i usually eat 2 eggs, 2 slices of whole wheat high fiber bread, and high fiber cereal with skim or lowfat milk. I usually eat this at 10am and the next time i'll feel hungry is around 3 or 4 pm. Then i eat a high fiber snack (a slice of wheat bread with all natural peanut butter) just to get me along to dinner.
Also, eat more and more spicy foods, its proven that it will boost your metabolism.
Eat high protein foods too one hour after you stop working out. Your body absorbs the MOST protein then.
If your excercise is rigorous and u do it at most 5 times a week and you eat fewer calories than you are supposed to, then you will lose the most weight you can within the month. I think 20lbs is possible for people.

here's a chart on how to measure how much calories you should be eating daily; eat below it and you will lose weight for sure

For men: RMR = (1.4 or 1.5 depends on your activeness) x (66 + (12.7 x height) + (6.27 x weight) – (6.8 x age))
For women: RMR = 655 + (4.57 x height) + (4.36 x weight) – (4.7 x age)
Example: A 190-lb male, 6’0” tall, 28 yrs old, very active
Daily caloric requirements for weight maintenance =
1.5 x (66 + (12.7 x 72) + (6.27 x 190) – (6.8 x 28)) = 2972 calories/day

How can you lose 20 pounds in a week?

You can lose up to about 20 pounds in one week. You can do it even without hitting a gym. However it is recommended that you do this within at least 3 weeks for health reasons. I have done it however.Here’s some info about a supplement that helped me lose 100 pounds in 5 months. The formula it uses helps you to not crave any junk food and helps your body speed up your metabolism to 1 lb a day loss in fat.Here it is…SkinnyworldHere's how you can do it-Strong determination-First of all,you need to have a very strong will power to lose weight.Promise yourself that you will not going to back out,whatever be the condition.Now that you have attained a strong will power,you can go through the steps below.Run-Wake up in the morning,put on your shoes and RUN!!Run as much as you can.If you cannot run,walk briskly.Running increases your metabolic activity and also burns fat.Make a chart- Note down the duration of your run time.Try to increase the duration on daily basis.Start with 15 min of running twice a day(Morning and evening).Cardio-Start with Air Squats.Start with 20,twice daily.Note: It might hurt your legs badly initially,but slowly you will get accustomed to it. DON'T QUIT!! Then move to Push Ups.Do as much as you can initially and increase the sets and repetition.Diet-You have got to watch what you eat.Do's-1- Eat carbs,fruits,vegetables.2- Drink protein shakes after cardio.3-Drink more and more water.4- Switch to nuts.Include Supplements. One of the Best Supplements out there that has a clinical formula for losing up to 10 lbs a week is Skinnyworld Weight Transformation. Be careful though as this can put too much pressure on the body long term.Dont's-1- Stop eating fast foods such as pizza's,burger.They contain ample calories to make you bulge.2-Don't eat too much at one time.Eat small meals to boost your metabolism.3-Avoid butter,milk and other dairy products.Also avoid rice.4- Take small meal at dinner.TRY THE ABOVE PLAN AND LET ME KNOW IF IT HAD WORKED!How can you lose weight (up to 10 lbs in one week)

Can I lose 20 pounds in 3 weeks?

20 pounds in 3 weeks is very very hard, eat right and exercise a lot.

One thing that works for me is: before I eat, I drink a large glass of water, then if I'm still hungry, I won't eat as much as I would have.

also, fyi:

1 pound = 3500 calories.

If you burn more calories than you eat, you will lose weight.

ie, if you eat 2000 calories per day and burn 2500, you will lose 1 pound every week.

the average person burns 1500-2000 calories per day, just being alive.

powerwalking can burn 200-500 calories per hour.
exercise bike can burn 200-600 calories per hour.
swimming can burn 100-800 calories per hour.
jogging/running can burn 300-1200 calories per hour.

*********VERY IMPORTANT************

when trying to lose weight, very important to drink lots and lots of water ! ! !
You should drink at least 10 glasses per day, like 1 glass every hour !

This helps your body get rid of the fat when you are burning calories.

How do i lose 20 pounds in 1 week?

Well, I get that question a lot from many people I help.

I'll eventually tell you how to lose more weight in a healthy way and maintain it for many years.

In the mean time, here is how to lose weight quickly.
First, eat a small portion 6 times a day, every three hours.

Second, drink lots of water- 8 glasses a day.

Third, cut down on soda and switch to diet soda or even water.

Fourth, do NOT skip breakfast.

Fifth, eat lean meat such as chicken and turkey.

Sixth, do not eat within two hours before going to bed.

Seventh, carry healthy snacks such as fruits and baby carrots.

Eighth, start running 30 minutes a day, 5 times a week.

Last, sleep at least 8 hours day. Lack of sleep makes you eat more.

If you have any more questions,
ASK me on MY Blog,
I'll answer as much as possible.

Good luck.